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Everything posted by scovron

  1. first instal no steam copy of l4d than create any account on steam get idont_remember_name.dll and put it in engine directory :] ofc you can use also hamachi :) than you just play LAN game :D
  2. from the screen you can say that this isnt third party program :P its working probably with keyboard and mouse hooks :P
  3. with EFG in avatar nope you're not pro :P go "an hero" on topic yeah game totaly rox played with friends like with ventrillo or teamspek but in singleplayer it sucks hard. about dead space :P its just boring
  4. reupload mate coz links are dead :/
  5. Loled xD yeah this is the one :P some mod should edit Peanuts post
  6. heh its simple macrobot:] for dualboxed buffer ty for share and imo its not detectable coz its working on aplication not with (like walker for example)
  7. http://www.ipligence.com and http://freeonlineusers.com/ imo is simple count and tell user site (not much about html:P if you want to have good site just try making your own counter in jsp/php/java or any other lang you want
  8. it is better :P even if funkcionality is nearly the same win7 > xp coz of how much ram memory you can use :P for example
  9. i finished all misions on normal difficulty :] in single player mode and cooperative mode :D now im playing on maximum hard missions :] also chelenging friends in multi and must say that this game is awesome (lvl 27 for now ;) )
  10. Oh god! does anybody here actualy read what anyone else write? action =/= adventure game pop and gow is not adventure game!!! (i said that obver 9000 post erlier but it seams that ppl just dont read what anybody else put here) also if you like horror/adventure try Penumbra
  11. you should PS. osobiście nie przepadam za prozą Sapokowskiego i tak też książkę znałem wcześniej ale jakoś nie pałałem entuzjazmem. Gra zrobiła na mnie dużo lepsze wrażenie :D Ciekawy jestem czy zrobią coś w tym stylu z "Sługą bożym" Piekary (to jest dopiero świetny cykl
  12. maybe try mp3 extractor or cdex its for free as i remember and both programs are using "LAME" encoder
  13. i love mazda rx5 old car but so fvcking awesome!!!
  14. hehehe same as you:P topic should be locked if it isnt working
  15. if i can say about RPG its Cyber Punk 2020 or Call of Chtulhu if you are talking about cRPG its Fallout/Fallout2 PS. gothic fable diablo is not RPG but cRPG learn the difference :P with that "c" in front of RPG RPG ----> role play game c ----> computer cRPG ---->computer Role Play Game
  16. if you need smth for free (only for private coz for company it is licensed and cost some $) with good virus database i recomend you avira
  17. win7 and vista is similiar in architecture so if you can run smth at vista you can at 99% run it on windows 7
  18. lol dont be rude :P you can say about googling any cheats tricks codes for any game. So if someone want to put here smth about game cheat that isnt already here you should be greatfull that you dont need to use google coz its in topic on you favorite cheat site :P btw saints row2 > gta4 :D
  19. imo D3 will be same as D2 and D... same old simple hack and slash :P boring "pretend to be" cRPG game
  20. i can say that it will never hapend. MCsoft have in plans putting all effort to go into market with windows 7 and vista will be smth like bad dream :P you know :D totaly forgoten
  21. ed2k://|file|Kite_-_1_-_Volume_1_-_[ASS-Hentai](f1e84db1)(dub_en).mkv|735866885|4f0f74d254a717bc03773e17022dd345|/ here is edk2 link and its for funsub so its not against any laws :P enjoy old but good anime
  22. about win7 im testing it and must say that mc soft make some good work with it it looks like vista but it works like improoved xp
  23. heh only 2 ppl using ubuntu? im at 8.10 why? windows ---> wanna play? better stay with microsh1t product coz most games cant be runned on linux (ofc anybody can say that he can play with wine... but c'mon, most of games dont work with it properly:P), besides that you can have movies, docs, internet etc. :P ubuntu (or any other linux with kde/gnome) ----> music, movies, internet browsing, documents editing (smth for simple home users or office workers... OR ----> db administration, developing, servers etc. and if i must choose smth ill take ubuntu :P i can live without games ;]
  24. anyone knows if that pack can be played on res 320x240? and is it for s60v3 or for v2 or v1? or is it simple java games? edit: also for pl users (or for anybody who know pl lang) www.symbiangames.pl there is how you can crack your symbian :] and lots of games and aplications for nokia... all for free
  25. gh3 and fof fan reporting in ;] lately compared fof to gh3 and i have 3 things to say songs are better prepared in all gh and rockband games but more songs are in fof besides that fof have all gh and rockband songs so in this thing frets on fire are better than rockband or any guitar hero game next thing is options to play and here gh is far better than fof... you have single player mode, cooperative player mode, chalange mode, and free play while fof have free play and last thing is graphic and animation its not most important thing but it gives you more fun from play when you can see your avatar playing on custom guitar on stage :] all in all i prefer fof but also have instaled gh3
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