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Everything posted by scovron

  1. same thing is in most of games ;) first i saw that in lnights online :D
  2. hmm maybe you dont understand :/ sorI fo ma bad inglish but i told you that im not interested in win emu so i write it before that if you dont have anything more than "wine/cedega..only" to say you can shut the fu.ck up ok?
  3. xD you know what... its seems that you use paint brush coz its so visible all that borders on gradien green background... definetly gota p0wn3d xD XD xD xD and here you have what is it written when you have beter score :D
  4. i ask you that you are blind or smth that you dont see that im not talking about win emu :P but noooo "im mista smart guy(gay) and i must put some sh.it talk about how l2 for linux is dumbest idea" so plz tell me simple answer if you know that there is some way and how to do it, describe it but if you dont know if there is that kind of option (i assume that there is but if there isnt i hope that there will be in future:P) just shut the fu.ck up coz im not asking about if you know if there is or there isnt... im asking "if there is, tell me how.." PS. and why in your opinion L2 at linux is dumbest idea? coz in my opinion games (not only L2) should be possible to play on every popular os:P
  5. omfg !!! read it again ppl :P "how to make that client l2 can run at linux? and im not asking about win emulator for linux and playing on win emulator l2 client" 2dumb or 2blind?
  6. http://www.4shared.com/file/21946971/75dbbbb6/CommunityBoard.html http://www.4shared.com/file/23889982/aa1ac918/CommunityBoard.html http://www.4shared.com/file/25411920/624dff61/CommunityBoard_By_Viny.html dont know but you can always use search "CommunityBoard" but i dont know if one of these was reupladed file from the topic creator :P anyway try that (scan it first coz i didnt download it and didnt scan them) edit: omg i just saw notice date: "Posted on: May 17, 2007, 04:46:26 PM Posted by: LiamXroy" so delete or close topic :P
  7. lol i cant make any beter :P btw how do you use skate board?
  8. c4 is working ? but on not emulatedwindows in linux or on win emu? can you told us smth more ?
  9. post something more about that game like what kind of mmo it is is there nice pvp or is it simple grind game, and what about quests? is there a big community on ofi servers? and all that kind of info
  10. scovron

    hi ppl...

    good day ;] and remember if you have something new that wasnt here just share it with us :D
  11. lol so whats the problem? she cheat you (for sure) and if you thinking that she dont you must be a fool but!!! :> this have a good side :D simple get a girlfriend near you (where you are) so you can cheat too xD and as for her ... just fu.ck her sometimes when you will meet eachother :D and go back to that "near" girl with you can be as in normal relationship :P nice and simple :D
  12. xD i dont see the hiden post and im not refering to knowledge in that post.... just want to say that this is one of the most spamed topics here and what is the most funny thing is that 90% of people posting here have post count near 0 xD ps.to all ppl from whining about donator/gold member, in other topic someone said that after 250 posts you can see topics with "only donator/platinium(or whatever) member" dont know why but if thats the rule its ok with me ;) pss. i recomend for mod to cut in half that topic and send it to trash (that half with spam ofcorse:P) with this post;)
  13. close or delete that topic :P somebody
  14. New Nice Cheat Portal « on: May 06, 2007, 02:34:22 PM » its old topic should be locked
  15. google my friend.... only power of google can help you ;) http://www.google.com/search?hl=pl&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=keylogger&spell=1
  16. no no i dont refere to 40k i was talking about normal wfrp (paper:dice and GM book) ;)
  17. yup its hard but it is'nt impossible :D but if you could get acces to db than who cares about masking anything ;) than yuo will just print "insert into.." gheghehe, but about interrupting in connection server<-->db its more than possible coz you dont need to acces to db just change info in packets sended from db to server... or :> what if you can (with some prog offc.) immitate to server that you are db sending info :)... that would be something
  18. 1st of all if you call a friend and ask him yo throw a dice you'll never sure that he throws it ;) instead of syaing you what he want :P coz of mood or anything else you can bring with :P 2nd im not saying that you need to hide weapon id:P you need to hide fact that its already enchanted client (request to enchant itemID) server (have the request) (taking that itemID to compare with db)(sending request for db to show itemID) DB (recive request from server)and this is that place where we need to get to:P... DB (sending itemID info to server) that info should be masked but its only my conclusion :P
  19. and this is a good question :) so anybody know if there is some possibility of mask your item?
  20. well as the matter of fact they cant c;pse all ports coz when they do that they server will be ofline for rest of the world... all L2 is packet sending based so they simply cant close all ports ;)
  21. nice to see someone playing it unfortunetly i missed beta :/but anyway could you talk something more about that? how is in your opinion pvp? and rest of features in this game... is it similiar to normal warhammer fantasy role play game? or is it totaly new mechanic?
  22. ok ok i didnt mean that ;) what i mean you can find in this flash game :D http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/307922 btw go go and create your own emo :D full customization xD http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/216274 you will also need some emo kit: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/270045 and for all emos... be awere ninja is comming to you: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/246830
  23. yeah its normal... lol?! ok so you hate racism and patrioism ? do you even know what patriotism mean? omfg xD so emo xD go to your corner and cry there ;) (or to topic about emos and cry there:P)
  24. well he always can search for sponsor and open sponsored server like noobwars sponsored by gnet :) anyway good luck in searching ;] and aiming for reaching your goal :D
  25. man xD for me its something like when homeles man trying to have fun and laugh at you that you have ugly home xD... but okey lets think about it in your way... so you want to react in some way to it? and what will you do? same thing as they? and be just like they are?
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