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Everything posted by scovron

  1. pity that the movie how to be real emo is broken xD probably ist somethong like emo curse xD anyway these two from movie got onother clip "how to ba a gangasta" check that out
  2. scovron

    ANIME !!

    wow that site is awesome :D you can find whatever you want all kind of drawings... its smth like deviantart
  3. i cant tell that is "hacking" account... that tool is usefull when you have dictionary for login file and passwd file. Its checking if it can log in with data from that two files you just need to input large amount of "probably used" log and pas like: john//123456 and it will try to log in with that. Plain and simple stealing ppl accounts by brutal force ;)
  4. scovron

    ANIME !!

    with terms like "best anime" you should first divide it in categories coz for someone anime like naruto or bleach could be "the best" and ok probably it is but in soap opera fighting anime category :P else with anime like Ghost in the shell which is sci-fi action and so on... so i dont see a point in talking which anime is the best of all :P its like when you try to compare rambo to naked weapon or star wars
  5. Ok so i've gota question. coz now to see hiden posts you need 200+ posts and you need to reply... and how ppl can reply to locked topic ? for example: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10625.0 i have more than 200 posts and i should reply to see that topic but i cant and whats now?
  6. same here... downloading btw is there new ver. of l2phx?
  7. lol i cant tell that its first good game coz imo there was another game worth of playing, from studio people can fly :P name of the game is "painkiller" that was one good fpp :D nailing monsters burning them and all kind of shit with great weapons with huge boss at end of every lvl... but definetly the witcher is best cRPG ever made in pl and as for now its one of the best in the world imo :P
  8. OMFG xD just go here and you can read smth about it: http://www.thewitcher.com/ im heaving it in day of premiere in pl i bought that :P (probably like many others ppl) and in short description that game is f_ucking awsome for me its best cRPG from time when i was playing long time ago in fallout2 (f2 is for me the best cRPG ever). But back to subject that game is based on fantasy book by sapkowski. All story is good ploted you have nice exp system nice fight system .... hmm everything in that game is rly nice here some movie from game pure gameplay review: and here is intro from game : hf
  9. I also thinks that making "see on reply" isnt good coz you will have here spam in few secs... but anyway "thanks for share" i hate that fraze (most of topiscs here are totaly spamed with that) :P
  10. heh i read few things about that one and it was same whitch comes to my mind but i played at abbys when it was strict and only with rus lang :P so probably there wont be such a problem and probably that one will raise :D coz sry but rrussians are one of the most skillful ppl in comp. tech. i mean programing etc. :D
  11. ok so which of those servers you can recomend ? for normal play (i know that most things on start will be "to fix")
  12. heh 3 years for relese ... xD omg l3 with its new engine will be old on relese :P year should be max for relese imo
  13. scovron


    xD lol 3 of four ppl who replyed to "help" are from PL ... i didnt know that PL is sooo helpfull xD tylko pewnie po wszystkim gosc wyjdzie jak zablocki na mydle ;)
  14. most of acclaim games are f2p now ofcourse you can donete to buy smth form "gm" shop... generaly i played for some time and i find their games boring :P in long term of play. Anyway if you are interested here is all topics for 2 moons sience there is no section for it: fish bot: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14373.msg101725#msg101725 auto pots hack: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14374.0 ByPass for 2 moons: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14375.0 +10% exp: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8030.0 some info: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6862.0 PS. Imo should be section "acclaim games" and "code masters games"
  15. i can recomend all of you who want to download some good and free not only brushes but also paterns, shapes and all things to photoshop here: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=productHome&exc=16 to download/upload you need to register but its free so dont be afraid to use that site
  16. scovron


    eng plz and you have wrong subject of topic :P coz noone knows what do you need typing just "help"
  17. If you want to steal his net connection you can do it if he is using wireless net, just equip your notebook with wireles lan:P (expess I,II or pcmcia) try toget his ssid and thats all :P
  18. first of all imo "exploit" :P 2nd is that you use that other topic as "he steal from there" and do you even read that topic coz he says nearly same thing: and how the f... he can steal from himself xD nad yes creating new topic with explanation for newbies how to take more crystals with you on expingis imo good thing
  19. Just use settings of your language bar go to add lang and ther from another window just add russian as you said if you are fluelent in it, your nest thing should be just change lang of os in that bar so you will see normaly (for that lang) coded font in this program (if im not misunderstand about what you want to have). After that just go back to your lang bar and change you lang to your default. heh so how can you say thats "nice share" if you dont understand a thing from it :P
  20. Personaly i recomend newest testing version of Debian. But if you are totaly new in Linux beter if you take Mandriva.
  21. In fact hiding posts in purpose of "gm will not see it" is'nt very smart. Why? you can ask... the answear is that if i would be gm (but im not) yes i would be interested in that kind of forums and i would pay to be donator or simple take some time in advance to post in few topics to see all hidden posts. Real puropose of creating "hide post option" imo is that if someone put working cheat, first to know about it will be few of gm's who are registred in this forum and they'll have some time to fix it before more than ppl with needed post count will gain access to it. It's preventing all troubles that could happend if anyone could know about the cheat. For example im sure that you all remember help.html bug :] I remember when nearly all the server (im talking about noobwars) cheat with it xD back than nw was nearly dead because of that, gm's decided to rollback and many ppl just left nw. Now its ok, but it took plenty of time to fix all the damage done by that cheat.
  22. If you are going to play it with that attitude beter stay at L2 and even dont bother to instal it :P
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12470.30 plz close that topic coz 1:its old trick and it is'nt working anymore (maybe on c2/c3) 2:ppl just taking post count from "didnt working" etc...
  24. here you have :] http://www.coolflashgames.fr/Sport/Pong-3D,28.html and here you can view my new record :D
  25. LoL did you play that "crap"? or are you just total blinded l2 fanboy? xD sry m8 but in fact L2 is old and shitty game where you dont have many options about nothing :P just grind or pvp with all the same hars for example: if you have uber necro be sure that there will be full of same equiped same lvl and same apeariance necros :P
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