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Everything posted by scovron

  1. 1st i dont hate emos i just laughing coz they pathetic no self personality people who need to put on their miserable "with no sense" life mask of sad and gentle deep in mind man xD 2nd if you are emo if you are so sensitive that you cry about some s.hit... yes you are g@y xD but remember i dont hate emos xD
  2. example: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5432.msg83396;topicseen#quickreply http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=652.msg83397;topicseen#msg83397 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11933.msg83399;topicseen#msg83399 same text in other topics :P
  3. lol, first movie is dead link. 2nd and 3rd movies are so boring xD anyway as for me its so childish to s.hit talk about countrys xD how old are they? and beter question is how old are you? to react on that kind of s.hit talk... is it touch you so much that some kid sit in fron of his mmonitor and do the s.hit just trying to piss of someone else on his side of cable? XD... n/c
  4. yeah there is topic about enchanting with that method, but imo it is'nt much worthy same as with hiting certain npc before yo use enchant or enchant first smth until you crystalize it and than enchant thing that you want to enchant :P
  5. lolzor read post above you :P plz for the god f.ucking sake !!!
  6. eng plz?
  7. yey you can have some more can of spam xD
  8. all of you should be happy that actor who plays riddick dont play hitman :P as it was planed erlier xD lets hope that they didnt f.ucked up all story and way of silent assasin ;)
  9. ok here is something nice in that subject :D and thats all dor now ;] enjoy
  10. omg another one with "there is no.. coz i dont have it" :P as i said before if you didnt find it didnt invent it... it doesnt mean that there is no such a thing :P if you have only to say "there is no..." beter shut up and go to other topic coz that topic isnt about "there is no bug/exploit for enchant" so plz dont post here unles you have something intersting about subject to say :P
  11. lol:P if you cant make/find exploit didnt mean that that its not exist :P its just that you cant faind /invent that...
  12. its nice but imo that sign (max...) shouldtn be centered... beter looks when it would be near one corner, i mean not totaly in corner but near
  13. muahahaha that pink colour powns all xD
  14. is there will be any translation of that text? it would be nice :P
  15. maybe not bug but surely that you can cheat to have 100% enchant (but i still dont know how :P)
  16. Yup it works... you can run win emulator at linux and then run L2 but thats not the way i want to run it :P coz its taking mass resources from machine. I need to know is there some way to have client L2 modified that it can run at linux.
  17. im posting here coz i didnt find any beter topic :P and dont want to start new... ok so how to make that client l2 can run at linux? and im not asking about win emulator for linux and playing on win emulator l2 client :P
  18. drop and pick up as enchanting on 100% is bullshi_t but im sure that there is indeed some bug with you can enchant for free:P
  19. man you are in eng section so plz write in eng so everybody can understand you ....
  20. so could you post ip of that server that everybody can try that script?
  21. imo its beter than l2 :P you have here more options of playing, more skills, more things with you can customize your character
  22. if you want to read more about enchanting here you have one topic about it: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11617.0
  23. someone should think about new version :D with new weapons, beter quality and maybe few new options... but that one is still some good s_hit :D
  24. probably its working only for a few servers :P i tryed use iyt for noobwars but it didnt work so you can try it at else servers;]
  25. gheghehe i always thinks about that as a reward for party xD not as a bug... and it is old :P my suggesyion is to close that topic:P
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