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Everything posted by petete

  1. Laggy server, random dc and website always offline
  2. Edit: finally i make .uax file with custom sound, but i don't get lineage2 client use that sound while i play. I used .wav files with 22.05KHz, 16bit and mono, i modified systemmsg-e.dat and still doesn't work. Any help?
  3. Could you update this tutorial? some images are off Thanks
  4. Could you get Ertheia Interface for Interlude?
  5. Please modify time lapse for barakiel respawn, keep 4 hours between respawn but 1 hour more waiting for respawn is seriously ridiculous. People who play a lot are wasting each day 4 hours waiting the fucking barakiel respawn, for that you made x75 server?
  6. i checked, links are offline
  7. Hi, i'm looking for an unicode.dll and fire.dll modified for interlude, i need it works with special chars like ´ or ñ Thanks
  8. Yes, here the server, expect don't break any forum rule ;D http://raiderz.gigarent.it/?page=connect
  9. I'm really interested in Raiderz, closed beta test 09/08/2012 - 29/08/2012, for now i'm testing it on private server. They told release date will be november-december 2012 more info here http://www.own3d.tv/FrogCastTV
  10. It works, but you must restart
  11. It works in Hi5?
  12. i'm looking for a patch for use characters like "ñ", "´" in lineage 2 chat, i found fire.dll and unichat.dll modified for freya but don't work in Hi5 Thanks for help
  13. Finally i use this, cause others don't work in H5, but now i want a delevel script for H5 server
  14. Hi all, i'm looking for something like this, i want access to my wharehouse from my web clan it's possible? thanks for answer
  15. I know is the most complete, but in my case, i only want for buffs, 350-400MB ram i think is a lot, l2 client use 550mb ram
  16. I added you to msn =P Edit: finally i get work, but need a lot of ram, i prefer others like l2jes
  17. I tried use it in high five server and doesnt' work
  18. You know any safe enchant trick for High Five with this? or another cheat? Thanks =P
  19. i'll test it Thanks :o Edit: 245 Mb? omfg >.>
  20. OGG Works fine in Epilogue L2j Server :D
  21. I'm donator and i can't see now.... before when i get my donator account i can see it...
  22. This screenshot is from hellbound server i want this mod for epilogue..
  23. I'm looking for Epilogue version, if someone can help.... Thanks
  24. I'm looking for this mod for Gracia Epilogue, someone can help me?
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