first of all, u need to understand the basics Server( java or cpp) are using native functions to transfer( formed data , in your case lineage 2 packets), client also is using native functions to recv them( advice* u can hook those native functions, google it - github hooking win32 process , dll example , ) u need to do this because u dont have access to client source code, only to binary . Also u have to know what native functions exactly are used( their names) for example to init connection there is function called “wsastartup”, to send data (“send”) these functions are part of .dll that called ws32 or something alike, so u can see full list of the functions names . Last but not least, to form the packet data, especially in client , exist custom functions ( not native) made by ncsoft programmers, u have to find them in ida32 , these functions called native functions ( names that u should allready know, as I mentioned them ) , u might have to understand what calling a function is, but maybe not, functionPacket1 -> FunctionNative1, functionPacket2 -> FunctionNative1. If u understand that u can fins them. And then u have to hook those functionPacket2, and add functionality that u need for your dynamic weight or whatever