You could tell us what pack are you using...
find the line for the loc when pressing to vilage and add a check if is inside your zone and change the XYZ
if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG))
loc = new Location(1,2,3);
loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport(_player, TeleportType.TOWN);
You can add also random spawns
if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG))
Location[] flagLocations =
new Location(1,2,3),
new Location(1,2,3),
new Location(1,2,3),
new Location(1,2,3),
new Location(1,2,3)
loc = flagLocations[Rnd.get(5)];
loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport(_player, TeleportType.TOWN);