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Everything posted by melron

  1. Its not return problem as Solomun said ... When the player get teleport the method onExit is taking place. Just frozens problem. i just tried it with the default teleport out (kick) , when a player go in oly arena without playing match. player going in town but cant move... when i edited with my last example (as acis gots) worked fine. Results: frozen sux
  2. Since you have custom items you have to focus on items Change skills stats as sweets said You can edit the formulas for dmg so you can play with classes
  3. change both player.teleToLocation(Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_X, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Y, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Z); player.teleToLocation(83417 + Rnd.get(101) - 50, 149028 + Rnd.get(101) - 50, -3408); to ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeTask(new KickPlayer(player); add this too above the last } at the end of the file private static final class KickPlayer implements Runnable { private L2PcInstance _player; public KickPlayer(L2PcInstance player) { _player = player; } @Override public void run() { if (_player != null) { final L2Summon summon = _player.getPet(); if (summon != null) summon.unSummon(_player); _player.teleToLocation(_player.teleToLocation(Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_X, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Y, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Z);); _player = null; } } }
  4. Replace with these lines until nobless part protected void onEnter(final L2Character character) { if ((character instanceof L2PcInstance)) { L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) character; if (player.getLevel() < Config.ALLOW_FLAG_ZONE_MINILVL || player.getLevel() > Config.ALLOW_FLAG_ZONE_MAXLVL) { player.teleToLocation(Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_X, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Y, Config.ALLOW_FLAGl_ZONE_Z); showHtmlLevel(player); return; } final List<Integer> supportClasses = Arrays.asList(15, 16, 29, 30, 42, 43, 97, 105, 112, 115, 136, 116); // support classes ID's if (supportClasses.contains(player.getActiveClass())) { player.sendMessage("You can't enter in flag zone with a support class."); player.teleToLocation(83417 + Rnd.get(101) - 50, 149028 + Rnd.get(101) - 50, -3408); return; } for missing imports use ctrl shift O i believe the first check should be as i did , check for lower / higher lvl than this zone requires.. i dont think u want to be teleport when u just entering in this zone?
  5. Can you place here in code tag your onEnter and onExit methods?
  6. systemmsg-e.dat 44 1 a,Critical hit!\0 1 79 9B B0 FF a, a, 0 0 0 0 0 a, a,battle\0 Screen position Seconds Colors add 0 0 FF FF
  7. Yea sure... then a bp will not use teleport and thats all.. Paste here your onEnter and onExit methods in code seems like the player get teleport twice
  8. Oops xD didnt see that ... cause frozen take _requestType in case :P
  9. @Solomun add else before loc = MapRegionData.getInstance().getTeleToLocation(activeChar, MapRegionData.TeleportWhereType.Town); cause it will get the 2nd tp anyway :p
  10. 1st. delete the L2Character _player since is null and take the player with the correct name (maybe activeChar?) 2nd i cannot help you in this case cause i dont have frozen sources to check how the functions are written..
  11. i im not using frozen but it should be in clientpackets with name RequestRestartPoint.java search something similar to loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport(_player, TeleportType.Town); Edit: its in line 210..
  12. You could tell us what pack are you using... RequestRestartPoint.java find the line for the loc when pressing to vilage and add a check if is inside your zone and change the XYZ if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG)) loc = new Location(1,2,3); else loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport(_player, TeleportType.TOWN); You can add also random spawns if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG)) { Location[] flagLocations = { new Location(1,2,3), new Location(1,2,3), new Location(1,2,3), new Location(1,2,3), new Location(1,2,3) }; loc = flagLocations[Rnd.get(5)]; } else loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport(_player, TeleportType.TOWN);
  13. V2 is available! Check the main post
  14. Event : Die or Hi Just your opinion which one is better? Ver 1 Ver 2 with Dice fight
  15. Show what is inside of startPvPFlag()
  16. Somewhere you added a code that trying to cast from NpcInstance type to L2PcInstance... Check again what u added this one will give u this error but its not only this way... npc = NpcInstance type ((L2PcInstance)npc).blabla
  17. private int _Color = 0xFFFF77; private int _PartyColorName = your color; activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(activeChar.isInParty() ? _PartyColorName : _Color);
  18. Are you trying to get sone friends or u have rly geo prob? 1st image. .. malloc cant find feee memory
  19. Why double topic? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/213239-helpstart-button/?do=findComment&comment=2624761
  20. last year when i bought it it was 20$ (i think so :P) whats the current price?
  21. The fact that this section is english and you overrule this with [gr] is killing me... Check for bots , if there are ppl who botting then 90% andrenaline is working. Pay 20$ or find a cracked version and enjoy...
  22. Good luck with your sales... Trusted & Skilled guy
  23. gameserver/handler/usercommandhandlers/Escape.java - _activeChar.teleToLocation(MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); + _activeChar.teleToLocation(X, Y, Z); as baggos said....
  24. What email this person is using?
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