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Everything posted by ADAL13

  1. Tried that, but still not working for me. It shows "you have been disconnected from server" in the char select window.
  2. I tried to exploit the vote reward but didn't work for me.
  3. Server died cause a DDos attack. Rest In Peace :alone:
  4. I wanted to use it for autocp but its not working me. Tested on interlude server and followed intructions. Any help 4 config? Edit: Working fine atm nice job. Dunno what was my problem :)
  5. Wts giran ch on core server (innova lineage2.eu) ~~No scam ~~Mail 4 more info ~~ jonabis81@hotmail.com
  6. I have some questions about the Binding Blow... :S First u call me retarded I must tell that there's a long time I don't play l2 since c4 xDD Binding blow it's backside attack no? As Backstab, I mean. And btw, why my bluff +15 chance doesn't enter even to mobs? :SS
  7. +1 xD GtA four disappointed me a lot :(
  8. but it's a priviledge XDDD
  9. sounds preeeeeettyy goood only 2months ^^
  10. I offer powerlevel at L2Nope, if u interesenting just whisp ADAL13 i.g ;)
  11. Still playin in interlude? :P
  12. Anyone has tried it out?
  13. but this is not exactly a bot... it's kinda info helper no?
  14. it deppends of many factors, ppl with u are, your age, money, tiem...
  15. welcome, have a great stance ;)
  16. Each new update that NCSoft release makes me forgive more the "L2" I met :S
  17. Don't work, crash all weapon WTS cry >:(
  18. Hi! ^^ Well currently I'm playing on L2InC at Adventurer Class ! (Dagger FTW!!!) but I've a little questions! that's cause since C4 I haven't played L2 anymore and now I've to get used to new changes XDDd Well, first, at 85level for pvp which set is better? Dynsaty or Vesper? Cause Dynasty I think that gives more evasion but Vesper gives more P.def... :S And weapon I think that Vesper with CD no? cause Dual daggers haven't SA and you lose it... well thanks in advance ;)
  19. yea but i needed to try xDD nop now i'm playing wrath cuz the server has just updated. But it's a only spanish server, only spanish is spoken there but if u still interested pm me.
  20. kk Well I use Spanish Windows XP and spanish wow client that's why I put "Invitado" [Guest] I tryed with everything, Administrador, Invitado, guest... here is the pic: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9282/picturegy.jpg AND THANK YOU!
  21. Can't run Wow as guest! Guest acc is activated? And YES is activated and YES I have the correct user: Guest and pass: nothing and I have the correct path where wow is located... :S
  22. Mmmm I've got an error, it says invaled guest account! [something like that] Is Guest account activated? well i NEVER use the guest account so I had it desactivated but I activated in order to run the bot but the pirox is still saying that... maybe I need log in guest account and then run the pirox, etc etc? I don't understand what you need from the guest account :S
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