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Everything posted by ADAL13

  1. imposible is nothing!!!!
  2. someone works in oog walker for dragon-network today?
  3. let's see in elwyn i think that is imposible enter without loader because the loader pacth the engine.dll, a friend posted a a engine.dll patched but with it you can't loader i don't know why... this is http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DWP0US28 the engine.dll was made for the last version of loader i don't know if it works in the new. if someone post for me an l2.ini modificate or a engine.dll for enter withot loader i will thank him a lot
  4. and nobody have the oog? or the config?
  5. i had a saggitarius/warlord lvl77 with soul bow and majestic but he is currently banned :=)
  6. I did it but nothing, and with the new loader if u use the pe, the loader and the l2 goins off :(
  7. It's full C4-spanish server, Rates x1.4 If u want use double-client you have to donate www.l2elwyn.com A Big Community, How to conect: 1Go to www.l2elwyn.com and make a acc 2Download the loader 3Update the loader 4Push start! Since the server came to C4 is imposible bot, if someone get it pliz pm! And now in spanish: Es un sever c4full español, Si se quiere tener doble cliente o cambiar los pj's de cuenta hay que pagar, se pueden recuperar los items si te han robado pagando Hay un monton de gente (argentina y española) Desde que pasaron a C4 es imposible botear si alguien lo consigue PM!!
  8. Well, as you know in Elwyn server (www.l2elwyn.com) is imposible bot, a friend that got bot but the he was banned, and the admins made a new loader, tell me that the problem is that the loader of elwyn send a data packet more than normal, this data packet is the anti-bot system, i need a program to "kill" this packet or something like that or one explication :D thanks and sorry for my baddy english
  9. anyone have scripts to level a human mystic until level 21 and make the quest of human wizard? thx lot srry my bad english
  10. anyone have the oog? if someone got it can he post a link? thx
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