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Everything posted by ADAL13

  1. Wow, great share! Ok, but I need one thing from you xD I'm working in the OOG for Dragon-Network for Interlude, if u want, can u speak me about the protection of dn in interlude? When i finish it I will share the oog, but if u told me about the protection i will have less job^^ Thanks in advance!
  2. I never never saw that when u run a tool editer u must do something in the msdos console :S
  3. Which are this spam? OMG! Don't make more spam! To the author, good job! @the guy who answer the version, This is the syntax of the walker, is for ALL versions.
  4. In the case of Ant Queen In my server always are 10+ people logged to see when it respawn and to kill her u must do a mini-pk-pvp event. :P
  5. Well, i'll try it. Nice share, but i think that is useless because in low rates is very hard to have nobless :(
  6. but if you know the e-mail of the victim and the password always u can do "recovery password" :P
  7. I don't think that is for that. Try to download it again.
  8. I think that it was already posted
  9. Yeah but those modification-packets are mostly used in L2Java servers.
  10. Yeah, now i understand that this script is only for l2java servers, I think is imposible bot on l2off interlude servers/kamael :S
  11. ok but how can i solve the problem of the SP?
  12. the destroyer if the person who play with it know how to play with a destroyer is invencible, althought you would able to down his HP he will use rage+freenzy and peril/draconic and bum owned. Best thing, TH: dash+ue and make that a room of ToI get agro you, go near to the destroyer and fake dead. Pumm, owned^^
  13. But, can't the GM discover u with the logs of Incorret Target every 2seconds?
  14. mmm in frienzl2 i only have a pj level 40 palus knight, if u want it....
  15. Err... Hello? I'm not the admin, I'm speaking about the Dragon-Network servers! Well, I've just found the ID's of the Items, now, what I must do to add them into de_L2Info.dat. Well if someone knows here is the ID's and the Item's that I want add: Thanks in advance^^
  16. Okey, thanks for answer, now, i left the x2 server and went to Infinity x5 so there, what's the best place for get MONEY? Mmm maybe mana herbs or something like that?
  17. Nobody? I don't think that nobody knows...
  18. Hi! Well I read the guide to modify the name in L2Info.dat, and it says how to edit but not how to add! I want add the Rags, Mana Herbs, Ol Mahum Fur... Because in DN the walker pick's it up but no name appears and i don't want it. So anybody know how can i do that? Because i don't know the id of that items so... Thanks in advance
  19. so the best option for people who has a static ip is....
  20. I think that 500posts is very high, come on guys when the adena.txt has appeared it was only protected by 200post,more that the double for lol
  21. Well i don't know much about the L2Phx Syntax I prefer the WPC of Sauron it's easier. Try to put this:
  22. I don't know why in somes server crashes at u says.
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