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Everything posted by ADAL13

  1. Ams, if you'd know... this (botserver) guy has programed the loader of elwyn server (x1) and was imposible to bypass, this guy has programaded the l2data http://www.l2data.com.ar/ a database like l2informer. And that walker is easier to use for people who don't know how to use the WPC and the scripts, in that walker he only have programed a program that capure the password encrypted (like the script), and he has programed a library for the enter char time out error, in other words he has programed the same but without scripts, and i think that is free-virus. And sorry for my baddy english. Regards;
  2. i think that it's unsafe... the best for me is l2walker
  3. IG have the same options that oog so read the guide^^
  4. Are in that package news exploits?
  5. well anyone try in l2off C4?
  6. only work for l2world? must i change the ip prot and port for my server?
  7. 051 probabaly u can use it for IG's....
  8. anyone?
  9. but this walker don't worl anymore we need a new one somebody knows?
  10. i have a better method^^ do you leave elwyn server at the end?
  11. interlude? someone has tried?
  12. ok thanks i wll try EDIT: I can't find that script in wpsc folder can u upload it for me? (i'm using the last version of sauron)
  13. anyone knows?
  14. anyone have find out where to add jumps to skip the verification process??
  15. i think that he plays here www.l2server.cz in this server you have high stats for example a tyrant gots over 1billon hp, and you can enchant easy to +50000. he don't use any cheat.
  16. ok but u say that is the lasted 16 bytes and i don't think that in this init packet the last 16 bytes will be the token: here's the packet: [1] S>c 0ms. 20:25:25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TType: LA2 Server: LS1 ParseType: 2 (auto) EnCode: T2 K2 (auto) ------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 A B C D E F ------------------- 000000 AB 00 00 35 2D D1 41 5A | 78 00 00 8A 61 1B 8A 5D «..5-ÑAZx..Ša.Š] 000010 E4 A2 2E 87 46 FA 41 F8 | 45 4E 96 A2 BB 35 23 82 ä¢.‡FúAøEN–¢»5#‚ 000020 60 C2 1C 89 77 75 5F 6E | CA 89 CA EF 2F BE 46 7F `Â.‰wu_nʉÊï/¾F 000030 2B 01 84 2C 99 11 94 EF | EB 48 ED B3 48 B3 4C 42 +.„,™.”ïëHí³H³LB 000040 8F D2 48 AC 3B DA 13 36 | 40 18 41 B6 55 97 1D DA ÒH¬;Ú.6@.A¶U—.Ú 000050 2F 5D E3 7F 39 B1 DA 13 | 80 6C F1 37 1B 22 41 31 /]ã9±Ú.€lñ7."A1 000060 67 06 B4 0B 89 63 C3 A2 | 9A 6B 25 92 59 57 59 9D g.´.‰câšk%’YWY 000070 49 61 C3 AA C0 F0 59 39 | 0C 1B AA F6 73 83 8B F8 IaêÀðY9..ªösƒ‹ø 000080 5A F6 B5 D9 36 6B 52 BB | 92 78 32 00 00 00 00 00 ZöµÙ6kR»’x2..... 000090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 30 30 30 30 30 ...........00000 0000A0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 | 30 30 30 00000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA2: "Init" size: 171 prot: 30810 $785A Addr: Size: Type: Description: Value: 0000 2 word psize 171 | $00AB 0002 1 byte ID 0 | $00 0003 4 integer LoginSessionID 1104227637 | $41D12D35 0007 4 integer LoginProtocolRev 30810 | $0000785A 000B 128 array[const] RSApubKey (Ša.Š]ä¢.‡FúAøEN–¢»5#‚`Â.‰wu_nʉÊï/¾F 008B 16 - null (................)
  17. Okey then xD any new you know, pm me^^ but a question then the token changes for every connection (init packet) or the server puts a static token that is forever? ah and in this with that u can make a script to decode the packages like in C4??? Thanks
  18. and if u do this you won't need to run a verefy? good share then xD
  19. dark soy camiseta^^
  20. read this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14233.0 and this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14151.0 all the information is for frienzl2 if u need more pm me i'm very interested in this bot. EDIT: i got proxifilter the packets and log into game the only thing that u have to do is proxifilter only on port 9999
  21. as far i know interlude use RSA and sauron supports RSA no? if not what packet capture editor should i use?
  22. What does the bake ice protection? Well people say that it's a loader/launcher but frienzl2 in the launcher don't say anything about bakeice but when i proxifilter the connection ALL the packets are encrypted (init too) i read this Interlude changed the way tokens work completely. There are now two tokens used in connection. There's a static one, default 6B60CB5B82CE90B1CC2B6C556C6C6C6C The static key is used to encrypt the init packet from server(the very first packet) All subsequent packets are encrypted using a dynamic key the init packet contained(I believe it's the last field) i proxifilter the connection using Proxifier and WPC sauron with this script: begin gSys.tLA2BFToken:=Hstr('6B 60 CB 5B 82 CE 90 B1 CC 2B 6C 55 6C 6C 6C 6C 00'); end. to see the init packet and nothing encrypted... any idea or knowledge?
  23. no, it says: InterludeClient.exe Aplication Updater Frienz Network Version Copyright 2007 BlurCode (QQ: 269484915), © 2007 Frienz Network (http://www.tfn.gr/) i think that it hasn't bake ice no?
  24. yes plis anyone haves anyidea because i'm very interested in the bot of his server xD for more info see the post thinking... [i'm not quouting an old post to post-count, i'm REALLY interested on this topic]
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