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Everything posted by Ugleethyn

  1. I thought that you sold that project SkyLord...
  2. Πάλι καλά που έκανε update απο smf και χάθηκαν πράγματα γιατί θα μου έβαζες και του 2005
  3. This is the proper section to report something. Please post your proofs above!
  4. Trusted and very helpfull guy! I recommend him
  5. Avoid scammers by using a middleman!


  6. @SectoneART Wow that's a lot of topics ! :D Thank you
  7. Moved to proper section.Also don't create the same topic in 2 different areas of forum! I think that you have to take a look from Lucera if you want something Java
  8. @SectoneART Done. Thank you for your reports mate! Keep going !
  9. Hello please report it to Report Section and someone will take care
  10. Please follow forum rules and use the bump button to bump your thread ! You are allowed to use the button once a day!
  11. Αυτός είναι ναι... :D
  12. Moved to proper section. We should know which pack do you use to answer something like that mate...
  13. It looks like other game :O It has great design ! Thank you for sharing with us mate !
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