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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Take a site collection with tutorials from me :) http://www.webdesign.org/web/photoshop/tutorials/ http://www.adobetutorialz.com/categories/Adobe-Photoshop/ http://www.photoshoptower.com/tutorials/index.php?p=1 http://www.tutorialkit.com/ http://www.photoshoparchive.com/ http://www.good-tutorials.com/ http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials.htm http://www.netcades.com/Browse/ http://www.photoshopstar.com/tutorials-page/ http://www.webdevtuts.com/tutorials/photoshop http://www.flash-game-design.com/tutorials.html http://www.photoshopdigest.com/ http://www.interfacemojo.com/ http://www.layersmagazine.com/category/photoshop/ http://www.slowlysinking.com/alltutorials.php http://www.invano.com/tutorials/photoshop/index.php http://www.heathrowe.com/tutorials.asp http://www.photoshopbuddy.net/tutorials.html http://crystalxp.net/tuto/en.htm http://effectica.com/forumdisplay.php?s=ad04ba94ac8b4bf35d2c06dda7220bc4&f=103 http://www.eyesontutorials.com/ http://pstutorialsblog.com/ http://www.totaltutorials.com/ http://www.photoshopsupport.com/ http://psd-tutorials.com/ http://www.biorust.com/index.php?page=tutorial http://www.mickm.com/index.php?section=tutorials http://www.absolutecross.com/tutorials/photoshop/ http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorials/Photoshop/1 http://www.grafx-design.com/phototut.html http://www.sketchpad.net/photoshp.htm http://www.planetphotoshop.com/category/tutorials/?id=tutorials http://www.pegaweb.com/tutorials/web-design-and-adobe-photoshop-tutorials.htm http://www.psworkshop.net/psworkshop/ http://www.phong.com/tutorials/ www.photoshop101.com http://tutorialoutpost.com/tutorials/photoshop http://myjanee.home.insightbb.com/tutorials.htm http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/01/12/hand-picked-photoshop-tutorials/ http://www.mccannas.com/pshop/photosh0.htm http://www.fstutorials.com/ http://www.cbtcafe.com/photoshop/index.htm http://www.n-sane.net/ http://www.melissaclifton.com/tutorials.html http://www.spoono.com/photoshop/tutorials/ http://www.swedesignz.com/photoshop.html http://www.tutorialplot.com/ http://www.davrodigital.co.uk/tut1.htm http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/photoshop/ http://datutorials.com/photoshop/ http://photoshop-tutorials.deviantart.com/ Video Tutorials: - http://www.lombergar.com/v6/free-photoshop-video-tutorials.html http://www.xeon-gfx.com/forums/index.php?showforum=8 http://danwins.com/tutorials/photoshop-tutorials/ http://tutorials.watchandlearnphotoshop.com/ http://www.ultimatevideotutorials.com/index_2.php http://www.artworld.si/photoshop-video-tutorials.art http://www.vertustech.com/fm_tutorials.htm http://www.davrodigital.co.uk/on_line_videos.htm http://www.prophotosecrets.com/index/showPage/page/138/ http://www.video-tutes.com/packages/PSDesign1.php http://www.radiantvista.com/video_tutorials/ http://www.ultimatevideotutorials.com/index_2.php http://carloscabrera.com.ar/tutorials/
  2. 1158
  3. Sorry for that.. !! I wasnt know that to tell something simply like : downloading , lets see what you have , and other words like these are SPAM !! Ok , sorry i dont speak again ! Delete my reply's
  4. Downloading... Hmm lets see !! :)
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12202 Crow reply 3 times ... !
  6. Update >> +3000 userbars :) +1000 userbars +1100 avatars +1000 animated avatars ! +8273 avatars :P
  7. w0w Gj Nazghoul !! ;D Btw which of them are for cs3 ??
  8. OK then... :) Post more tutorials xD
  9. Great share nazghoul !!!! But it isnt "warez" ???
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3082.0 EDIT: OK now the topic is clear... someone delete them !! It was a guy that reply there more than 7 times :P
  11. Well nice share but already exists... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11922.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9532.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9498.0 First search button ... next making a new thread !
  12. Koukou Koukou.... To magiko koumpi to vlepeis ?? Search - Anazitisi - Suche - Cerca - Recherche <----- Episis to evales se la8os section Ζητήστε βοήθεια για Botting εδώ. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=52.0 Btw welcome sto forum !
  13. Eyxaristo re vortex to xreiazomouna...
  14. Den vare8ikate me ta dora re paidia ? :-\ Tespa ena teleytaio doro apo emena ston chris !! Tou kanw doro 4 kila patates ... Ante se kali meria vre.. ! ;)
  15. XaxA Amazing hack !!!!!!! 8)
  16. 1150
  17. You're welcome !! ;) Imageshack gr/us added ... Photobacket was 4 times ! omg sorry for that... 3 links removed
  18. Pos xorane 10 alvanoi se ena smart ??? ... Petas mesa mia tiropita ! :P
  19. All Sites where you can Upload Images. www.imageshack.gr www.imageshack.us www.gizzabit.com http://bayimg.com http://paintedover.com/ http://picturehost.in/ http://sighost.techstarcomputers.net/ http://www.digitaluploader.com/ http://www.imagehigh.com/ http://www.imagepilot.com/ http://www.imagevenue.com/ http://www.imgspot.com/ http://www.pixfiles.net/index.en http://www.pixilive.com/ http://www.pixpond.com/ http://www.savefile.com/upload.php http://www.uploadimages.net/index.php http://www.uploadyourimages.com/ http://tinypic.com http://free-image-hosting.org/ http://www.putfile.com/ http://www.uploadit.org/ http://geocities.yahoo.com/ http://imageevent.com/ http://onfinite.three10.com/ http://picserver.student.utwente.nl/ http://photobucket.com/ http://walagata.com/ http://we-todd-did-racing.com/ http://www.applepics.com/ http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigupload.php http://www.bravenet.com/ http://www.datazap.net/ http://www.filehigh.com/ http://www.freepichosting.com/ http://www.hpphoto.com http://www.hunt101.com/ http://www.imagehost.com http://www.imagemagician.com/ http://www.imagestation.com/ http://www.listtailor.com/ http://www.miamihost.net/ http://www.mypicgallery.com/ http://www.pbase.com/ http://www.photoaccess.com/ http://www.photoasa.com/ http://www.photodump.com/ http://www.photogra.com/ http://www.picturetrail.com http://www.realimagehost.com/ http://www.rollingedits.com/ http://www.sighost.com/ http://www.spymac.com/ http://www.streetneeds.com/ http://www.strike9.com/ http://www.villagephotos.com/ http://www.yoxio.com/member.php http://alkaspace.com/ http://ephotohut.com/ http://fileave.com/ http://host-a.net/ http://www.filehigh.com/ http://www.filenanny.com/ http://www.freeimagehome.com/ http://www.freefilehosting.org/ http://www.freemyimage.com/ http://www.gigafiles.co.uk/ http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/ http://www.img4free.com/ http://www.image-upload.net/ http://www.myfilestash.com/ http://www.mynetimages.com/ http://www.photopeg.com http://www.photojerk.com/index.php http://www.photoserver.us/ http://www.picturerack.com/ http://www.postthatpic.com/ http://www.snapdrive.net/ http://www.theimagehosting.com/ http://www.thepixplace.com/ http://www.villagephotos.com/ http://www.yesalbum.com/ http://bayimg.com www.uppedimage.com http://filehost.to/ http://upload2.net/ http://xs.to/ http://www.fasterupload.com/index.php? http://www.filewind.com/ http://www.freeimagehost.eu/ http://www.freeimagehosting.net/ http://www.freeshare.us/ http://www.imagecave.com/ http://www.imagevenue.com/ http://www.imgfreehost.com http://www.keepmyfile.com/ http://www.picsoup.com/ http://www.piczs.com/ http://www.photoamp.com/ http://www.phosted.com/hosting/ http://www.pictiger.com/ http://www.simpload.com/ http://www.suprfile.com/ http://www.superfilehosting.com/ http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/ http://www.theimageplace.net/ http://www.upithere.com/ *Not my job :P Do you know more Url's ?? Tell me to update !
  20. At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it. Just say the first thing that pops into your mind. This is a fun 'test'... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try, and you'll see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you. Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2%. You'll understand what that means after you finish taking the test'. Now... Just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one.. You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind. You'll be surprised. Start: How much is: 15 + 6 3 + 56 89 + 2 12 + 53 75 + 26 25 + 52 63 + 32 I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over.. Come on, one more! 123 + 5 QUICK! THINK ABOUT A COLOR AND A TOOL! ! Scroll further to the bottom. A bit more... You just thought about a red hammer! , didn't you? If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of people who have a different, if not abnormal, mind. 98% of the folks would answer a red hammer while doing this exercise. If you do not believe this, pass it around and you'll see. Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2% and send to everyone, including the person that sent it to you.
  21. A re kagkouriaaaa ! :P
  22. W0w this is amazing ! if it works gratz KakiEpiroi... !!! :) Testing....
  23. Total time logged in: 12 days, 19 hours and 4 minutes. Keep Liosing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I don't say that something work wrong.. i just tell that i think some of them have been fixed ! Maybe i am wrong ! :)
  25. Yeap i know that trickS... I was seen them on this site before some days: http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/2007/08/07/few-useful-netcat-tricks/ They are really very usefull but i dont think that all working ! Ty for share anyway !!
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