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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Download: http://www.actiontrip.com/files/demos/needforspeedprostreet.phtml Need for Speed: Pro Street promises to deliver impeccable precision and impressively detailed photo-realistic graphics, effectively transporting you to the center of the action. It pushes the "Autosculpt" technology to a new level, allowing you to directly impact your car’s performance for the first time as well as personalize its appearance. Need for Speed ProStreet will be available for Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii, PS2, DS, PSP and mobile. Screenshot Working 100 % tested by me !
  2. Great share Blitztrager !! Very good collection as maxtor said ! Gratz for your karma point and thanks again ! :D
  3. Check your Pm's i find something but i think it is warez :)
  4. NIce share topa ! Great videos ! ;D
  5. File na s pw kai kati na to ma8eis ?? Gold member dn ginete opoios glufei... ginete opoios kanei kala shares sxetika me to l2 edw mesa... :/ Kai egw prosopika dn exw kanei tpt.. ! gt aploustata dn exw vrei tpt kainourgio kai protimo na mi spammarw ta idia apo to na kanw ta idia kai ta idia share .. h leeching apo alla forums px ragezone !
  6. Opws les kai esy... den iparxei rule p na leei "apagoreyete to glipsimo" Etc dn uparxei kai rule +1 gia Sticky animation.. Episis dn uparxei rule pou na leei opoios glufei h opoios exei 34322 karma ginete gold ! ____________________________________________________________________________ As valoume ena telos loipon edw... kai as er8ei enas mod na praksei analoga.. Episis 8elw na krinei an auto pou ekana einai glupsimo.....(Gia na kserw kai egw ti na kanw...) Kai plz an dn to lockarete pou dn pisteyw... plz kante delete ta replies giati to kseftilisame teleiws ! Thanks !
  7. Aderfia aderfia mou to g@mise to topic gia malakies omws .... Ante lock <-- --> kai emena -1 na lu8ei to provlima ... ! EDIT: H delete ola ta replys ..kai -1 emena ... gia na poune tin gnomi tous kai oi alloi :P
  8. Xriso an ennoeis GOLD MEMBER ?? Rota ton chris18 kati.. kai 8a sou pei an 8elw na ginw gold... Me eipe to paidi na mou dwsei tin 8esi tou gt mporei kapoia mera na stamatisei giati exei douleies kai dn mporei na einai ONLINE sinexeia kai rota ton ti tou apantisa...... kai meta ela pes m... ..... Kai oxi dn ton miso auton pou hackare tous MxC alla ksanalew to mesimeri dn eixa Internet kai ekana oti mou katevike sto kefali.. ti na pw re...
  9. Thanks re.. ! Ti allo 8a akousw edw mesa... Kai mods mi ksexnate 8elw -1 gia to animation pou ekana !
  10. Kala kala exeis dikio... 8elw na parw +1 karma gia to animation.. Paizei kiolas... Mpas kai to ekana to meshmeri ?? Pou dn eixa internet gt kati epa8e h Conn-x ?? Eee ?? lew mipos... Glipsimo pou ekana ena sticky animation.. Vale giala psile gt dn tin paleyeis... Kai mi to sinexizeis gt den exo oreksi na malono ... MODS valte mou -1 karma gia to glupsimo... SOVARA TO LEW.... Alla o monos pou ftaiw eimai egw.... -1 TORA (na doume ti 8a katalaveis! )
  11. Glipsimo gia poion ???????????????? GIA TON MAXTOR ??? gia tous mod na mou valoun +1 gia to stick animation ?? e?? pas kala ??? ???
  12. Xronia polla paidia se olous osous giortazoun simera ;)
  13. You like it ? :P
  14. Gropacas check my previous reply !
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6879.msg91483;topicseen#msg91483 Wanna
  16. Ox re... mi me prizeis to kefali kai esy ! Proton ekana vlakeia pou to ekana share gt einai palio kai deyteron ekana 1 wra gia na kanw oles autes tis eikones upload.. Kai esy tora dld gt asxolisai dn katalava ? Epeidi esy variesai tin zoi sou simainei oti kai oi alloi dn 8eloun na diavasoun ?
  17. Take a look here ! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12971.0 ModSss GoldSSS Lock this topic !! pfff
  18. Thank you !! Lets check out this server .. :P OmG x1 ? Pfff ok let's xp :P
  19. Off topic: How can i unblock you ? :P I was block you before some days.. remember ? :P I block you and delete from the contact list :(
  20. No i haven't and the videos are not mine :P I have lost all of my photos and videos :( Btw you was donator to bartz right ? Lionna hadn't have donate ! ... And yes i can remeber you ! :) From my net was playing.. : Karmadagger , Chocostyle , Raimon and some other n00bs :P And i tell you again check your private messages :/
  21. Yeap a adventurer Punisher and an archer KarmaArrows :D they was the best chars !!! LIONNA :) (Adenturer)Crazy dmg with skills with dagger and crazy critical with bow.. Full Buffs xD Btw check these 2 videos from the old noobs xD They havent me... at coli 15 vs 1 :P
  22. Pfff do you remember me Vortex ?? With the name Karmaarrows or Punisher ? :P :) Btw check your private messages !
  23. Downloading now.... ............... ................ ............. Finished ! - - - - - - - - - - W0w :o so many cool wallpapers for l2... Great share !!! ;D
  24. Ok thank you !! I will join later.. with name like always K4rMaArr0ws(and like before :P ) !! Lets make this server again popular ! St0rmgaming times c4 ! :)
  25. Well i will join asap.. ! But first i must to know something... This server is the old server with the name st0rmgaming ??
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