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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. K4rMa

    Mirc channel :P

    Prox8es to anoiksa to channel re :P Kai egw opote 8umamai mpenw :P :P
  2. Pfff...Thanks... but... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5464.0 And this is one topic from the 10 with gm/admin commands.. Anyway the next time ... SEARCH button FIRST !
  3. Welcome, K4rmaArr0ws. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 30 Total. Total time logged in: 10 days, 8 hours and 45 minutes.
  4. K4rMa

    Mirc channel :P

  5. K4rMa

    Mirc channel :P

    Omg ! http://www.mirc.com/ Einai ena program gia online chat.... Mpes sto site kai 8a vreis oti psaxneis
  6. 1127
  7. Eipa na asxoli8w me Irc ;p Opoios 8elei mpenei ! ;D -----> #Mostwanted Sas perimenw xD Btw kanw kai diafimisi gia Maxcheaters :) EDIT:kai otan mpenete Irc kante ena kopo na mpenete kai sto chan m :)
  8. Now i dont play lineage 2 ;/
  9. Wrong section Advertise your own server,or your friend's one here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0
  10. To eida se ena site... Enas typos elege : if i press shift+2 i get @. when i press shift+' i get ". these are the wrong way around. how can i get them back the way they were. Kai enas allos ton leei : Go to Start->Control Panel->(classic mode)->Regional Settings->Languages tab->Details button There you can select the layout you need and choose a default if you want more than one. I would also recommend you choose to show the language bar if you have multiple languages setup. Dokimase kai pes mou .. Makari na ftiaxei ;)
  11. K4rMa

    For The mental

    Nai re file alla einai SPAM section ! Mporei egw na eimai sto forum mono gia spam + off topic section Apagoreyetai dld ?? An dn exeis vrei tpt kainourgio gia l2 ti na kaneis post etc.. Sumfono me auta pou les.. alla dn einai kai toso tromero ena topic pou ekana egw Uparxoun 3920483290 alla pou einai teleiws akura kai esy vasistikes sto diko mou ? :( OK kanto ena /lock ELikse ;) Kai dn me pligoses :P Siga mi klapsw kiolas :'( :D Apla neyriasa ligaki POU TO EKANES me tin mia lock :P
  12. Yeah new record for MxC ! :) Take a look here :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12222.0
  13. K4rMa

    For The mental

    Tespa ok oti egine egine.. Dn exw tpt me to paidi... Apla na me afisei kai mena na pw tin gnomi mou :( Btw kai to karma afiste to etc... Kai etsi kalo einai ;D
  14. K4rMa

    For The mental

    An einai etc.. paw paso... Ontws +fwnw kapoia pou ekana share dn aksizan.... An einai as mou to kanei kai 0 dn exw provlima Apla lew mipos to ekane kapoios xwris logo.... Tespa Emena me pirakse auto --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12591.0 Dld dn mporoume na milisoume edw mesa eleoC Lew mia kouventa amesws LOCK ....
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