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WilliamFS last won the day on April 26 2024

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  1. how to keep my animations? some actions stopped to work
  2. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work with Hamachi, the only IP allowed is I don’t really have a reason to buy it, I don’t even have a live server, I just wanted to play with my friend, and the only reason I wanted this was for the DressMe mod... I guess I’ll have to use L2JMobius instead...
  3. missing some icon texture files: vipshop Systemicon maxi_ic WingChun2 L2-PvP_icon (this facking specific files)
  4. Someone ask me for this, it should work on any client that has Kamael race, preview: Installation - there are two ways to install depending on how you want to use it: Method 1: If you want to completely replace the original, do: Copy all lines from your armorgrp to Notepad++, press Ctrl+H, check the "match whole word" option and replace: kamael.Mkamael_m000_w_ad00 by: AvengersKamaelWings.Avengers_MKamael_m001_w_ad00 Then replace: MKamael.Mkamael_m000_t00_w by: AvengersKamaelWings.MKamael_m001_t00_w Now repeat the same process with the female, replace: kamael.Fkamael_m000_w_ad00 by: AvengersKamaelWings.Avengers_FKamael_m001_w_ad00 Then replace: FKamael.Fkamael_m000_t00_w by: AvengersKamaelWings.FKamael_m001_t00_w You're done, paste everything back into File Edit and save! Method 2: If you only want to replace in specific sets, execute the above process only on the armorgrp of those sets. Repack by: AvengersTeamBr Password: LadrãoDeFrango
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  5. sadly, it don't works with ukx containing animations sets
  6. Thanks for the share, looks much better now! it would be possible do the same with the UT2004?
  7. Try this one or this You should select proper client version before open the dat file also keep in mind that third party dat files may be protected
  8. I'm gonna try, thanks
  9. Here: Also noticed that it's not resizing according with the npc size, always looks the same size
  10. Found a issue with this, if you oscillate the target between two npcs the effect duplicates cumulatively
  11. Anyone experienced such issues? https://i.imgur.com/NoPKDC8.png https://i.imgur.com/iiOaa0N.png I'm using THIS and THIS with @sidius changes over EDIT: Solved.
  12. There's something strange with the control volume, I can't adjust, the changes aren't saving. Other problem is the position of the elements, the configs are saving on .ini config file but aren't aplying on logon, always I have to set it again. Anyway thanks again for sharing.
  13. Thanks! You have only for interlude?
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