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  1. Well ,i do this ,but first i need to decrypt it with a regular decryter no? this its the file that i get after use the SmartDecrypt.dll on the ogg.dll https://www.mediafire.com/file/2q606t5jqkz2cx7/decrypted_file.txt/file First of all sorry for double post . Finally it working for me ,i screw up on the CFF part ,i forgot to check the "create new section"
  2. wow its working ,maybe you can give me a little hand of how to do it :D? (i have a lot files to decompile to ) ,maybe my regular decompiler its not working?
  3. Hello there after follow to the letter your guide im stuck with the final file called "decrypted_file.txt" ,i used this tool to decrypt the regular encrypt (413). also i attached the file wich im try to decrypt https://www.mediafire.com/file/b6xqfaov3yea91y/systemmsg-e.dat/file
  4. its shared for free on somme russian forums ,this one its not binded so you don't need key. GF Vanganth Last
  5. i found some crap inside the sources this thing called pvpzone.java package zones; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import l2f.commons.threading.RunnableImpl; import l2f.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import l2f.gameserver.listener.zone.OnZoneEnterLeaveListener; import l2f.gameserver.model.Creature; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import l2f.gameserver.model.Zone; import l2f.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2f.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils; /** * @author L2Mythras */ public class PvPZone implements ScriptFile { private static ZoneListener _zoneListener; @Override public void onLoad() { _zoneListener = new ZoneListener(); Zone zone = ReflectionUtils.getZone("[pvp_zone_toi]"); zone.addListener(_zoneListener); } @Override public void onReload() { on reload } @Override public void onShutdown() { on shutdown } public class ZoneListener implements OnZoneEnterLeaveListener { @Override public void onZoneEnter(Zone zone, Creature cha) { ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask = null; if (zone.getParams() == null || !cha.isPlayable()) return; if (!cha.isPlayer()) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have entered in a PvP Zone!"); cha.startPvPFlag(null); cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are now flagged!"); _checkTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(new checkZone((Player)cha, zone, _checkTask), 60000, 60000); } public class checkZone extends RunnableImpl { Player _cha; Zone _zone; ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask; public checkZone(Player cha, Zone zone, ScheduledFuture<?> checkTask) { _cha = cha; _zone = zone; _checkTask = checkTask; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { if(_cha.isInZone(_zone)) { _cha.startPvPFlag(null); } else { _checkTask.cancel(true); _checkTask = null; } } } @Override public void onZoneLeave(Zone zone, Creature cha) { if (cha == null) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have left the PvP Zone !"); cha.getPlayer().stopPvPFlag(); } } }
  6. Hi im using L2Mythras files h5,i want to make a custom instant flag zone (you will be flagged all the time inside that zone). Its possible to made it ?
  7. Hi im looking for some help to change how the "Ancient Enchants" works on H5. Here its a enchant description pic. As you can read this enchant has a limit ,you can only use it on weapons by above +16. So Basically i want to change this restriction to use it from +15 to +20. Im using H5 Mythras Files ,i tried to find this "Restriction" on sources but i couldn't.
  8. Great how should i run this script ,(seriously ,have no idea )?
  9. The Hauthd have a reload option ,there its some way to call this function every x time ?
  10. i tried in both ip to put ,but its the same it stucks on the server selection
  11. Basically i need to setup a L2OFF server with a dynamic ip(this ip changes every time that the modem restarts) I have a no-ip service,and vangath files ,so i use a noip of 15 letters (it can't containt more than 15 lettters on the dbo.server table) Example serv67.ddns.net So When Hauth Loads the server it says External IP "" ,why not serv67.ddns.net? No problem i tried to log in the server but it get stucked on the server seleccion screen. Both ports are open
  12. Well i added some lines more public static synchronized void setNewOlympiadEnd() { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(new SystemMessage(SystemMsg.ROUND_S1_OF_THE_GRAND_OLYMPIAD_GAMES_HAS_STARTED).addNumber(Olympiad._currentCycle)); Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance(); currentTime.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY); currentTime.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM); currentTime.set(Calendar.HOUR, 12); currentTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); currentTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); if (currentTime.getTimeInMillis() < System.currentTimeMillis()) currentTime.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, 1); _olympiadEnd = currentTime.getTimeInMillis(); Calendar nextChange = Calendar.getInstance(); Olympiad._nextWeeklyChange = nextChange.getTimeInMillis() + Config.ALT_OLY_WPERIOD; Olympiad._isOlympiadEnd = false; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(new SystemMessage2(SystemMsg.OLYMPIAD_PERIOD_S1_HAS_STARTED).addInteger(Olympiad._currentCycle)); } And wheare says _olympiadEnd = currentTime.getTimeInMillis() ; I get this error
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