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Rootware last won the day on May 22 2023

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About Rootware

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  1. Unfortunately, I can't put the skills of logical thinking into your head so that you can use my Java code. The hardest thing I gave you in code form.
  2. I remember what on Innova L2OFF last hit in party always made player with premium account. It means, drop rates and experience was relative with killer's account status. You made madness implementation. Premium user does not need be activity in a party for getting benefits.
  3. All L2J packs have the same quality. Difference only in customization level. If you interests about L2OFF implementation then they are have common bugs for all L2J projects.
  4. http://rootware.ru/lineage-2-interlude-client/
  5. All actions in CharacterCreateScreen it's client related issues. Server sends only race info packet.
  6. Try to use clear client pack.
  7. Don't wasting your time for nothing. Try to use IP for determine a players. HWID as vulnerable as IP address.
  8. So, these projects are different based?
  9. Hire developer for fix all exploit in Frozen is much cheaper than adding all Frozen's addons to aCis. In the end you get the same quality a pack because 99% players don't knows how is looks L2OFF gameplay.
  10. Try to use yGuard. It's The only one tool (actual for 2016 year) who don't brokes a jar package overall.
  11. If you have no plans weekly/daily updates of client side then not need to waste a money for pointless tools.
  12. All these issues related with geoengine and movement systems. And never be fixed because L2J developers don't understand how it must work properly. This problem is due to the fact that need to have some basic mathematical knowledge and knows what client and server it's one whole and ignore some client/server data the big mistake. No one don't tries perceive an object movement as a vector that has a direction, velocity and acceleration. All developers write a code imagine what an object moves by horisontal surface with constant speed. For this model he can't falling or slide with acceleration on inclined. About validation position it's really magic in L2J. Server side have absolute data and this is uses as true position. And "насрать" what client sends to server. LMAO Only newbies tries to fing "better" geodata for resolving this issues but geodata related only with elegant final pathways for pathfinding's result (from point A to point B) and correct detecting objects behind an obtacles. That's all. As @Trancesaid if you need actual geodata for your maps you can hire @deMEVfor this job. If you have some stuck places you can edit this places manually because any builder will produce conflict cells. If you have any other issues just use L2OFF platform. In next 5-8 years L2J don't resolve it. Have a nice day.
  13. By what criteria do you determine the quality of geodata?
  14. Exists the easy way: Download Eclipse. Unpack Eclipse in separated folder. In side this folder make new folder with name "jre". Download OpenJDK 17 or another version. Unpack OpenJDK into this folder. All Java projects what will added into workbench in future will use this Java version as default. In profit you can use separated Eclipse version for any Java version and not need to install into the system Java.
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