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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Happy new year acis team :)

Happy new year 2013 to all ! I personally made the fiesta with friends and woken up after 13 hours of sleep.


NPCs refactor will come later than expected, due to a lack of informations. The core is basically made, we need to define which sources will be used, and used for what.

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New -> Project -> Load from ant build, as  I rem :) For datapack new -> project -> empty project -> drag and drop? Smthing like

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We still search informations. If you know notably a L2J IL pack who made NPC templates rework (understand : with IL mobs 'corrected' stats), you can PM me. We gonna stay with precalculated stats, which is first a performance gain, and second the only decent choice as we can't have retail formulas (haven't will nor time to learn assembleur).


Waiting I fixed 3 issues - which will be integrated with NPCs refactors - and will commit few quests.

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If you make a buffer in pack that would be great!

i don't want to be rude but (since i'm already considerate a douchebag)

free, retail like, if would have a buffer "great", after you will wish for a gm shop, fallowed by a free host, and if we can to manage your server too will be awesome.

and you will do... what ? you don't know to code, you invest nothing but i guess that you will demand some donations too, after all is "your" server right ?



i don't talk about you but in general, also i know that some parts are exaggerated but this is the truth.

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Current revision isn't finished, but it was too big atm to still getting any control about quality.


Changeset 285


NPCs templates refactor part I - Ty to devilKing for data parsing.


An important work has been made in order to merge, and then SQL -> XML all data related to NPCs.

That work is a first step and is commited to let me a clear view of next additions, see bottom for what is missing.


Following SQL tables dissapear :

- npc_ai_data.sql

- npc_skills.sql

- npc.sql

- minions.sql

- skill_learn.sql


Following XML dissapears :

- droplist.xml


Some new functionalities :

- addition of isSeedable() support.

- unhardcoded critical value (mobs got different % to critical : 1, 4, 8).

- NPC shield support. Feel that sad feeling when your hits are blocked by a mob !

- Debugged ss/bss usage for NPCs. You thought NPCs were stupid... And you were right. But now they're powerful.

- Debugged stats system (was heavily affecting summons).


And, in the biggest capharnaüm :

- edit L2CharTemplate, L2NpcTemplate and L2PcTemplate stats names, and so by extension XMLs. For classes parsing, there is a noticable drop in weight removing "skill" from "skillId" and "skillLvl" (-200ko).

- drop from XMLs classes things which could be set by default on core, and shared amongst all templates, notably :

- basePAtkSpd (default 300)

- baseMAtkSpd (333, shared with mobs) - the stat just dissapears, replaced by flat value on the used formula.

- baseCritRate (default 4)

- stats who were supposed to be boolean (but weren't due to the use of SQL) are now boolean.

- following methods (setters, getters, variable) dissapear :

- getSex() - no use (I speak of npcs, ofc)

- getBaseHpConsumeRate() - no use

- getBaseMpConsumeRate() - no use

- _aiClass from L2Character - no use

- getBaseMAtkSpd() - 333 for all

- getBaseMCritRate() - 80 for all

- isServerSideName() - isCustom() addition

- isServerSideTitle() - isCustom() addition

- getBaseShldDef() - 0 for all (affected by worn lHand)

- getBaseShldRate() - 0 for all (affected by worn lHand)

- overidden getCollisionRadius() / getCollisionHeight() from L2PcTemplate (what was the point to store in another variable and not using the extended variable ?)

- _staticAIData and its getter on L2Npc (can be easily replaced by getTemplate().getAIData(), avoid to maintain 65xx AI objects just for shortcuts...).

- isCustomNpc() addition (compares if npcId and templateId are different, if yes, it is considered as a custom npc)

- existing float are changed for double.

- base patk, pdef, matk, mdef are double not int anymore (keep accuracy for calculations).

- shift+click on NPCs is cleaned up (generated HTM is shorter, drop of (L2Character (this)), fix skill / drop / spawn views for custom NPCs (was using idTemplate instead of id), addition of missing infos (harvest, ss/sps count/rate).

- _seeded L2Attackable internal boolean flag is dropped, as that state can be checked using _seedType (> 0 meaning it is seeded).

- Config.CHAMPION_ENABLE is dropped. If frequency > 0, then we can have champions... So that config is useless.

- default values concerning champion configs are equal in Config.java and .properties.

- drop of admin_kill_monster command (unused) and drop of AdminKill handler (merged admin_kill on AdminAdmin).

- fix a NPE in Q111.

- fix shops animation while running (you still could run for 2.5sec before stopping). Ty UnAfraid for the report.

- fix few Double values in Config which weren't correctly parsed as Double.

- getPlayersInside() && getPlayableInside() are dropped for getKnownTypeInside(). Cleanup of L2BossZone.

- fix systemMessages while missing a regular attack - ty Hasha for report.

- fix target cancel while attacking (pressing esc)

- fix a PHX exploit, ty PaganTemplar for report.

- fix polymorph issue, ty Sweets for report.

- fix an issue with henna addition, ty Silentium.

- fix a problem with quest parameters, ty povis111 for report and Hasha the Villain for fix.

- add few HTMs on default folder.


If you (think you) have better data, consider sharing. devilKing will surely be pleased to parse it, again, and again.


Things to do in part 2 :

- isSeedable() use for seeding purposes (atm only one check for harvest).

- debug rHand/lHand stats, in order mobs use shields.

- debug stats, all NPCs stats are very weak.

- active skills missing on all templates atm.

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