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Domain L2Mxc.com,New Private L2 Servers Network(Powered by Maxcheaters®)


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.:: GREEK ::.


Ναι ειναι μια πολυ καλη ιδεα...αυτο μολις τωρα ειπα και γω απλα ειπα για εναν σερβερ του L2 με ονομα MaxCheaters...Αυτο που προτινεις εσυ ομως ειναι καλυτερο γιατι θα εχει :

1oν : Ολα τα Chronicle του Line][Age (Interlude +)

2oν : Δεν θα ειναι μονο ενας σερβερ θα ειναι πολυ μιας και θα ειναι L2MxC NetWork!


Οποτε συμφωνω απολυτα με την αποψη σου Maxtor..Εγω δεν διαθετω ΟΛΑ αυτα που ειπες πως πρεπει να εχει ενας Developer..Ειμαι Newbie ακομα αλλα ασχολουμαι με Java Script/html!

Εχω, δεν εχω Acces θα παιξω τουλαχιστον σε εναν απο τους σερβερ!


Ελπιζω να πετυχει...καλη επιτυχεια :)


.:: ENGLISH ::.


Yes it's a very good idea ... It just now I said for one server of L2 named MaxCheaters ... What you previously said, however is better because it has:

1st: All Chronicle of the Line][Age (Interlude +)

2nd: There won't be only one SERVER will be much since it is L2MxC NetWork!


So I totally agree with your opinion Maxtor ..: I don't have all that you said becuase I'm still Newbie Developer .. I'm working on Java Script / html !

I'll play AT LEAST one of these Servers !


Good Luck :)


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Rofl servers won't be Maxtor's he will just give some PRIVATE servers free webhosting+advertisment+ their name at a L2private server network called : L2MxC


He won't open any server...

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MAXTOR πολυ καλη η ιδεα σου ... με αυτο μπορουμε να βοιθησουμε τουσ νεουσ dev να κανουν το ονειρο τους πραγματικοτιτα...


ααλλλα ...

ποσο θα κοστιζει περιπου??? τον μηνα ...

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LOOOL seriously whats wrong with you guys... and im in the sad position to say it in the majority of users that posted here (almost everyone).

Everyone saying good luck Maxtor , gl, hope you succeed, etc ..lool. Its not for his succeed or not lol he just offer to some developers to host their names under l2mxc domain...


Use your brains and take few examples. Who serious developer/admin that spend more than 200e (or a lot more) for start and other monthly fee's wouldnt have 10e to host his own site under his own domain...   let me think... none

Even if i was a starter at this (l2 server) i wouldnt do it for lots of reasons. Lets say maxtor's domain goes down or his account expire, etc etc or that for any reason he dont like me.. bam down, say bb to your community.


All this is for advertisement and i dont think its the best..

Just for a free** host or a small advertisement i dont think that many will pick it up. Its the least of their problems, anyone these days can find a host and a domain name.


If i want for example to make l2gang  the name would be  l2gang.l2mxc.com  i dont think many will like it.

Btw did i say good luck?

He asked for an opinion, didnt he? well i think this is an opinion based on reality.

*When you make something on your own, unique then you should really own it and not through another person.

..to be continued

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