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[League Of Legends][Guide]Akali The Fist of Shadow


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Well i made this guide only cause i love akali and she is my fav hero.



Base Stats

Damage  53  (+3.2 / per level)

Health 425 (+85 / per level)

Mana 200 (+0 / per level)

Move Speed 325

Armor 13.5 (+3.5 / per level)

Spell Block 30 (+1.25 / per level)

Health Regen 1.45 (+0.13 / per level)

Mana Regen 10 (+0 / per level)


Passive Ability

84-5.gif Twin Disciplines

Upon obtaining 20 additional ability power, Akali's hits deal 10% bonus magic damage, increasing by 1% for every 5 ability power gained thereafter.


Upon obtaining 10 additional attack damage, Akali gains 10% Spell Vamp, increasing by an additional 1% for every 10 attack damage gained thereafter.



84-1.gifMark of the Assassin

Akali spins her kama at a target enemy to deal 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.4) magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds.


Akali's melee attacks against a marked target will trigger and consume the mark to cause 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.4) magic damage and restore 20/25/30/35/40 energy.


Energy Cost

60/60/60/60/60 Energy




84-2.gif Twilight Shroud

Akali throws down a cover of smoke that lasts for 8/8/8/8/8 seconds. While inside the area, Akali gains 10/20/30/40/50 armor and magic resist and becomes stealthed. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her.


Enemies inside the smoke have their movement speed reduced by 14/18/22/26/30%.



Energy Cost





84-3.gif Crescent Slash

Akali flourishes her kamas, hitting nearby units for 30/55/80/105/130 (0.3 + ) physical damage.


Energy Cost






84-4.gif Shadow Dance


Akali moves through shadows to quickly strike her target, dealing 100/175/250 (+0.5) magic damage.


Akali stores an Essence of Shadow on kills and assists as well as every 25/20/15 seconds up to 3 total.



1 Essence of Shadow




Item Build

On The start of the game i usally take an Amplifying Tome1052.gif that gives +20 Ability Power so my passive ability is actived for % magic damage.


as the game goes on i make a pair of Sorcerer's Shoes 3020.gif so my spells deal more damage.


then i evolve my Amplifying Tome 1052.gif To Mejai's Soulstealer 3041.gif


so as i continue getting kills my ability power is rising so does the magic dmg bonus i get from my passive ability and when i get to 20 stacks i have 15% reduced cooldown.


Then i get 1 more Amplifying Tome  1052.gif and a Sapphire Crystal 1027.gif and later evolve them to Sheen 3057.gif that gives +250 Mana +25 Ability Power UNIQUE Passive: 100% chance when an ability is used to increase your base damage by 80% on your next attack. This effect has a 3 second cooldown.


As the game goes on and i continue taking kills i buy a Blasting Wand 1026.gif that boost my skill dmg and my passive bonus as well. after that i get a Null-Magic Mantle 1033.gif that gives some magic resistance.


and as i continue taking kills i evolve Sheen 3057.gif Blasting Wand 1026.gif and Null-Magic Mantle  1033.gif to my ultimate item Lich Bane 3100.gif that gives me alot of magic damage and boost my passive bonus and my spell damage as well but after each spell i deal an extra amount of 100% ability power into the next hit.


So i combine my first spell Mark of the Assassin 84-1.gif with the extra 100% ability power on next hit of Lich Bane 3100.gif


so far now i got my killing spree build and i continue building more and more ability power items like

Zhonya's Ring 3089.gif that gives +120 Ability Power and the ability to petrife my self so i can be safe of a huge magic dmg or smth.


Then i get a Rylai's Crystal Scepter 3116.gif so i get 80 Ability Power more and 500 extra hp that really helps plus i slow my enemys when i use my spells.


and as my last item i build Abyssal Scepter 3001.gif that gives me 70 Ability Power more + 57 Magic Resistance and gives me an aura the reduce the magic resist of my enemys by 20 points.


actually if u have all this items now u have to be godlike everyone is 1 mark 1 ulty 1 hit.


Abilitys Build

I prefer using Ghost spell_202.jpg and Exhaust sb63h2.jpg as my abilitys so i can slow down people with exhaust + reduce theyr magic resist and hunt people down with ghost as escaping easy with ghost .

Rune Build

On akali i go with Magic penetration / Ability power / CoolDown reduration runes.

Masteries Build

I usally go with 9 Offense / 20 Defense / 1 Utility.

Offense :

Abillity power bonus (3)

Exhaust enchantment (1)

CoolDown Reduce (4)

Magic Penetration (1)

Defense :

Magic Resist (3)

Armor Bonus (3)

Dodge Chance (4)

Reduce dmg (3)

Reduce minion dmg (3)

And all the other defense abilitys that u can get.

Utility :

Ghost enchantment (1).

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Masteries Build

I usally go with 9 Offense / 20 Defense / 1 Utility.

Offense :

Abillity power bonus (3)

Exhaust enchantment (1)

CoolDown Reduce (4)

Magic Penetration (1)

Defense :

Magic Resist (3)

Armor Bonus (3)

Dodge Chance (4)

Reduce dmg (3)

Reduce minion dmg (3)

And all the other defense abilitys that u can get.

Utility :

Ghost enchantment (1).[/center]



20 points in defence and you dont take tenacity..?

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20 points in defence and you dont take tenacity..?

i just dont remember the names atm and lol is down so i cant check them ^^
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fail images are from EUROPIAN LOL SITE i just borrowed them to make the guide .

ok iam newbiew i dont know where you find !
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ok iam newbiew i dont know where you find !



and then check items ;) you find them all




@DS thnx for guide:P

was looking for this ;)!

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What about Malady? j/k xD


Anyway, Void Staff or Guise Mask are good options for Akali too imo ;p

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