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Freya New Skills With Pictures

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hI tHIS IS ALL skills that added on freya?


no.... read some more posts as just the first one ><


its High Five... means freya is ct2.5 and those stuff comes probably in ct2.6 / ct2.7

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come on dwarves were never favored in pvps up to interlude (dont know hb/g1-final) with rushes etc etc are more balanced. if this hight five or whatever is called gets to private servers, my main is gonna be a dwarf. forever.:P

and one more thing. just because i have been confused. after freya comes high five? (i mean comes in the future) and then Goddess of destruction? or i have mistook many things?

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come on dwarves were never favored in pvps up to interlude (dont know hb/g1-final) with rushes etc etc are more balanced. if this hight five or whatever is called gets to private servers, my main is gonna be a dwarf. forever.:P

and one more thing. just because i have been confused. after freya comes high five? (i mean comes in the future) and then Goddess of destruction? or i have mistook many things?

Can you imagine a dwarf rushing? lols
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you overestimate some things.

Ok,dwarfs will have rushes


dwarfs are totally useless in pvp now

at least,you may see them

if a dwarf is farming now,and someone flags at him,he can't even damage enemy's cp

at least now,he can do something

in pvps,as always u will see the nuker classes



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you overestimate some things.

Ok,dwarfs will have rushes


dwarfs are totally useless in pvp now

at least,you may see them

if a dwarf is farming now,and someone flags at him,he can't even damage enemy's cp

at least now,he can do something

in pvps,as always u will see the nuker classes



you're kinda wrong .. dwarfs are not so useless .. yea , you can't kill a mage that start hiting you from 900 range, but you can kill them if they are close cause dwarf have powerfull skills and good stuns..

Also you can kill some fighters ( not duelists/gk/tanks ofc ... )

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you're kinda wrong .. dwarfs are not so useless .. yea , you can't kill a mage that start hiting you from 900 range, but you can kill them if they are close cause dwarf have powerfull skills and good stuns..

Also you can kill some fighters ( not duelists/gk/tanks ofc ... )

in the end no

dwarfs don't have so many new skills in new chronicles.At least good,as the other classes have

or i am wrong at this


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