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[Share] L2J-OFF Project, in Development.

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With changes likeyou will surely be most active project ever.

Hah They think they can change author only because they made few changes, lol haha

I Said i am not in this project, pointless to judge it in this topic.

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damn what i saw today im stunned exxx in l2emu forum:


i am active and professional l2j developer i wanna join this team






thats just EPIC and by that i mean HUGE EPIC failure close that project seriously...

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Beggar ended the exxx**


the fact is he wanted to buy stuff from me(gracia final pack)since hes too dumb to do it anyway but hes a professional and active l2j developer respect him nahh :)

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You know you are kind of scammers right? You got the name L2J-Off ==> L2Java - Off?...Java Off?...WTF?


Some nubs in here will belive this is a L2off project

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You know you are kind of scammers right? You got the name L2J-Off ==> L2Java - Off?...Java Off?...WTF?


Some nubs in here will belive this is a L2off project


true...like they did about l2joff(the real one)

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Why Sido have you left this project ? Have it anything with team, or project itself ? Perhaps a word or two.

as far as i tested by now this project got fixes as most of the projects listed in this forum, i speak daily with the owner, and yeah imo is an active project. the only reason i dont use is cuz i cant run other server then archid lol, i dont find any reason, no error in GS but it stuck , nobody can login even if serv. is online. and the players that was online cant move or cant speak. sometimes tell me smth about flood bla bla, and some names. yeah right no flood.

(btw im not speaking about this project, theon too, dev-warez too, etc)


You know you are kind of scammers right? You got the name L2J-Off ==> L2Java - Off?...Java Off?...WTF?


Some nubs in here will belive this is a L2off project

lol'd  :D ;D ;D . "nubs" are everywere. anyway this project is listed on L2j section right ? if they miss this then why u care about the name ? and scam ? what they will get by this ? some more QQ'ers cuz Dev's dont work for them ? who want them anyway.

imo they can use the name since they try to be close to retail like, i guess from there is the "off" .

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To take back your post Sido, it's not strange than this project got same fixes than others, cause all projects steal on all existing projects to take fixes, and you (and me) can't blame them, cause why reinvent the wheel when it works. There is one creator, and others follow or, at the best, try to improve it.


Distributions (not the bigger) are more or less the "steal time" of random people who try to improve Interlude. Unfortunately, people stay in their side, and project die in their corner (like emos).


I agree with people talking about the "off" thing too, when you see timeline, and see exxx (I must apologize to this guy, as some people take back my example of "timeline 139", seems I made him famous) changing all the damn words "To Speak Like That", it's far to become retail-like. Sort of... I haven't the word, "Publicité mensongère" in french if you got the signification :P.


I want to add the fact to change author is pretty common. But come on, you can't say it's a changeset itself.


Marketing is a way, but it's not often the good one :P.




Systemgamerfreaks, in the first post of mr_solis you are in the team list, and some posts upper you say you aren't :P.

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this project will closed?


its interlude and made without concept and with huge amount of copy paste what you except what will happen?

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but right now is active so stop with the lol'flames.


until c/pable changesets gone cmon get real...even evill33t failed with sshitlude what you except from 0 knowledge kids?

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