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Hello MxC Community.


In this guide i will show you how to create your own Aion Server.


Images included in order not to be complicated.


First of all , for this guide you need the following softwares :






Java Developement Kit


Note: It doesnt matter where you install any of these.


Step One.


Install all of the softwares.


Just extract eclipse where ever you want.

But dont lose it incase you need to re-compile, or if a new rev is released.


Install SmartSVN.

Install JDK(Java Developement Kit).


Step Two.


Then you will probably think:

"Oh no, now its going to very complicated. And im going to get many errors."


I can guarantee that its not going to be complicated.


Open SmartSVN.


When you open SmartSVN you should be promted with this window:




Press OK.


The window should now look like this:




And as the image says.


Put http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/aion-emu/ where it says URL

and your Destinated Folder where it says Local Directory.


And the press Next.


The window should now look like this.




Just Press Finish.


And now it should begin "downloading" the core from the site.


When its done it should look something like this.




Note: That now you're able to see directories now, aswell as files.


Step Three.


You should now have some new files on your harddrive. The once that you downloaded.


For me the files are in C:\Program Files\Aion SVN.


So go there.


It should look like this in the folder.




Don't get a panic attack if you cant see the .svn folder. You've done nothing wrong.


If you cant see the folder then you havent enabled "Show hidden folders".

I will not explain how to do this, since its not necessary.


Navigate to. Trunk> AE LoginServer


Make sure that theres a file in there called build.xml


Navigate to. Trunk> AE GameServer


Make sure that theres a file in there called build.xml


Navigate to. Trunk> AE_Commons


Make sure that theres a file in there called build.xml


When you've done this then your ready to start compiling.


Step Four.


Open Eclipse.




You should be prompted with this window.




It doesnt really matter where the workspace is.

But if your not really in to this then you should just go with the default one.


Press OK.


Navigate to File> Open File.


Go to your SVN folder. In my case: C:\Program Files\Aion SVN


Navigate to Trunk> AE LoginServer.


Click at build.xml.


If nothing appears when you do this then double click beside the Welcome Tab.




A new tab should appear. It should be called build.xml.


Step Five.


Navigate to Window> Preferences


Navigate to Ant> Runtime


Press Global Entries


And then Press Add External JARs.


Go to the folder where your Java is installed. In my case C:\Program Files\Java


In that folder there may be several folders or just one.


Press the one that says jreX


X being a number.


Example: jre4 (thats where i found my file)


Navigate to lib


And in there find tools.jar.


If you cant find it then pick another folder.


Press OK.


Navigate to Run>Run




You should get prompted with a window.


Press Ant Build.




This will start compiling the file.


When the compiling the "Console" window should look like this:




When your done compiling LoginServer then just repeat step iv-step v.


The only thing your going to do different is to choose another file.


Instead of choosing the build.xml file in the AE LoginServer, you will now compile the build.xml file in the AE_GameServer folder and AE_Commons folder.


Step Six.


When you've reached this step you should have your Core Compiled.


Hope it helps the people who want to create their own Aion Server.


Credits : Aion Emu , Commodus .



but how do i get the game to recogonize my server?


After doing all steps you must change this one :


public class Version
* What version should server support
* [true = chs, false = EU/US]
public final static boolean Chiness = false; <------ this


in version.java before compiling


And then you must unzip this file : Launch.rar to the path of your Aion Folder.


for example : C:/Program Files/NcSoft/Aion

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