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[Report] Threads That Need To Be Locked


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are krash retard or something? No seriously what wrong with maxcheaters staff?


Unlock my topic...

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are krash retard or something? No seriously what wrong with maxcheaters staff?


Unlock my topic...

here is [Report Threads That Need To Be Locked].thank you.
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are krash retard or something? No seriously what wrong with maxcheaters staff?


Unlock my topic...

i guess you are wrong not me.
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here is [Report Threads That Need To Be Locked].thank you.

Members can post in case if their topic where locked by mistake, or by idiotic staff


i guess you are wrong not me.

Is where any problem with you? Somebody told you that im scammer or something? Wake up...


well half maxcheaters post packs there that has been posted here and are scamming people

pack are complete private, and had never been shared nowhere...

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Members can post in case if their topic where locked by mistake, or by idiotic staff

Is where any problem with you? Somebody told you that im scammer or something? Wake up...

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OK first of all learn how to speak, and don't post as answer one word "idiot?" what the heck answer is that?

Secondly im not scammer, i can proof that since my pack had been sold to 6 persons, i don't care if them scammer,newbies here, i got money from them, they got sources from me... Can you tell me where exactly reason for locking my topic, and calling me scammer?


You can dekarma me as many times you want, call your friends for help, thats don't change a sentence how "bad" staff member you are...

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Its Locked! End of Discussion

No its not end of discussion, the reaosn why i don't stop is because you have no proofs that im scammer or something, + you abusing my rights, since i don't broke rules, and + i don't flamed "you" idiotic its not idiot learn f*** english...

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No its not end of discussion, the reaosn why i don't stop is because you have no proofs that im scammer or something, + you abusing my rights, since i don't broke rules, and + i don't flamed "you" idiotic its not idiot learn f*** english...

u just did xD


Also your topic is a bucket full of spam xD nothing more.

Too whom you soled that source, that person must be brain dead. Also you were not able to set a simple source folder. How can u back that up ?

And to top it off, you didn't answer my question regarding the infrastructure of that pack. You just stated some shit to make the user overlook important criteria.

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u just did xD


Also your topic is a bucket full of spam xD nothing more.

Too whom you soled that source, that person must be brain dead. Also you were not able to set a simple source folder. How can u back that up ?

And to top it off, you didn't answer my question regarding the infrastructure of that pack. You just stated some shit to make the user overlook important criteria.

No i didn't...


siriously where is no reason for locking topic, just because krash have problem with me, (i don't know even why, maybe because i don't gave him source for vote reward 1 month ago,

stile m t vote reward an 8es , dn empisteomai ton allon ton rain gia bot account m fenete

PS. English: If you want, sent me vote reward system, because i don't trust rain since his account looks like bot

i don't know)


u just did xD


Also your topic is a bucket full of spam xD nothing more.

Too whom you soled that source, that person must be brain dead. Also you were not able to set a simple source folder. How can u back that up ?

And to top it off, you didn't answer my question regarding the infrastructure of that pack. You just stated some shit to make the user overlook important criteria.


Probably i source were working fine, also i can tell you with sure that "yours" project isn't better than this one... (Maybe im wrong, but i take same way with you)

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