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New Membergroup! L2J Developer! (by maxtor)

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Cobra/VaGo...the rest...didn't heard of them in my life lol XD


if some one gets this status hope they will not be A-Style Jr....

Or other shit like that...

This is a high responsibility that requires mentality...

Hope no shit head 13 years old shitty ass'ed kid gets this responsibility.


And i see ppl voteing here "vago +1, kidzor cobra blablabal" this is a shitty idea u guys shod look on evry devs post and lookn' at the credits and if he done that code XD.....dunno any nab that copy pastes from l2j server or l2jfree can say they code, ("This is my shit, i code it"..and ofc friends vote for friends O.o....)


I think Maxtor and the other moderators here (l2 section) chose there l2j devs.....that's a more fair cut...


But i recommend Cobra and VaGo...Cus:


Cobra is a nice and smart guy that works/codes for l2j matrix and hes a l2j umbrella member 2...deserves respect!

VaGo..i had the honor to work with him for almost half an year... hes an agile a very intelligent person for hes age that deserves respect 2!..


Peace, and hope u guys do the right thing here....( Please not another A-Style Jr. ...il pray for that not to happen lol )


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Cobra/VaGo...the rest...didn't heard of them in my life lol XD


if some one gets this status hope they will not be A-Style Jr....

Or other shit like that...

This is a high responsibility that requires mentality...

Hope no shit head 13 years old shitty ass'ed kid gets this responsibility.


And i see ppl voteing here "vago +1, kidzor cobra blablabal" this is a shitty idea u guys shod look on evry devs post and lookn' at the credits and if he done that code XD.....dunno any nab that copy pastes from l2j server or l2jfree can say they code, ("This is my shit, i code it"..and ofc friends vote for friends O.o....)


I think Maxtor and the other moderators here (l2 section) chose there l2j devs.....that's a more fair cut...


But i recommend Cobra and VaGo...Cus:


Cobra is a nice and smart guy that works/codes for l2j matrix and hes a l2j umbrella member 2...deserves respect!

VaGo..i had the honor to work with him for almost half an year... hes an agile a very intelligent person for hes age that deserves respect 2!..


Peace, and hope u guys do the right thing here....( Please not another A-Style Jr. ...il pray for that not to happen lol )



I agree with you but you cant say somebody c/p codes until you dont know them:)

Cobra and Vago deservered it yes but i think you are right with that let the moderators too choose without any vote.

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