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high five [L2J] L2Dark

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 Website: https://l2dark.net/index

Discord: https://discord.gg/Kz6d9vhfc3



Hello Friends, 

finally, the moment has arrived: I'm launching my own server, L2Dark!

It's been a journey of faith and determination, but seeing it come to life is beyond rewarding.

Together with my Team we've decided to put our years worth of experience and resources into practical use and start the best premium Lineage 2 server complex this community has ever seen.

Chapter 1 of L2Dark will be held on the High Five client. On this popular and flexible chronicle we're able to apply many of the concepts we're excited about.

Future Chapters will be branched out to different categories. So even if you're not a lover of High Five yourself stay tuned for project because we very might well expand our complex to your favourite chronicle. 

I would love to chat personally with all of you over on our Discord and discuss any suggestions or feedback you might have. 

After dedicating years to this community I'm more than excited to share this journey with all of you.

I appreciate your support and hope to see you on L2Dark soon.




L2 Dark x25 Closed Beta Test - Start: 10.05.2024

Welcome to our closed beta registration form for our server L2Dark.

We kindly ask you to provide us with the following information if you want to join our closed beta environment.

Please only fill out the form once.


Application Form BETA!

If your application is succesful our Team will contact you and provide you with a "Closed Beta" role for our Discord server for access to a private Channel where you can give suggestions.

Please try to answer as honest as possible. Your answers will be handled completely anonymous.

We reserve our rights to permanently ban "troll" replies from our beta tests, in severe cases we might extend this to live servers. Please treat our project with respect.

Thank you for choosing L2Dark,
we look forward to seeing you ingame.












Explore L2 Dark's Features

Discover the Enhancements that set us apart!


  • autoskill.jpg Auto Learn Skills including divine Inspiration and Forgotten Scrolls
  • autoloot.jpg Auto Loot
  • enchant.jpg Safe Enchant +3 | Max Enchant +16
  • tickets.jpg Newbie Tickets up to C grade for a comfortable start
  • boxlimit.jpg Box Limit 3 Windows
  • offlinebuff.jpg Offline Buffstore function
  • offlinestore.jpg Offline Sell/Buy shop function
  • gmshop.jpg GM Shop up until S grade
  • buffslot.jpg Buff Slots: 26+4 Buffs / 12 Songs & Dances
  • buffduration.jpg Buff Duration: 2h
  • class.jpg Free class Change
  • subclass.jpg Subclass / Certification quest: Not required
  • noblesse.jpg Noblesse Quest: Retail








  • rewards.jpgCalender Rewards
  • olympiad.jpg Improved Olympiad Shop
  • cb.jpg Community Board with all neccessary functions
  • boxlimit.jpg L2 OFF Geodata (Latest PTS Sources)
  • MDJtKhk.png Remastered Olympiad
  • glnU1ZR.png Advanced User Interface
  • QSfd99n.png Landrate on debuffs visible on system chat
  • 1DPXrBf.png Macro bug disabled
  • a13jgN5.png 45lvl XP range in Party
  • BxEx09O.png Drop Database
  • z2s99Lm.png Detailed map zones
  • Z4WjvlW.png Shift click to see players inventories
  • Y4cztnH.png Unique Dressme system
  • iA9FVW2.png Unique Emote system







  • autoaugment.jpg Automatic Augmentation System
  • autoskillenchant.jpg Automatic Skill Enchant System
  • attribute.jpg Automatic Attribute System
  • autofarm.jpg Modern Autofarm system









  • 9u4luai.png AQ lvl 40
  • zUxyj7X.png Core  lvl 80
  • zXTZ6uK.png Orfen lvl 80
  • T49aX58.png Set Schedule of Epic RBs
  • bhwQlwn.png Three days per week designated for Olympiad, Sieges, and Farming, with scheduled rotations for Epic Raid Bosses.
  • MyrhxcJ.png Modern Looting Rights System
     Implemented with on-screen visibility of DPS leading crowd control efforts







  • GDVD4Wx.png Experience Rates: x25 base
  • mIJEOsv.png Drop Rates: x12 base
  • S5uKOs6.png Spoil Rates: x8 base
  • sy2iAGj.png Quest Rate: x3 (Certain quests are excluded)
  • suQkI8o.png Subclass Quest: Not required
  • YNXKa6U.png Certification Skills Quest: Not required
  • noblesse.jpg Noblesse Access: Obtainable through retail quest or for an affordable price from the community board (Subclass level 75 required)







  • qIyh9NX.png Geodata Improvement: Enhanced geodata for all castles, ensuring smoother movement and interactions.
  • 587mYkV.png Castle Defenses: Strengthened castle walls and gates with increased health for more challenging sieges.
  • 2Z8Ybv4.png Territory War Rework: Top castles start with multiple flags, while certain castles will have no flag as default, introducing strategic variety.
  • KUgL9d9.png Fame on Kill: Earn fame for kills in the combat zone during sieges.
  • RrOVbgk.png Strategic Enhancements: Various improvements to strategic factors, enhancing the depth of castle siege gameplay.
  • t9tXHp9.png Gameplay: Experience a dynamic and immersive gameplay environment, enhanced by the aforementioned improvements and custom features.







  • GDVD4Wx.png Premium Experience Rate: Increased to x37.5.
  • mIJEOsv.png Premium Drop Rate: Boosted to x18.
  • S5uKOs6.png Premium Spoil Rate: Enhanced to x12.

Unlock the full potential of your adventure with these exclusive premium benefits!



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Just now, L2Dark said:

The Hype is real. It's time for L2Dark!

It's rare to find a decent project these days, and even rarer to find one with competent developers and administrators who aren't just hungry for money. I highly recommend what's about to come from this server! Hopefully, H5 will be revived after having such a low bar for so many years. Glad to be working with you guys, and good luck! 👍

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On 4/17/2024 at 3:28 PM, Celestine said:





 Website: https://l2dark.net/index

Discord: https://discord.gg/l2dark



Hello Friends, 

finally, the moment has arrived: I'm launching my own server, L2Dark!

It's been a journey of faith and determination, but seeing it come to life is beyond rewarding.

Together with my Team we've decided to put our years worth of experience and resources into practical use and start the best premium Lineage 2 server complex this community has ever seen.

Chapter 1 of L2Dark will be held on the High Five client. On this popular and flexible chronicle we're able to apply many of the concepts we're excited about.

Future Chapters will be branched out to different categories. So even if you're not a lover of High Five yourself stay tuned for project because we very might well expand our complex to your favourite chronicle. 

I would love to chat personally with all of you over on our Discord and discuss any suggestions or feedback you might have. 

After dedicating years to this community I'm more than excited to share this journey with all of you.

I appreciate your support and hope to see you on L2Dark soon.




L2 Dark x25 Closed Beta Test - Start: 10.05.2024

Welcome to our closed beta registration form for our server L2Dark.

We kindly ask you to provide us with the following information if you want to join our closed beta environment.

Please only fill out the form once.


Application Form BETA!

If your application is succesful our Team will contact you and provide you with a "Closed Beta" role for our Discord server for access to a private Channel where you can give suggestions.

Please try to answer as honest as possible. Your answers will be handled completely anonymous.

We reserve our rights to permanently ban "troll" replies from our beta tests, in severe cases we might extend this to live servers. Please treat our project with respect.

Thank you for choosing L2Dark,
we look forward to seeing you ingame.












Explore L2 Dark's Features

Discover the Enhancements that set us apart!


  • autoskill.jpg Auto Learn Skills including divine Inspiration and Forgotten Scrolls
  • autoloot.jpg Auto Loot
  • enchant.jpg Safe Enchant +3 | Max Enchant +16
  • tickets.jpg Newbie Tickets up to C grade for a comfortable start
  • boxlimit.jpg Box Limit 3 Windows
  • offlinebuff.jpg Offline Buffstore function
  • offlinestore.jpg Offline Sell/Buy shop function
  • gmshop.jpg GM Shop up until S grade
  • buffslot.jpg Buff Slots: 26+4 Buffs / 12 Songs & Dances
  • buffduration.jpg Buff Duration: 2h
  • class.jpg Free class Change
  • subclass.jpg Subclass / Certification quest: Not required
  • noblesse.jpg Noblesse Quest: Retail








  • rewards.jpgCalender Rewards
  • olympiad.jpg Improved Olympiad Shop
  • cb.jpg Community Board with all neccessary functions
  • boxlimit.jpg L2 OFF Geodata (Latest PTS Sources)
  • MDJtKhk.png Remastered Olympiad
  • glnU1ZR.png Advanced User Interface
  • QSfd99n.png Landrate on debuffs visible on system chat
  • 1DPXrBf.png Macro bug disabled
  • a13jgN5.png 45lvl XP range in Party
  • BxEx09O.png Drop Database
  • z2s99Lm.png Detailed map zones
  • Z4WjvlW.png Shift click to see players inventories
  • Y4cztnH.png Unique Dressme system
  • iA9FVW2.png Unique Emote system







  • autoaugment.jpg Automatic Augmentation System
  • autoskillenchant.jpg Automatic Skill Enchant System
  • attribute.jpg Automatic Attribute System
  • autofarm.jpg Modern Autofarm system









  • 9u4luai.png AQ lvl 40
  • zUxyj7X.png Core  lvl 80
  • zXTZ6uK.png Orfen lvl 80
  • T49aX58.png Set Schedule of Epic RBs
  • bhwQlwn.png Three days per week designated for Olympiad, Sieges, and Farming, with scheduled rotations for Epic Raid Bosses.
  • MyrhxcJ.png Modern Looting Rights System
     Implemented with on-screen visibility of DPS leading crowd control efforts







  • GDVD4Wx.png Experience Rates: x25 base
  • mIJEOsv.png Drop Rates: x12 base
  • S5uKOs6.png Spoil Rates: x8 base
  • sy2iAGj.png Quest Rate: x3 (Certain quests are excluded)
  • suQkI8o.png Subclass Quest: Not required
  • YNXKa6U.png Certification Skills Quest: Not required
  • noblesse.jpg Noblesse Access: Obtainable through retail quest or for an affordable price from the community board (Subclass level 75 required)







  • qIyh9NX.png Geodata Improvement: Enhanced geodata for all castles, ensuring smoother movement and interactions.
  • 587mYkV.png Castle Defenses: Strengthened castle walls and gates with increased health for more challenging sieges.
  • 2Z8Ybv4.png Territory War Rework: Top castles start with multiple flags, while certain castles will have no flag as default, introducing strategic variety.
  • KUgL9d9.png Fame on Kill: Earn fame for kills in the combat zone during sieges.
  • RrOVbgk.png Strategic Enhancements: Various improvements to strategic factors, enhancing the depth of castle siege gameplay.
  • t9tXHp9.png Gameplay: Experience a dynamic and immersive gameplay environment, enhanced by the aforementioned improvements and custom features.







  • GDVD4Wx.png Premium Experience Rate: Increased to x37.5.
  • mIJEOsv.png Premium Drop Rate: Boosted to x18.
  • S5uKOs6.png Premium Spoil Rate: Enhanced to x12.

Unlock the full potential of your adventure with these exclusive premium benefits!



This is gonna be the best highfive project around! We hope to see everyone there! ❤️


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Good luck with your project guys & I really wish you a great success. I have to agree with @911reg that the whole team is not hungry for anything and that you are doing this truly by heart and love for the game. I see you working on this project for a long time and it's truly admirable. I'm glad I was able to be a part of your journey. ❤️

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Finally a solid looking EU project. Features looking fresh, especially I like the idea of "Chapters", gives the vibe that this is the start of something big. Can't wait to see how this turns out in the future.
Team composed by very cool and hard working people so skys the limit ig.💜

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    • My fascination with Chernobyl's impact led me to discover a comprehensive article here https://chernobylstory.com/blog/51-fact-about-chernobyl/ packed with facts about the disaster's aftermath and recovery efforts. This article provided me with a broader perspective on the socio-economic and ecological implications of the event, making my visit more insightful and enriched my understanding of the complex legacy of Chernobyl.
    • imbadon.com If u deleted me from the content, it is your problem. This 200 euro is not money at all. But you... just scammer. People should know about you. I can share the whole conversation if you want, but it will not change that you are a scammer. 
    • For upcoming changes, You should consider making those 3 tabs (or whatever more You will have with new games) more visible and standing out, because right it looks like all topics hidden under those 3 tabs.
    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
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