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Loop for class



Hello, I recently created a model to edit my config in xml, but I have a doubt, to restore the status of the players after restart you will have to create a loop? Because I don't think it would be a good idea to do that, I would like your opinion.


for (Vip vip : VipData.getInstance().getVip())
			if (player.getMemos().getLong(vip.getType().toString(), 0) > 0)	
				long now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
				long endDay = player.getMemos().getLong(vip.getType().toString());
				if (now > endDay)
					if (!vip.getMessage().isEmpty())
						World.announceToOnlinePlayers(player.getClan() != null ? vip.getMessageClan().replace("%player%", player.getName()).replace("%clan%", player.getClan().getName()) : vip.getMessage().replace("%player%", player.getName()), true);


Edited by Vision
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This doesn't look bad, but you should move such logic in VipData. Also, I'm pretty sure VipData can be improved, but I can't know how until I see it.


You should move 'long now' outside of the for loop and 'long endDay' outside of the if statement and use it in the if like 'if (endDay > 0)'.


Also, you probably need some way to remove vip for players that vip time runs out, but there probably is a task already in VipData (can't know till I see it).

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6 hours ago, xdem said:

code makes no sense

He probably has some xml with different vip types and to activate vip on enter world he loops through the possible vips to check if the player has a bonus applied. It's crap, but the code he asked help for looks correct, if what I assumed is right.

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On 10/8/2022 at 7:34 PM, An4rchy said:

He probably has some xml with different vip types and to activate vip on enter world he loops through the possible vips to check if the player has a bonus applied. It's crap, but the code he asked help for looks correct, if what I assumed is right.


I created a task to calculate the end of time


	public final void run()
		if (_players.isEmpty())
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry : _players.entrySet())
			final Player player = World.getInstance().getPlayer(entry.getKey());
			if (player == null)
			final VipType type = player.getVip().getType();
			if (player.getMemos().getLong(type.toString(), 0) < System.currentTimeMillis())



removed the loop to check vips when entering


Vip vip = VipData.getInstance().getVip(VipType.BRONZE);
        if (vip != null)
            if (player.getMemos().getLong(vip.getType().toString(), 0) > 0)    
                long now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                long endDay = player.getMemos().getLong(vip.getType().toString());
                if (now > endDay)
                    if (!vip.getMessage().isEmpty())
                        World.announceToOnlinePlayers(player.getClan() != null ? vip.getMessageClan().replace("%player%", player.getName()).replace("%clan%", player.getClan().getName()) : vip.getMessage().replace("%player%", player.getName()), true);

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Feels too much complicated logic. It could be sharply simplified and cleaned up.


First of all, on EnterWorld you should only have a reference of a method, example:  onEnterWorld(PlayerInstance player) reference, you dont need anything more there.


Then make sure on server launch/shutdown you load/save such a map "Map<Integer, Map<Long, VipType>>" which structure will actually be explained as {playerObjId, (timeToExpireOnMillis, VipType)}.


Once you have such structure the only thing you actually have to do in onEnterWorld is to check if the player that is logging in has any Vip Type time active by comparing timeToExpireOnMillis with currentTimeOnMillis and then give him the coresponding Vip benefits.


You could also make such check on real time by scheduling a task at fixed rate.

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