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Looking to create a new entire project

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Hello to everyone!


First of all, L2 is my real passion since I was child and always i've dreamed to have and control my own server but it never came true for several and different reasons.


Now, my idea is to create a new L2 H5 project from 0 and also a team (YES, a real team 🙂 ) and create a legacy, because I'm pretty sure there will be more passional people like me that thinks big and out of the box!

The type of the server will look like low rate (like retail experience)

Regarding me, I'm a SRE with a lot of years of experience, so all related stuff with systems it's all under control! I'm super serious and also newbie because this is an internal idea that have been existing for years and the idea is put in the table with different people and create something great....our real passion


Best regards and any question, I'm all ears!! 🙂


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yeah and without denart you dont have actual unique logo/website you will end up with some shared atual studio with backdoors that wont work😢

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4 minutes ago, Kara said:

Without Kara in your team it ain't project. Consider of that!

Hello Kara and thanks for the answer!!! I can consider to have you in the team! do you have any contact?



2 minutes ago, Nightw0lf said:

yeah and without denart you dont have actual unique logo/website you will end up with some shared atual studio with backdoors that wont work😢

This is my idea, is not reuse the existing resources, I know it will take time but also i think it will be possible!

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If you have programming experience just ignore everyone and do it solo. Then, after your project is ready, hire 1-2 people to manage your discord or in-game reports. You might want to pay some people for advertisement as well.

Don't add a partner if you don't know them, it won't turn out good most likely. Also, people work harder and better when they're paid for their work on the spot and not after 4-5 months from donations.

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If you seek retail experience H5, the best would be to collaborate directly with L2J team (or what is left behind). The things you will fix will then benefit to everyone, and in return your project would have some "free" collaborators.


Avoid to hire ppl in such place, which are full of betrayers (would sell your pack for a dime) and/or egomaniacs lords (which will know things better than you).


H5 and L2J in general is bugged by essence (spawn system, basic data in general, AI/script, basic behavior...), so consider you will have to spend some months fixing things, simply to "emulate" the gameplay, and few years and some dedicated people if you want the retail gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Tryskell said:

If you seek retail experience H5, the best would be to collaborate directly with L2J team (or what is left behind). The things you will fix will then benefit to everyone, and in return your project would have some "free" collaborators.


Avoid to hire ppl in such place, which are full of betrayers (would sell your pack for a dime) and/or egomaniacs lords (which will know things better than you).


H5 and L2J in general is bugged by essence (spawn system, basic data in general, AI/script, basic behavior...), so consider you will have to spend some months fixing things, simply to "emulate" the gameplay, and few years and some dedicated people if you want the retail gameplay.

If you really think he will spend 10 hours a day for a year fixing AI and movement system in L2J then i laugh my ass off. They are seeking for people to work for them for free. (In my opinion)

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On 8/6/2022 at 3:23 PM, Kara said:

If you really think he will spend 10 hours a day for a year fixing AI and movement system in L2J then i laugh my ass off. They are seeking for people to work for them for free. (In my opinion)


I think nothing - if you want retail gameplay, than you have to make some heavy work.


If you want it "emulated", then you will cut a lot of burden, and that will be enough for the randomers out there, but not for the purists.


Also, he doesn't have to cleanup and make it fancy for eventual readers - unlike me.

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On 8/6/2022 at 5:08 PM, splicho said:

I really like you nightywolfy but in my opinion this is an awful template




Who tf uses light theme in 2k22

i kinda abandoned it the template system is almost done in bootstrap 5 with 18 template coloring systems, only the admin can see the changes and afterwards i would add a designer 😄

(means this is my design and i know i suck at design its just developers prints not denart designs)

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On 8/8/2022 at 2:37 PM, Nightw0lf said:

i kinda abandoned it the template system is almost done in bootstrap 5 with 18 template coloring systems, only the admin can see the changes and afterwards i would add a designer 😄

(means this is my design and i know i suck at design its just developers prints not denart designs)

Just copy the old gray layout hopzone had and profit. Honesly even if you just messed up a little with css it can improve dramatically. 

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On 8/9/2022 at 4:55 PM, ZaNteR said:

Just copy the old gray layout hopzone had and profit. Honesly even if you just messed up a little with css it can improve dramatically. 

I know but I try to keep it clean for when the time comes for the designer to have easy job, but as I've said I kinda abandoned it, found more profitable web frameworks maybe I will return to it later.

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  • 7 months later...
On 7/27/2022 at 7:07 PM, JuSSt1 said:

Всем привет!


Во-первых, L2 — моя настоящая страсть с детства, и я всегда мечтал иметь собственный сервер и управлять им, но по разным причинам это так и не сбылось.


Теперь моя идея состоит в том, чтобы создать новый проект L2 H5 с нуля, а также команду (ДА, настоящую команду 🙂 ) и создать наследие, потому что я почти уверен, что будет больше таких увлеченных людей, как я, которые думают масштабно и нестандартно. коробка!

Тип сервера будет выглядеть как низкая скорость (например, опыт розничной торговли).

Что касается меня, то я SRE с многолетним опытом, поэтому все, что связано с системами, все под контролем! Я очень серьезен, а также новичок, потому что это внутренняя идея, которая существует уже много лет, и эта идея обсуждается с разными людьми и создается что-то великое... наша настоящая страсть


С наилучшими пожеланиями и любой вопрос, я все уши!!🙂



We are (few programmers) have been working on L2J based implimentation in Rust language
So, the main idea is to create modern, public, modular and secure core with the best modern practices (gRPC, Kafka, etc) and perfomance / resource usage near PTS (or event better)
At the moment we are need more:
- programmers (Rust)
- QA (auto and manual)

Also, Let me know (here PM / discord / Github) if you have any relevant experient in security, network (perfomance), devops

Edited by EnvOut
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