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auto target the player when it attacks me



When a Player attack me, the Character auto target it.
Can it be disabled so it doesn't auto target it?

What i want is it to work like with skills. When you use skills you don't auto target player, but if it is default physical attack you do.

Is it a way to change it?

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2 minutes ago, arm4729 said:

hey you just said some posts earlier you help him but you don't get dmg , show what you modified ?

theres an else


hitTarget(target, weapon, damage);



i // the HitTarget, the method is weird i tried to modify and see where it calls the window but nothing i saw

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8 minutes ago, arm4729 said:

now im pretty sure that victims target is set to attacker from client side 90% ... maybe someone more experienced will bring us to light ? 

Or we can disable the packet call onHit but  which packet is? What bugs might be accured?

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        if(target.getTarget() == null)
            target.sendMessage("no target");
        if(target.getTarget() != null)
            target.sendMessage("has target");


        if(target.getTarget() == null)
            target.sendMessage("no target");
        if(target.getTarget() != null)
            target.sendMessage("has target");


i added this to almost every parts of the attack method and i get msg no target everytime until the first attack is done , maybe you can try check where you get has target msg and there might be the part where target is set..

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When Invisible character attacks Visible. Visible character receives - null target. I assume to get what i want i need to do same but after simple physical attack, where is this check? But if you do this - after each attack your target will be canceled :D is it possible to not cancel it if my target not null?

Edited by FeeLings
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on the setTarget method, you can debug it this way:

filter by owner name, sor for example, if my character name is "mxc"

you make something like this:


if(getName().equals("mxc") && getTarget()==null){

With this, you will get a stacktrace with initial location from where your target is beeing set. Debug it till u find the correct place, and simply edit the initial action.

For example.

On an source I have, I made this:

L2Character::callSkill(L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets


if (GabConfig.ALLOW_AUTO_TARGET_WHEN_HIT && target.isPlayer() && (target.getActingPlayer().getTarget() == null) && !skill.hasEffectType(L2EffectType.REMOVE_TARGET)) {

Edited by HyperBlown
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1 hour ago, HyperBlown said:

on the setTarget method, you can debug it this way:

filter by owner name, sor for example, if my character name is "mxc"

you make something like this:


if(getName().equals("mxc") && getTarget()==null){

With this, you will get a stacktrace with initial location from where your target is beeing set. Debug it till u find the correct place, and simply edit the initial action.

For example.

On an source I have, I made this:

L2Character::callSkill(L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets


if (GabConfig.ALLOW_AUTO_TARGET_WHEN_HIT && target.isPlayer() && (target.getActingPlayer().getTarget() == null) && !skill.hasEffectType(L2EffectType.REMOVE_TARGET)) {

since when a gm char is invisible and does the attack and dont register target's target list; i just disabled the broadcast to see if its possible to target thru doattack https://prnt.sc/pRVDLOnhi_ne


does the job but needs a workaround on broadcasting


*edit: i didnt read ur entire post 😄 so u already made it xd

Edited by aLzhite
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hey im pretty sure pack doesen't matter here  but im not 100% thats why i bumped the topic... 

it might be something like enchanting system , when you fail a scroll you get system msg failed , and it also close the enchant item select window ...if you remove the systemmsg failed enchant , you will not get the failed enchant text , but also the enchant item selection window will not close ..

maybe when you get attacked and you don't have a target it just puts the target from client side.

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