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Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting .uc files

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Hello everyone, i have made one syntax highlighting user language for .uc files to help myself make my eyes stop bleeding.
Isn't something special but was useful for me so maybe it will be useful and for more peoples.

Download XML : HERE

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to share something I whipped up—a syntax highlighting user language for .uc files. It's nothing fancy, but it really saved my eyes from all that screen time. Coding can be intense, right? Finding little hacks like this can make a big difference.

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Sublime Text + UnrealScriptIDE plugin is much better. You can follow declarations/definitions, search in all UC files in folder, etc.


Edited by Salty Mike
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On 7/10/2024 at 5:13 PM, LukeyaMorrisonn said:

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share something I whipped up—a syntax highlighting user language for .uc files. It's nothing fancy, but it really saved my eyes from all that screen time. Coding can be intense, right? Finding little hacks like this can make a big difference.

 Coding can be intense, right? Finding little hacks like this can make a big difference.For keeping my coding life organized, I rely on https://notesonline.com/notepad. It's perfect for jotting down code snippets, project notes, and ideas that pop up during those late-night coding sessions. Seriously, having everything in one place keeps me sane!

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