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Forum: http://l2jhellas.com/
New Svn: https://bitbucket.org/NickAbsolutePower/l2jhellas/src/master/

New Timeline: https://bitbucket.org/NickAbsolutePower/l2jhellas/commits/


Discord: https://discord.com/invite/HY8nMPp

Old Timeline: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/commits/list


How can you help?
Everyone can become a part of the project! The first step is to register in our forum(links above) and give us feedback(Suggestions,ideas).
Bug reports and custom patches from users are welcomed as well.
That way you will help us grow stronger and keep providing you a stable and free interlude pack.



Edited by AbsolutePower
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I opened my first server and join MxC community when i was 15 and now after years "out of l2" i logged again to this forum and see the same people. :D


Good luck bro with your peoject!

Hmm and maybe it's time to open something for fun to remember the old good  days)) Ah..

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You need first upgrade in java 8 if you haven't done already to avoid such stupid stuff like unclosed connections that can be used directly in try and improve the way you write code




Example. The whole thing is very sad and sexist


1. The purpose of this file is useless. Premium should load on each L2PcInstance upon enter

2. First open connection -> execute the statement -> enter in while and then check if Config allow premium?


Edited by Whispering Tales
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1 hour ago, Whispering Tales said:

You need first upgrade in java 8 if you haven't done already to avoid such stupid stuff like unclosed connections that can be used directly in try and improve the way you write code




Example. The whole thing is very sad and sexist


1. The purpose of this file is useless. Premium should load on each L2PcInstance upon enter

2. First open connection -> execute the statement -> enter in while and then check if Config allow premium?



I have no idea what any of this means. But I'm still learning. I really want to broaden my horizons, which I have, because you know... reasons.

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On 4/8/2020 at 1:57 PM, Nightw0lf said:

good luck ! :)


On 4/8/2020 at 2:24 PM, Cr1t1calDMG said:

Wish you all the best! Interlude still alive!


On 4/8/2020 at 5:50 PM, thomasi7 said:

Best free interlude pack!


On 4/9/2020 at 1:05 AM, DukeAwesome said:

Wish you the best!


On 4/13/2020 at 3:01 AM, rullezz said:

I opened my first server and join MxC community when i was 15 and now after years "out of l2" i logged again to this forum and see the same people. :D


Good luck bro with your peoject!

Hmm and maybe it's time to open something for fun to remember the old good  days)) Ah..


thanks guys :)



1 hour ago, Whispering Tales said:

You need first upgrade in java 8 if you haven't done already to avoid such stupid stuff like unclosed connections that can be used directly in try and improve the way you write code




Example. The whole thing is very sad and sexist


1. The purpose of this file is useless. Premium should load on each L2PcInstance upon enter

2. First open connection -> execute the statement -> enter in while and then check if Config allow premium?


true its old code, i did not notice it, thanks for repot, its better to report in forum not here.

Edited by AbsolutePower
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8 minutes ago, AbsolutePower said:






thanks guys :)



true its old code, i did not notice it, thanks for repot, its better to report in forum not here.

I just give u advice honey bunny calm ur tits down else ill expose your youtube playlist here.

  • Haha 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, TexasJunior said:

Good Luck ! 


L2jHellas based on l2j?

thanks :) old base is l2jarchid, quests from acis. but a lot of reworks has been done. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/23/2020 at 8:47 PM, TexasJunior said:

What customs include in the pack?

i wont create a list  you can check by your self its not that hard.  if you need more you can find  by searching here or in our forum.


L2Hellas discord https://discord.com/invite/HY8nMPp

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  • 4 months later...

Revision 568 coming soon... don't forget to say "Thank you" to the AbsolutePower :) for best Free L2j Interlude Pack, for free updates and support that he provide for us :)


Check what has been done in previous updates:


Revision 567:

-craft store , thanks to bruns87 for report.
-restart mounted npe , thanks to  ChrizyS for report.
-support for all ExtractableItems(including aventurerbox) , thanks to
AndyWar for report.
-dwarf artisan basehp , thanks to bruns87 for report.
-Quest 343 item reward-html.
-quest 101 Sword of Solidarity thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-snipe skill (l2off like) , thanks to RuLLezZ for report.
-npc title correction.
-ress command , thanks to RuLLezZ for report.
-shift + click droplist, thanks to RuLLezZ for report.

-admin command //hide on-off

-admin commands //invis-//vis
-AdventurerBox (item handler) and replace with ExtractableItems
-coord synchronization -1,1(unsued-usseles)
-quest 999 tutorial and merge with 255.

-Remedy (potion itemhandler)
-CrystalCarol (itemhandler)

-revert back for npc title.

Revision 566:

-Jail return back thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-Pledge Shield update.
-Guard autoAttackCondition + improvemment.
-subclass exploit.
-self effect npe.

-double FleeingNPCs and merge.

-all player sql connection.(feel free to report forgotten sql

Revision 565:

-Elroki releport , thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Vilage Master html links , thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-player soulshot properly usage, l2off like.
-teleport fee thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-auto restart thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-on drop cursed weapon  properly update thanks to raxzerax for report.
-prohibit russian letters on character create to avoid ugly letters
effect thanks to raxzerax for report.
-Player properly restore hp-mp-cp, thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-Missing htmls/paths for Sepulchers, thanks to AllexSkyes for report.
-Scout's corpse missing spawn, thanks to AllexSkyes for report.
-captcha, thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-healing potion skilltype consider as HOT.
-Spoil items/mob aura. thanks to AllexSkyes.

-Configs, thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-sql custom gbosses.

-Cboard GrandBossList.
-Drain Skill.

-rename MagicEffectIcons to AbnormalStatusUpdate.

dont forget to update your database.

Revision 564:

-Barakiel attack intention. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-typo-dissabled configs thanks to ChrizyS for patch.
-Skill reuse after olympiad match end. thanks to proGenitor for report.
-olympiad acumen buff revert back, report-patch from proGenitor.
-Teleport to location avoid double login durring critical-disconnect thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-on action target stuck. thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Drop list html long, thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-Orfen double spawn,respawn time,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-quests npe,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-autoloot-pickup + clean up ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-unstuck animation properly shown .
-sql char delete wrong id ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-pet soulshots properly usage ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-monsters: on cast stop move.

-premium clean up,properly sql update.

-unused configs thanks to ChrizyS for report.
-unused sqls.

-life stone rates moved inside Rates.ini
-AltGameExponentXp-sp moved inside Rates.ini
-AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH,RemoveCastleCirclets moved inside clan.ini

dont forget to update your database.

Revision 563:

-added cooltime on skill 347 EarthQuake.
-Siege sound on start-end
-npc Typo thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-revert config for control towers.
-quests npe. reports from live server.
-items on ground npe report from live server.
-Door control with geodata report from live server.
-player can switch target on cast normaly. report from live server.
-curse from raid now can be dissable properly thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-PremiumService date. thanks to thomasi7 for report.
-Lost nest skills time . thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report.
-npe onActionShift.
-properly delete player on logout-restart. thanks to thomasi7 for report.
-hp-mp player stuck report from live server.
-Player spawn protect thanks to proGenitor for report.
-Crystallize item message-item update.

-Ally info.

-ItemHandler AdventurerBox , support for Adventurer's Box.
-new antibot system.
-Custom Shop //spawn 100  main idea by StinkyMadness .
-Custom buffer //spawn 52.main idea by TrySkell.
-Custom GateKeeper //spawn 50017 main idea by lampros.
-Event manager //spawn 70010

-checkIfDoorsBetween from move MoveBackwardToLocation-cansee(due cpu-memorry load)
-version-revision from build-configs.
-CharMoveToLocation and kept MoveToLocation.
-XMLDocumentFactory and kept the main xml parser.

-Wedding config moved inside Config/mods.
-Event configs moved inside data/xml Events.xml.

dont forget to update your database.

Revision 560:

-npe in boss status.
-stackable enchant scrolls, requested by Fortitude.
-Enchant system + cleanup.

Organization-Config clean up:
-party rates moved inside main rates.
-ClanHall rename to clan
-Castle-clan configs moved inside clan.ini

Revision 561:
-fixed gameserver load issue due the rework.

Revision 562:
-deleting useless code.

Revision 559:

-Store message limit.
-sql char id load.
-Recipe + clean up.
-enchanted items properly show in tradelist.
-player : on stop fakedeath effect added a task to wait for the animation to finish.
-topzone exception.
-Summon following the owner(heading correction) l2off like.
-npc movement sync.
-cubic heal range.
-Attack pole to feet with the new aura skills.
-fix lag during siege optimization + clean up has been done.
-summon pet fix, thanks to daffynash for report.
-Seal of Ruler fix thanks to Fortitude for report.
-double dammage message thanks Nimblex for report.
-Frintezza teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Valakas max 300 players(allow enter). l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad teleport thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Olympiad register thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad flag thanks to Fortitude for report.
-olympiad buffheal players on 60 secs l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
=olympiad auto/forced attack prevent during countdown.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-When a player interact with a npc(RequestBypassServer) first checks target
and then through all objects to find the npc. which is leading to a good optimization.

Skill fix
-Skill Aura flash 100% remove target l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Bluff skill 60 % chance l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report.
-CC Imperium skill allow player to invite-Accept instantly thanks to Fortitude for report.
-reflect physical skill damage thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Mirage skill thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report.
-Skill Earthquake (347) can be used with out target l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report.
-Skill Earthquake allow to use during olympiad countdown l2off like thanks to Fortitude for report.
-All TARGET_AURA skills has been fixed.
-Skills that require shield thanks to Fortitude for the fix.




-FloodProtectors configs moved inside Options config.
-FrequentSkill moved in enum.skills package.
-Formulas Funcs moved inside gameserver.skills.funcsCalc.
-AquireSkillInfo rename to -> AcquireSkillInfo.
-AquireSkillList rename to -> AcquireSkillList.



More info:


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