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L2OFF Exp loss formula


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Posted (edited)
double __cdecl GetExpDiePenalty(int level)
  double levelFactor; // st7@1

  levelFactor = 10.0 - (double)(level - 1) * 0.125;
  if ( levelFactor <= 4.0 )
    levelFactor = 4.0;
  return -((double)(g_expPenalty[level + 1] - g_expPenalty[level]) * (levelFactor * 0.01));
int g_expPenalty = {
0, // 0
0, // 1
68, // 2
363, // 3
1168, // 4
2884, // 5
6038, // 6
11287, // 7
19423, // 8
31378, // 9
48229, // 10
71202, // 11
101677, // 12
141193, // 13
191454, // 14
254330, // 15
331867, // 16
426288, // 17
540000, // 18
675596, // 19
835862, // 20
1023784, // 21
1242546, // 22
1495543, // 23
1786379, // 24
2118876, // 25
2497077, // 26
2925250, // 27
3407897, // 28
3949754, // 29
4555796, // 30
5231246, // 31
5981576, // 32
6812513, // 33
7730044, // 34
8740422, // 35
9850166, // 36
11066072, // 37
12395215, // 38
13844951, // 39
15422929, // 40
17137087, // 41
18995665, // 42
21007203, // 43
23180550, // 44
25524868, // 45
28049635, // 46
30764654, // 47
33680052, // 48
36806289, // 49
40154162, // 50
45525133, // 51
51262490, // 52
57383988, // 53
63907911, // 54
70853089, // 55
80700831, // 56
91162654, // 57
102265881, // 58
114038596, // 59
126509653, // 60
146308200, // 61
167244337, // 62
189364894, // 63
212717908, // 64
237352644, // 65
271975263, // 66
308443198, // 67
346827154, // 68
387199547, // 69
429634523, // 70
474207979, // 71
532694979, // 72
606322775, // 73
696381369, // 74
804225364, // 75
931275828, // 76
1108571463, // 77
1309482881, // 78
1535687304, // 79
1788937098, // 80
2071061777, // 81
0, // 82

C1 code right from IDA, for PvE. For PvP/PK/Sieges it's 1/4 of calculated value

Edited by MasterToma
  • 0

Hello, i try to help you


You can put it on a player action or creature action like "on die" and play with mathematics for the value of nExpDec

int User::ExpDown(int nExpDec)
	typedef int (*f)(User*, int);
	return f(0x8040F0L)(this, nExpDec);

void User::SetExpDown(int nExpDec)
		expDrop = nExpDec;


Dont let L2 OFF/PTS die!

  • 0
6 hours ago, Rootware said:

@Nevermind25 me need an formula, like baseLevelLossExp +levelLossModifier - skillLuckyExpPenaltyModifier .... Bla_Bla_BLa.

hmm if you think, the loss of experience is about a 4%. Then the calc must be down = 0.96 * Exp_of_the_current_level ? 

in the extenders, lin2panel and in other places you can find the exp table for each level. 

  • 0
7 hours ago, pada said:

i think Function User::GetDefaultExpDownValue Is what you are looking for


Where locates this function? L2Server.exe, CacheD.exe?


3 hours ago, Nevermind25 said:

hmm if you think, the loss of experience is about a 4%. Then the calc must be down = 0.96 * Exp_of_the_current_level ? 

in the extenders, lin2panel and in other places you can find the exp table for each level. 


At this moment, after L2OFF tests, i know what loss experience not static value and calculates from many conditions. I asked about formula for calculate this. I know what for exp loss also affected from clan wars, sieges, level loss %, clan skills, etc.

  • 0

L2Server.exe -> User::Die -> look for call to User::ExpDown and work your way back from there, you'd need to know asm pretty well and have a spare few days to figure it out, I don't have the time for academic endeavors such as that these days or I'd attempt it


If you're friendly with the advext guys you can bet they've already rewrote the whole User::Die func in a few of their exts (never been a fan of that style of working, porting whole func to C++ just for a small fix but hey to each their own), if they feeling nice maybe they'll give some info to you

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In C4 exe....


double __fastcall GetExpDiePenalty(int level)
  double levelFactor; // xmm2_8

  levelFactor = 10.0 - (double)(level - 1) * 0.125;
  if ( levelFactor <= 4.0 )
    levelFactor = 4.0;
  return 0.0 - (double)(g_expPenalty[level] - g_expPenalty[level - 1]) * (levelFactor / 100.0);


  • 0
Posted (edited)

So, as expected - raw penalty formula in C4 is the same as in C1. Trick is, that calculated by GetExpDiePenalty() value is modified later on, taking into account other factors (it's only pve/pvp factors in C1, in C4 might be more)

Edited by MasterToma
  • 0

I have this in case it helps you.

  pSD = this_->base.d.pSD;
  nRace = pSD->nRace;
  nSex = pSD->nSex;
  nClass = pSD->nClass;
  nLevel = pSD->nLevel;
  nExp = pSD->nExp;
  if ( LOBYTE(this_->base.d.f_height_damage) && !dword_C6B880 )
    if ( BYTE5(this_->base.d.shieldDefenceRate)
      && (v70 = v80, v71 = v81, v72 = v82, (v28 = sub_424B90(&unk_C476F0, &v70, 11)) != 0) )
      ExpP1 = GetExpDiePenalty(this_->base.d.pSD->nLevel) * *(v28 + 432);
      this_->base.d.unk_BA0 = ExpP1;
      nExp = User::ExpDown(this_, ExpP1);
      v66 = *(v28 + 440);
    else if ( v14 )
      if ( v16 )
        this_->base.d.unk_BA0 = 0;
        ExpP2 = GetExpDiePenalty(this_->base.d.pSD->nLevel) * 0.25;
        this_->base.d.unk_BA0 = ExpP2;
        nExp = User::ExpDown(this_, ExpP2);
        if ( pEnemy_ )
          pEnemyUser = (pEnemy_->vtable->base.base.MemoryObject__CastUser)(pEnemy_);
          if ( pEnemyUser )
            pledge = User::GetPledge(pEnemyUser);
            pledge2 = User::GetPledge(this_);
            if ( pledge || pledge2 )
              CPledge::UpdateSiegeKillDeathPoint(pledge, pledge2);
      v34 = GetExpDiePenalty(this_->base.d.pSD->nLevel);
      this_->base.d.unk_BA0 = v34;
      nExp = User::ExpDown(this_, v34);


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