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Good afternoon.  Can help me someone with a simple question? I have this


and i want to edit HTML and/or java code for specify more exactly percentage of item on drop. 

How i can edit JAVA /what file i must edit?

Edited by criss22
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15 minutes ago, Vilmis said:

I could adapt mine if you would like it


Your paging system should be changed . (delete numbers and keep only the arrows)

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Basic stats in NPC info for players the main motivation for playing in your server. :notbadn:


How many players in 2k19 and in rates x100500 uses this info?

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19 minutes ago, Rootware said:

Basic stats in NPC info for players the main motivation for playing in your server. :notbadn:


How many players in 2k19 and in rates x100500 uses this info?

I'm not using these stats or this system, but maybe for someone will need it. Anyway, this file is fully editable.

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38 minutes ago, Vilmis said:

Why you think like that?

What will happen if the droplist is huge? the numbers will take place in the next line and the next one?

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4 minutes ago, Creamy G Colin said:

What will happen if the droplist is huge? the numbers will take place in the next line and the next one?

This happens. I tested before. Here is Antharas's drop. Same with Valakas and others.



Edited by Vilmis
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5 minutes ago, Vilmis said:

This happens. I tested before.



You know better... My opinion is that is completely useless... You are adding more html code for something that is useless... (Ok, except if your mobs have tons of drops and players are boring to click 10 times the arrow). An alternative way, is to make the numbers appearing with max values... Ex if you are in 5th page, should be appearing 4,5,6. I still believe that your way is not good at all . For html design and coding too. 

Edited by Creamy G Colin
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49 minutes ago, Creamy G Colin said:

You know better... My opinion is that is completely useless... You are adding more html code for something that is useless... (Ok, except if your mobs have tons of drops and players are boring to click 10 times the arrow). An alternative way, is to make the numbers appearing with max values... Ex if you are in 5th page, should be appearing 4,5,6. I still believe that your way is not good at all . For html design and coding too. 

Eh...  At first, you thought that this will take a new line on each page number or will break html. Now try speak another.  Man, just show me something what you made better , what is not bad for coding or html design.

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1 hour ago, Creamy G Colin said:

You know better... My opinion is that is completely useless... You are adding more html code for something that is useless... (Ok, except if your mobs have tons of drops and players are boring to click 10 times the arrow). An alternative way, is to make the numbers appearing with max values... Ex if you are in 5th page, should be appearing 4,5,6. I still believe that your way is not good at all . For html design and coding too. 

In general i prefer full list of pages for direct jump instead of 10 clicks to reach desired page.

Other than that, it's personal preference, minor detail, edge case which would barely happen with default l2 drop lists, whole discussion over it is more useless than what are you trying to prove.


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Absolutely and undeniably ugly



 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 L2J DataPack
 * This file is part of L2J DataPack.
 * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package handlers.actionshifthandlers;

import l2r.Config;
import l2r.gameserver.data.xml.impl.ItemData;
import l2r.gameserver.enums.InstanceType;
import l2r.gameserver.handler.IActionShiftHandler;
import l2r.gameserver.instancemanager.WalkingManager;
import l2r.gameserver.model.Elementals;
import l2r.gameserver.model.L2DropCategory;
import l2r.gameserver.model.L2DropData;
import l2r.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable;
import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import l2r.gameserver.model.items.L2Item;
import l2r.gameserver.model.stats.BaseStats;
import l2r.gameserver.model.stats.Stats;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import l2r.util.StringUtil;

public class L2NpcActionShift implements IActionShiftHandler
	 * Manage and Display the GM console to modify the L2NpcInstance (GM only).<BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Actions (If the L2PcInstance is a GM only)</U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Set the L2NpcInstance as target of the L2PcInstance player (if necessary)</li>
	 * <li>Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the L2PcInstance player (display the select window)</li>
	 * <li>If L2NpcInstance is autoAttackable, send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate to the L2PcInstance in order to update L2NpcInstance HP bar</li>
	 * <li>Send a Server->Client NpcHtmlMessage() containing the GM console about this L2NpcInstance</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : Each group of Server->Client packet must be terminated by a ActionFailed packet in order to avoid that client wait an other packet</B></FONT><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR>
	 * <BR>
	 * <li>Client packet : Action</li><BR>
	 * <BR>
	public boolean action(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Object target, boolean interact)
		// Check if the L2PcInstance is a GM
		if (activeChar.getAccessLevel().isGm())
			// Set the target of the L2PcInstance activeChar
			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage();
			html.setFile(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/admin/npcinfo.htm");
			html.replace("%objid%", String.valueOf(target.getObjectId()));
			html.replace("%class%", target.getClass().getSimpleName());
			html.replace("%id%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getId()));
			html.replace("%lvl%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getLevel()));
			html.replace("%name%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getName()));
			html.replace("%tmplid%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getId()));
			html.replace("%aggro%", String.valueOf((target instanceof L2Attackable) ? ((L2Attackable) target).getAggroRange() : 0));
			html.replace("%hp%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getCurrentHp()));
			html.replace("%hpmax%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxHp()));
			html.replace("%mp%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getCurrentMp()));
			html.replace("%mpmax%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxMp()));
			html.replace("%patk%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getPAtk(null)));
			html.replace("%matk%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getMAtk(null, null)));
			html.replace("%pdef%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getPDef(null)));
			html.replace("%mdef%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getMDef(null, null)));
			html.replace("%accu%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getAccuracy()));
			html.replace("%evas%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getEvasionRate(null)));
			html.replace("%crit%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCriticalHit(null, null)));
			html.replace("%rspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getRunSpeed()));
			html.replace("%aspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getPAtkSpd()));
			html.replace("%cspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMAtkSpd()));
			html.replace("%str%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getSTR()));
			html.replace("%dex%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDEX()));
			html.replace("%con%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCON()));
			html.replace("%int%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getINT()));
			html.replace("%wit%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getWIT()));
			html.replace("%men%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMEN()));
			html.replace("%loc%", String.valueOf(target.getX() + " " + target.getY() + " " + target.getZ()));
			html.replace("%heading%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getHeading()));
			html.replace("%collision_radius%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getTemplate().getfCollisionRadius()));
			html.replace("%collision_height%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getTemplate().getfCollisionHeight()));
			html.replace("%dist%", String.valueOf((int) activeChar.calculateDistance(target, true, false)));
			byte attackAttribute = ((L2Character) target).getAttackElement();
			html.replace("%ele_atk%", Elementals.getElementName(attackAttribute));
			html.replace("%ele_atk_value%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getAttackElementValue(attackAttribute)));
			html.replace("%ele_dfire%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.FIRE)));
			html.replace("%ele_dwater%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WATER)));
			html.replace("%ele_dwind%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WIND)));
			html.replace("%ele_dearth%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.EARTH)));
			html.replace("%ele_dholy%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.HOLY)));
			html.replace("%ele_ddark%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.DARK)));
			if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn() != null)
				html.replace("%territory%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getSpawnTerritory() == null ? "None" : ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getSpawnTerritory().getName());
				if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().isTerritoryBased())
					html.replace("%spawntype%", "Random");
					html.replace("%spawn%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getX(target) + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getY(target) + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getZ(target));
					html.replace("%spawntype%", "Fixed");
					html.replace("%spawn%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getX() + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getY() + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getZ());
				html.replace("%loc2d%", String.valueOf((int) target.calculateDistance(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getLocation(target), false, false)));
				html.replace("%loc3d%", String.valueOf((int) target.calculateDistance(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getLocation(target), true, false)));
				if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() == 0)
					html.replace("%resp%", "None");
				else if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().hasRespawnRandom())
					html.replace("%resp%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() / 1000) + "-" + String.valueOf((((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMaxDelay() / 1000) + " sec"));
					html.replace("%resp%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() / 1000) + " sec");
				html.replace("%territory%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%spawntype%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%spawn%", "<font color=FF0000>null</font>");
				html.replace("%loc2d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%loc3d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%resp%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
			if (((L2Npc) target).hasAI())
				html.replace("%ai_intention%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Intention:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getAI().getIntention().name()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>AI</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + ((L2Npc) target).getAI().getClass().getSimpleName() + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai_type%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>AIType</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getAiType()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai_clan%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Clan & Range:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getClan()) + " " + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getClanRange()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai_enemy_clan%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Enemy & Range:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getEnemyClan()) + " " + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getEnemyRange()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai_can_random_walk%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Random Walk:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + !((L2Npc) target).isNoRndWalk() + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai_intention%", "");
				html.replace("%ai%", "");
				html.replace("%ai_type%", "");
				html.replace("%ai_clan%", "");
				html.replace("%ai_enemy_clan%", "");
				html.replace("%ai_can_random_walk%", "");
			final String routeName = WalkingManager.getInstance().getRouteName((L2Npc) target);
			if (!routeName.isEmpty())
				html.replace("%route%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=LEVEL>Route:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + routeName + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>");
				html.replace("%route%", "");
		else if (Config.ALT_GAME_VIEWNPC)
			// Set the target of the L2PcInstance activeChar
			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage();
			int hpMul = Math.round((float) (((L2Character) target).getStat().calcStat(Stats.MAX_HP, 1, (L2Character) target, null) / BaseStats.CON.calcBonus((L2Character) target)));
			if (hpMul == 0)
				hpMul = 1;
			final StringBuilder html1 = StringUtil.startAppend(1000, "<html><body>" + "<center> <font name=\"hs12\" color=\"LEVEL\">" + target.getName() + "</font></center>" + "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">", "</td></tr>" + "</table>");
			if (!((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getDropData().isEmpty())
				StringUtil.append(html1, "<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Drop Info]</font></center>" + "<br><center><font name=\"hs12\"color=\"LEVEL\"></font>" + "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">");
				for (L2DropCategory cat : ((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getDropData())
					for (L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops())
						final L2Item item = ItemData.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getId());
						if (item == null)
						final double chance = drop.getChance() / 10000.;
						final double roundChance = Math.round(chance * 100.) / 100.;
						StringUtil.append(html1, "<tr>", "<td><img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" height=32 width=32></td>" + "<br1><td><font color=\"ff9933\">" + item.getName() + "</td>" + "<td><font color=\"00cc66\">Chance:  </font>", "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + roundChance + "0%" + "</font>", "<font color=\"00cc66\">    Min:</font>" + "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + drop.getMinDrop() + "</font>" + "<font color=\"00cc66\">    Max:</font>", "<font color=\"ffffff\">" + drop.getMaxDrop() + "</font>" + "<br>" + "<img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=300 height=3>", "</td>", "</tr>");
		return true;
	public InstanceType getInstanceType()
		return InstanceType.L2Npc;

What i must delete from this code ? :D  

P.S.-I don't need ready code. Just 1,2 words to understand what's wrong

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15 hours ago, Vilmis said:

Eh...  At first, you thought that this will take a new line on each page number or will break html. Now try speak another.  Man, just show me something what you made better , what is not bad for coding or html design.

Well, i didnt though that it will take a new line... Im pretty sure it will if the pages are 20 for example. 


Im not the smart guy, im trying to give you some hints. Your html is huge as you can see. You dont have to add more and more useless things. 

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2 hours ago, Creamy G Colin said:

Well, i didnt though that it will take a new line... Im pretty sure it will if the pages are 20 for example. 


Im not the smart guy, im trying to give you some hints. Your html is huge as you can see. You dont have to add more and more useless things. 

11 pages had Antharas's drop. Valakas has 11 pages too. Who has more? :?

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