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DONATE FOR HELP Exileddvp get his 10 e BACK!


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This is a donation topic for support exiledvp user!




The guy can't affort aCis svn as he need a quick fix. 

1e Donation = 1 Hope !


Help us to give this guy love and hope and succeed into his server. The fix must be bough till 3/20/2019!

We are all here to make this happe!


If you want to support post a troll face at the comment! 

Thanks a lot.



Edited by Kara`
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Ok friend, you like to make a lot of fun and drama, ok :)

So help me fix this issue in interlude


In giran by default heading is: all players look to the giran temple


Player 1 - heading to the left 

Player 2 - heading to the right

Player 3 - heading to the opposite side of Giran Temple

Player 4 - this is me, i walk arround town and i see this players heading (how i described up)

Problems i have:

- if i teleport in giran i will see all players heading ( looking at giran temple )

- if i go far away enough for npcs and players to dissapear and i come back, i will see again all players with same heading ( looking at giran temple )

- if i relog, after i login back, i will see all players heading in same direction: looking at giran temple.


How i fix this issue?

I want all players to keep heading all the time whatever they do

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You got multiple issues :

* First one is about knownlist (players being far enough and refresh them, or relog event - both those 2 actions is supposed to fire addKnownObject from knownlist sytem)

* Second one is about teleport (if and only if the region is the same).


For the first problem (and another similar problem can be tested if a player A casts a skill while a player B teleports near him, in 99% of L2J projects you won't have any refresh and skill won't be visually shown for player B) is about AbstractAI#describeStateToPlayer(Player player) which misses packet calls. The only refresh which actually exists is about if player A is moving, but if he doesn't move then informations aren't sent.


The second problem, which has been solved on aCis, is about TeleportToLocation packet which is supposed to get heading information.


Here's my troll face for the support :



Edited by Tryskell
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2 hours ago, Exiledvp said:

I want when relog/respawn/go far away and come back/teleport to see all players with real heading value ( not reseted )


You have to edit AbstractAI#describeStateToPlayer(Player player). Probably a ValidateLocation could solve the issue.


But if you begin to edit that, than you should solve more important similar issues. Social actions, casting skills, attack stance,... Basically any action, except movement, isn't sent.

Edited by Tryskell
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3 hours ago, Exiledvp said:

I want when relog/respawn/go far away and come back/teleport to see all players with real heading value ( not reseted )



I already posted the reason for fix heading issue. You need only add some change. This work take from you around 30-40 minutes.

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