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help distance spawn



hello all i need little help with spawn guard

my problem is i try make guard spawn like distance radius

from center flag but some time's guard is stay in one location

or guard no have big distance guard -> guard.


so i need make some like this and i need little help



my code is this


	public Npc addSpawn(int npcId, int x, int y, int z, int heading, int RadiusGuard, int RadiusFlag)
			final NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);
			if (template == null)
				return null;
			final L2Spawn spawn = new L2Spawn(template);
			//Distance position
			final int offset = (100 + RadiusGuard + RadiusFlag);
			final int minRadius = (RadiusFlag + 30);
			int newX = Rnd.get(minRadius * 2, offset * 2); // x
			int newY = Rnd.get(newX, offset * 2); // distance
			newY = (int) Math.sqrt(newY * newY - newX * newX); // y
			if (newX > offset + minRadius)
				newX = x + newX - offset;
				newX = x - newX + minRadius;
			if (newY > offset + minRadius)
				newY = y + newY - offset;
				newY = y - newY + minRadius;
			spawn.setLoc(newX, newY, z + 20, heading);
			final Npc npc = spawn.doSpawn(false);
			//better from Rnd code
			return npc;
		catch (Exception e1)
			LOG.warning("Could not spawn Faction Guard Id " + npcId);
			return null;


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5 answers to this question

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i followed @Nightw0lf's post while i ignored the moving part and modified @Kara`'s code since acis got similar code.


so here you are...




Edited by melron
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You want a random location around the flag? 


		int centerX = npc.getX();
        int centerY = npc.getY();

		double x, y, q, r;

		q = Rnd.get() * 2 * Math.PI;
		r = Math.sqrt(Rnd.get());
		x = _rad * r * Math.cos(q) + centerX;
		y = _rad * r * Math.sin(q) + centerY;

		return new int[]
			(int) x,
			(int) y,
			GeoEngine.getInstance().getHeight((int) x, (int) y, _z1)


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you could spawn them into the center and make them walk to outside of circle 2 per 60degree for 100 distance (archers)  2 per 40 degree for 200 distance (fighters) it should be more fun (you could add 3-4 waves

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5 hours ago, Kara` said:

You want a random location around the flag? 


		int centerX = npc.getX();
        int centerY = npc.getY();

		double x, y, q, r;

		q = Rnd.get() * 2 * Math.PI;
		r = Math.sqrt(Rnd.get());
		x = _rad * r * Math.cos(q) + centerX;
		y = _rad * r * Math.sin(q) + centerY;

		return new int[]
			(int) x,
			(int) y,
			GeoEngine.getInstance().getHeight((int) x, (int) y, _z1)


i dont know how can make a code like this is hard for me..
any else can help make spawn like distance radius

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