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Looking for Paid H5 based private Projects

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6 minutes ago, ImBatman said:


At least i don't do coding in aCis.

I have made some codes lately in aCis ( i had not touch it before) and i thought it would be a crappy interlude pack with full of bugged features and be a hell of a mess at all. I really changed my mind. I do not know how skills/quests and stuff are working, but since it is not a mess, i am ok with that...And of course, if i was drunk one day, and choose to open a C6 server, i would definately choose it.


But i want to mention here the following. Most of the times, i dont care about the variety of features and stuff. I just care a code that i can work with.

Edited by Solomun
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9 minutes ago, ImBatman said:


Interlude is bad chronicle anyway, idk why it even exist. Lineage 2 should jump from C4 to Epiloque directly.

The problem with aCis is that the owner of the project got bored and lost his interest after all. All he do past 5 years is to rename classes and adjust content that doesn't affect gameplay anyway. Yes its stable pack to work with but if you ever worked with H5 you gonna feel like jumping from Volkswagen Beetle to a BMW M4. 


I am working in High Five.

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14 minutes ago, Solomun said:

I just care a code that i can work with.

Everyone who can/know to code, care about that. But as most people out there who open the server, is not a dev / don't know to code / is an (wannabe) admin, choose 'rdy to go' packs, don't care about the code quality.

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1 hour ago, ImBatman said:


At least i don't do coding in aCis.

At your marketplace topic , you are not saying that exception. So, if someone will request something on aCis feel free to cancel the deal.



interlude is bad chronicle anyway, idk why it even exist. Lineage 2 should jump from C4 to Epiloque directly.

Yeah, its better to use freya... isn't it? where is your success history?


Just put your tongue into your mind before you talk. Interlude is a chronicle as c4 , freya and the others. If someone decided to open as c4 will go with it, interlude? why not? I personally like interlude chronicle more than all others arround, it's just an opinion. 


You cant say that interlude is missing important staff just because you dont want me to write what C4 is missing .



There might be some differences in L2J and L2Scripts like the way a packet is broadcasted toward others for example when you send a packet to someone you basically add it to a quene list and whoever come in your knownlist you resend this packet to him with a time difference. 

What you can do with this is that in L2J when you cast a spell (that takes 10 seconds) and someone walk from afar or teleport he will see you just standing there and no casting spell. This afcourse can be fixed easy in L2J so again no worth buy L2Scripts.

CRITICAL ISSUE! Are you fucking drunk? Who the fuck cares about this shit you said? Pvp,Mid,Low rates servers wont give a fuck about that get real LOL. Find better and critical issues and post them but not this one just because you have fixed it  (again who cares?)

Edited by melron
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4 minutes ago, ImBatman said:



 I'm playing dota2. i wont answer to you just because you are representative person

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Lets see your reactions afterall.



At least i don't do coding in aCis.


1. Working for a project does not mean you like it. Did i say aCis its bad project? I just said the newer aCis revisions are just renamed classes no as it used to be


Is that so hard to understand that even you , you dont remember what you wrote in a few posts before? At your first post, you present aCis like the worst project based on what you wrote . At the second you are saying the opposite. 




Who spoke for Freya? Success history? What the heck are you talking about ? Random stuff?

Bitch please.



Ok master of life teach me how to talk, i forgot this is a forum that everything i say is wrong but everything others say is fine. Wanna analyze what you did there? You judge someone for his opinion, i simple came and said that in my opinion c4 is the best and epiloque too and you come and write down that i need "put" my tongue into my mind for what? For express my opinion? Do i look someone who promote chronicles or servers?

Did i said that you are promoting something? You started analyze the difference between l2j and l2scripts by giving an example of the packets instead of look what l2scripts have done in their project and what they have fixed . just failed.

Again, who gives a fuck about that? more than 500k servers opened with the 'packets issue' and successed. Just find something that worths the criticism between them.



I didn't wrote anything relative to interlude, just that i prefer c4 and i feel is better. Again you make things out of your mind.


Interlude is bad chronicle anyway, idk why it even exist. Lineage 2 should jump from C4 to Epiloque directly.

Seems like that again, you forgot what you wrote in a few posts before.




The problem with you is that you read so fast what i wrote just to come and write bullshit that u skipped the whole meaning. You act as if i promote L2Scripts. Ill make you 1 favor and repeat with simple words what i said and maybe your brain understand it (no that i give a damn fuck about what you think or understand). L2Scripts is an expensive project and one of the difference from L2 is the packet thing i mentioned. Does it worth for such a thing to  give 500 euro? Afcourse not and from my past 10 comments its obvious that i support L2J. 

You cant judge how expensive a project is since you dont even know their fixes. They can even sell it 15k euro , who are you to judge them? It's like someone requesting a feature from you , saying your price of EX 10E and the requestor saying you are expensive. go to hell , it's my price


No, i didn't come here to write bullshit i'm not like you, i just saw your comments that are really trash and i couldn't resist that's all.




Really the biggest trash comment in the entire maxcheaters. I'll take a photo of it just to remember that people who can't even read can be moderators.



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I recommend you to use shared tales pack and pay money that you have for customs & when server goes live for critical bug fixes.


FandC pack is based on that sources anyway, so you can check their changelog what needs to be fixed first.

Edited by vampir
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10 hours ago, vampir said:

I recommend you to use shared tales pack and pay money that you have for customs & when server goes live for critical bug fixes.


FandC pack is based on that sources anyway, so you can check their changelog what needs to be fixed first.

Customs I have most that have been launched by now, but didnt knew about the changelogs. Are they shared or they have a non premium website with their changelogs?


3 hours ago, jabberwock said:

Clean, L2Jsunrise or L2jMobius + 

 you will have a good server :D If you want. :) 

perhaps, will take a look into sunrise shared source and see some aspects of it. If I like, I might get the premium one.

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On 8/5/2018 at 12:21 AM, HyperBlown said:


We all know there are a few good H5 Private projects out there. But the only one that I know are Mobius, FanDc and Sunrise. Are there anyother that you guys consider a "Good" project for a all kind of servers? Low, mid and even High rated ones?

Looking forward to read the comments!


What you ask doesn't exist or need custom formulas to handle all aspects.


People always complain about skills formulas, the thing is they don't seem to test a lot on L2OFF and didn't see a lot of dvp videos where the dude was one-shot nailing B graders with almost 0 buffs, and they expect everything gonna be balanced with +30 items and fullbuff.


Until that time comes and men become wiser (or people creates a custom formula to decrease excessive effects, which means some sort of dynamic formulas) people will still say crap.


Regarding your ask, simply take what seems to be the most fixed - read changesets and make your own go. For a low rates, I would focus on scripts and quests because it's the most annoying aspect to debug and it needs to work. For a middle rate with quests abort (class item), any pack will work, simply pick the one with the most complex fixes (AI behavior notably). For a high rates, you have to balance anyway, because no matter the pack and the chronicle, formulas are formulas so if you put big numbers, you got big results. Seems logical, but actually not a lot of people understand it.


In any case, it needs to be as light as possible in terms of stability issues - being NPE, stackoverflow, ConcurrentException,... Because such issue ends as an ingame issue too, and can be nasty to fix.




Regarding the other troll, you can commit to L2JLisvus if you prefer C4. None forces you to use Interlude, nor aCis - and it's totally irrelevant with the whole topic.


What exactly did YOU do to help a pack or a chronicle, publically speaking ? I personally chose to open a public pack when I saw IL wasn't really developed. I code for it since 7 years. What did you do ?


Tossing SweeTs is also irrelevant - he isn't a coder (at least for aCis vanilla, he adapted a good number of customs and fed the customs section), but a forum moderator (since aCis exists), and he is also a good friend. He got no specific interaction with what is committed - you could blame Hasha, RooT, fernandopm, me or whoever I thank on changesets for code contribution, but you simply picked the worst possible people to mock about.


That's just to show how low is your knowledge about aCis history. Anyway, keep barking, and ty for the publicity, I guess.

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Been there... would not touch it again.



Personally I would not use it, but it may be the only other project I respect.



If you look for clean code my HighFive project is based on L2jServer and I have cleaned a lot of code.

But as far as stability goes, please stop spreading that L2jServer is stable. It is far from stable.

Even if you manage to add the necessary missing features, that all players expect to work, it is far from complete.

The only reason I do not claim that my files are good, is because I still find bugs inherited by L2jServer.

I dare anyone to run a live server based on clean L2jServer for a week and not get cancer.

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