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SGuard Protection & Dev[286/306 PTS packs available!][02/01]

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Said somebody who has nothing to do with the product, never used it, never will use it, somebody who praises the competitor tho the rest of the community found him scamming his own clients. 

Said  the person who was and probably is scamming people  by their dozens and found his way with another scammer. 


And for the love of God, we have nothing to do with l2-scripts, its a different company. 

Show me ONE person who had stability issues with SGuard? You won't find one, because all of them were happy with what they've bought. 


And good luck building Captchas that are bypassed within seconds. whoever wants a 100% bot detection should invest money into the individual branch and be protected.


And you can go away from this topic, you're not welcome here. 


p.s. to be decent I can definitely say there's a great competition going on in l2 protection world - but its not what you've suggested. 

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sguard, it is a garbage. The only thing that interests these people is an annual subscription of 200 usd that they offer you for servers ... but this protection is a total garbage 100%. It doesn't stop the adrenaline of course and now it doesn't stop the spoffer. It just doesn't work, if you want to stop the spoofing, pay 200 usd per month or die!

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While it is true, we don't deal with adrenaline premium in the standard license, which nobody does or can do for that kind of money per day. 

Our market is limited and narrow, more than that, people use various guards therefore there's no one company that does that kind of protection.


Therefore, we offer, VIP branches for those who want active protection for their servers, per month. 

For many who don't want active bot protection can go for the standard rate.


If the guy above thinks a business is charity he can go and develop a protection and spread it for free.


Best regards.

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The funny thing is that, that person who claims we're interested in an annual protection only, got the 50$/month protection. 

Unfortunately it didn't go well for him, but rest assure that was no bots problem. 

I can't disclose anymore information, but, shame on you. Blame the right people for your failures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All Sguard, smartguard, Strix Guard,  Smart whatever solutions etc are garbage. Adrenaline bypasses u ALL and you should be ashamed for demanding such high prices on a "guaranteed protection" whilst you don't even guarantee anything at all.

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17 minutes ago, Dev said:

All Sguard, smartguard, Strix Guard,  Smart whatever solutions etc are garbage. Adrenaline bypasses u ALL and you should be ashamed for demanding such high prices on a "guaranteed protection" whilst you don't even guarantee anything at all.

thats true,they just stop the free version of adrenaline.

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We never guaranteed any Adrenaline paid version protection under our basic protection module and its all and clear both in our website & in private messaging.


The above gentlemen think that any active dedicated server protection should cost a penny, thats why they're earning a penny and cannot afford it. More than that, they probably think that the whole protection purpose is to block adrenaline.

Unfortunately Adrenaline protection requires a lot of resources and time. Fortunately, most clients understand that and for those whom adrenaline posses any life-threatening situation, invests in a more dedicated private solution.


You go use a free solution like you always do and fail your server on other security related subjects which are, btw, sold as low as $16.66/m (200$ a year basic package). If a 200$ a year number is 'high quote' for one, one should cease-and-decease doing any type of business and go to 9-5 work.


Go learn either C++ architecture codding & development or some business management to qualify arguing a bulls**t statement like that.


I'd like to add, that whole l2 'business' is looking like that, because of the shortage of ability and understanding that this is a business for most, a hobby for some. 

Some hobbits inclined this business to look like a penny business, so waste 6+ hours to code something for 20 euro, some sell websites for 50 bucks, some sell server packs that they've developed for that or another amount of time for few hundred dollars the most. 

Clients should understand several things:

1. A quality work should be paid in equivalent amount of money. (regions vary and a guy from India may code much cheaper than a guy from UK, +- same quality excluding GMT difference and cultural differences).

2. Payments should be done as payments via paypal or similar 3rd party observed payment methods to prevent scam. 

3.  There's quality sufficiency everywhere, one needs latest Samsung S20 another wants just a Motorola. Everything is about your budget and there's a product for every budget, unless you want it ridiculously low priced.



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Sorry for breaking your heart and you are in tears while I made clear my point in less than 3 lines something that I'll do it again in less than 5.


The main problem of the servers and the purpose of such protection is "Anti Bot Protection" if disagree check again your own logo in the link or your forum signature. Then you say here, that the whole protection thing etc it's main purpose is NOT the "Boting Protection" right ? Well, I'm afraid you have to decide what YOUR main purpose and JOB is and then edit your logo accordingly so you don't misslead me and other clients.




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I think you misunderstand the solutions that we have. People like you want everything to be accessible for little-or-nothing payment, effort, respect in some cases. Therefore our logo is correctly observes our main cause of existence. 

Every level of admin i.e entry, moderate, professional, enterprise - selects whatever plan he wants to use. 

There're several servers who pay thousands of dollars to maintain completely safe and sound against all threats. I'm not saying everybody should pay the same, therefore we have a lot of options, from as little of 50$ to as much as a client wants to.

If you think to develop atleast a proto of a protection, please do, and then, when you regain atleast a bit of experience and understand what you're talking about, we'll speak again in a more professional way rather than crying that you can't buy a rocket at a used Honda price.



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Man WTF you talking about ? You can't even offer protection from bots and you talk about prices ? What you sell is worth 0 $ . All your kind of "services" is just a marketing tool to get customers while in reality you offer nothing.


Others complain that you can't prevent even spoofing, you admitted you don't prevent adrenaline so why the heck should I pay 300 $ for an edited logo writing Sguard while there's NO guard ?


Wake up !

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You're so naive and cheap.

It took us 6 month to initially create this protection without anybody backing us up with anything. Do you think we should serve you in a total 360 degrees protection for a 50$? Do we look like ESET, Microsoft or maybe Kaspersky? It will never scale since we're in a limited clientele here, like really limited. If somebody wants something outside the box, he pays. Even the 200$/1 month is compatibly cheap option comparing to anything else outside our small lineage 2 world. 

Can't protect from bots? only adrenaline and only on the basic branch (like everybody else), can't protect from spoofer? nobody can, but we can, again not on the basic branch, people are paying 5 digits for those services and no they cannot be freely accessible for all, not in that limited public divided community. 

For instance if all clients decided to invest in 1 protection instead of 5+, clients would forfeit using your favorite free option like whatever guard which is shared/outdated. then, maybe it would scale up to be a low cost shared option. 


If you think you have done better and might even present a product of your own (I've seen those lousy attempts spamming in this thread just prior releasing your own 'protection'), go ahead, public it, we'll see how good you've done. I will even offer a free non-BS analysis overview for what you've done.


When you grow up and see how it is in the real world (not in your pink-pony one) we can have a real discussion. 

For now you go ahead and use your favorite and most free option - nothing.


Now go away from this topic.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/4/2020 at 1:35 AM, Trance said:

So, can you block Adrenaline if a customer pays well enough?

We got a special branch for those who are in need to detect Adrenaline and beyond that. 


And its way cheaper than negotiating with the bot which is never going to be trustworthy.


For details contact me.

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On 5/8/2020 at 10:57 PM, SGuard said:

with the bot which is never going to be trustworthy.

running malware on user PCs to sniff on each of their actions sure looks more trustworthy than bot LUL


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