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l2zaken.net and all their projects


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Perfect story about admin of 

(maybe something miss)
Ok, we have some clients , who also play on this servers, and they buy adena. 
I call to l2zaken.net admin and try to buy something, he sell me adena, i sent it to our customers, everything is clear, everyone was fine.
But greedy l2zaken admin start to check, who bought adena and ban them. 
After bans he ask them to make refunds in our shop, and spend that money for unban them selfs, for Korean guys he said "I will sell you cheaper, don't buy there"

Also this admin create any equipement for $, believe me any, even x4 ring of cores, i have video , but its on russian

now screen shots 

Make such kinds of admins popular! If he quite sell and won't be greedy, this wont be happend.

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I have a experience with gm of this servers too he is obessed with adenaseller which is not bad he invested in his server. But he is selling adena himself since first l2era server. One thing i see is that every server he open after 1-2 weeks he starts to make a deal with some adenaseller or he is selling adena himself under some new sellers nickname. I wouldn't be suprised if sites adena.zone and 17kgold.com is actually him. Reviews are bought skype is weird and he is shouting for 2 hours straight wo problems ingame. Thats not possible for normal seller gm is online 24/7 or they have autodetect character system which kicks out of game. But this person promoting those 2 webs is online for 2 hours wo getting banned. Golden vercetti I always liked him lol (promo using helena was top, l2tales t-shirts etc.) and everybody was rude to him but he was fair and his servers were good. If you ever talk with this gm of era servers on skype or somewhere he is not polite at all to his customers and if you buy something from him i would be worried about ban after couple of days he dont care that you gave him money.

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even after that many topics, ppl calling them out, etc

they still run most successful servers 1 by 1, so i can imagine they give 0 crap about ppl opinions if nothing can affect their position :D

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2 minutes ago, AlmostGood said:

even after that many topics, ppl calling them out, etc

they still run most successful servers 1 by 1, so i can imagine they give 0 crap about ppl opinions if nothing can affect their position :D

i can't tell that 300-450 onlline is success

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22 minutes ago, AlmostGood said:

even after that many topics, ppl calling them out, etc

they still run most successful servers 1 by 1, so i can imagine they give 0 crap about ppl opinions if nothing can affect their position :D

if vercetti back in the game they are done

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  • 1 month later...

it is true l2lionna l2zaken l2era l2classic.ws l2dragon is all his servers and he is corrupted he used to give us full clan gear just to play there one greek gm is making hype by the name of EyeWitness always clan leader lying people its nice server and all gms have normal chars and sell overenchanted items to make people buy donation pounds i have offer for you guys - make topic in marketplace of l2 section with permission of moderator and bump topic with list of servers that people should stay away from it is very easy to know what his next server would be so we can warn people in advance

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what do u expect from mouse / sorin and kiddo brazonka ;D most funny trio at l2 scene 


they have like 10 accs as adena sellers at mxc  





Edited by AchYlek
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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, l2exilium said:

new scam server of lionna zaken is www.l2mythras.com careful guys

its not true, new lionna server is http://l2redmoon.com/ and  zaken = https://l2pandora.net/ 


mouse nocited that stalonka opening interlude servers, so he started also ;D


mythras admin is just some kid who stole all custom things from lionna / era 




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