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interlude [L2J] Project LIPO


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4 hours ago, WhiteKnight said:

Easy access to the best dyes, max lvl / more cubics, clan lvl 8 with 5 clan skills are my concerns. As i said i don't know how long would those take to achieve as a free player on your project so maybe they aren't that big of a deal but if it would take free players weeks to achieve those goals, it could be a problem early on. the other donations don't really affect pvp so they're fine.


No worries, i wasn't calling your project a pay to win, i am actually really interested by this and plan on trying it out whenever i will be able to, i was just worried to see those things since they are kind of a big deal in ''general'' L2 :) i just foudn this topic today so i'm not up to date with everything yet, currently reading more on this thread and on discord to get up to date :P

Well, 99% the cubic thing will be deleted. Check here for more info: http://projectlipo.com/library/rebirth/


About the dyes +-4. Hmm, they just give and take more stats than normal +-2. So if you want to achieve that must casting speed on the game with a waterbender, then you can buy those. That's their intention, if they don't fit this criteria, they will be changed.


Last but not least, the clans. Create a clan is only with LIPO Coins to the Community Manager. Well the "short explanation" explains the main points of why. But if clan lvl 8 with 5 random skills seems op, think about it as clan lvl1, or plain clan, the point here is that there is not much point on building a clan and leveling it up etc etc etc, since we are on a faction gameplay (always talking about the Prologue)

But, it's a nice add up, if you want to capture the Altar on neutral zone http://projectlipo.com/library/neutral-zone/

or respawn flags on sunday sieges, extra benefits with random clan skills and clan can be traded.



Anyway, i can go on and on forever but wasn't expecting to see "op donations" because once again, there a billion ways to to actually milk the hell out of such thing, but my intention is to provide a worth playing (unlike anything else) lineage 2 experience, and not to make money out of my creation that took me years on making(solo). And to be completely honest, i wouldn't even have in game donate currency, i would stay on the plain "donate if you love what your seeing", but i already created a "gameplay" out of it, through npc interaction, some fun things like "chameleon rest" or "squanchy" and etc.

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7 hours ago, IpotoniC said:

Last but not least, the clans. Create a clan is only with LIPO Coins to the Community Manager.


I mean.. this entire project is pretty much all about capturing the neutral zone, which is a clan activity, then you tell me clan creation is only from donation.. How can you not see the problem here? lol


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48 minutes ago, WhiteKnight said:


I mean.. this entire project is pretty much all about capturing the neutral zone, which is a clan activity, then you tell me clan creation is only from donation.. How can you not see the problem here? lol


i lost you on "this entire project" xD


The Prologue (=background of the project, main project starts on Chapter 1 until Chapter 9) has around 4 months of gameplay and the goal is to "weaken" enemy faction by doing a successful siege each Sunday. The faction with the most weekly captures over the Marmoreal Altar will have the "attacker" role on the siege.


The gameplay of the Prologue, is faction based. Capturing the Altar is faction activity, that's why it's not about clans. Of course clans can do wonderful activities, like invading enemy kingdom and steal raids (while they can handle the hunting guards), but clan progress like retail lineage 2 doesn't fit in a faction gameplay.


So, the players that want to form a clan/want to be the leaders of each faction, will. If they can't donate for it, they can buy it from others ingame. Having free to create clans is absolute madness for such a gameplay, so w/e you believe bro.


PS: Forget everything that you know especially from other lineage 2 servers and retail lineage 2 lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Project LIPO - Beta Phase 2


Our community is growing everyday. Already 150 beta testers found a home to play! What about you? The current tests will finish at the end of May.


Next step..? Faction Massacre! An End-Game, Mass-Scale, Faction PvP mode, with in-game prizes on official launch!


Stay tuned!


Site: http://projectlipo.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

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Faction Massacre (LTM: 2nd of June - 15th of June)


The purpose of this mode is to test the Endless end-game massive-scale PvP among all 11 new classes!


Insane prizes to the top 3 clans and the top 10 players.


Don't miss it!


Play Now: http://projectlipo.com/download/
Discord (latest news): https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK



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Limited Time Mode: Faction Massacre (2nd of June (20:00 GMT+3) - 15th of June)


Just a quick update with some info about the mode.

  • Players spawn in each faction village, level 70. Only adena currency.
  • All 11 new classes available (unlimited changes/cost adena)
  • Available Zones: Dungeon (exp/adena), Neutral Zone (pvp/exp/adena)
  • Soft farm for S-Grades and level 80.
  • All in game progress can be bought with adena: Legendaries, Augment, SA, Biologist and other Skills, Grilled Fishes and consumables, Blessed Scrolls, Cubics, Clans, Hero, Noble and etc.


The mode also features a Capturable Altar inside the PvP zone and only clan leaders can capture it. Resets every hour.


Insane prizes on the official opening to:

  1. Top 3 clans (with the most captures over the Altar)
  2. Top 10 players (with the most PvPs)


Don't miss it!


Play Now: http://projectlipo.com/download/
Discord (latest news): https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

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The server will open in 1 hour for the Faction Massacre mode that will last until 15th of June.


For the first day, the Clans and the PvP ladder will be unavailable.


Play Now: http://projectlipo.com/download/
Discord (latest news): https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

Patch Link (Secondary): http://www.mediafire.com/file/4uo88dxj0oaol4i/System.7z

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Alright. First of all i'd like to say that the whole idea and project is nice. It's good that you're doing what you "love" and are happy about doing it, I like and appreciate that so keep it up. 


Now, I was hesitant in joining for plenty of reasons the biggest one was those ugly custom armors/weapons (azurite looks kinda good but that's it). I will point out those reasons along with some other stuff I came across and I hope you finally see reason since others have said the same things (yes, i've read all 7 pages).


1. Custom armors/weapons are sh*t. They aren't even really custom, just different color scheme and opacity, as others have pointed out as well. I don't generally like the idea of custom armors/weapons but even if I decide to go with it I would greatly appreciate the fact they look nice. Yes you've done some work with the stats and stuff but I also know they aren't even real items, they are based upon dynasty recipes. Also those custom named jewels of yours are no-grade jewels with different name/image/stats and so on. Same goes with shields/weapons, obviously. Also with your special fish and pretty much everything that's "custom" in your project. Your custom items are also not even real items, they are based on random stuff but you just changed their properties/image/stats/status/effects and so on. Anyway the point I want to make it that your custom stuff isn't even that custom, it's just different colors,names etc. as mentioned above.


2. Pretty much every single "solid" or "static" object is "see-through", if you move the camera around you can freely move/see through them,  even the custom ones you added on the neutral zone, which-for me at least- doesn't give you a +. Also I didn't notice any pathfinding whatsoever. Another - for me.


3. On your "custom-skills" descriptions there are many errors. For example on titans "Crush of Titan" on the cooldown it has something weird. Noticed same things and more mistakes (both grammatical and typos), on other classes as well.


4. Blessed scrolls break the items completely instead of resetting. 


5. Guards are pretty much untouchable. Unless it's on purpose, as in, you're expecting huge amount of people to start/play on the server and can handle them. Can't really tell, but a maxed out titan can't do shit on frenzy/zealot, even on guts i'm dying like i'm a worm. And imagine i'm fully geared with everything, even skills are maxed (same with armor/jewels/weapon). Tried with healer as well - NOOOPE.


6. The dungeon aka School of Dark Arts has exactly 0 chests/treasures in it. I went around the whole thing 2-3 times, found no chest whatsoever.


7. Missing dialogues from sentries (both elf+d.elf), not gonna bother with altars anymore since i've tried talking to them plenty of times with different chars without anything happening.


8. What's bothering me even more is that there really aren't any people testing. I've been online for 7 hours and not a single announcement of a person logging in. I did log yday night for 30min, I only saw 1 person (which I talked to as well for a bit, he was checking out the classes at the time).


9. What's the point of sps/sorc/sph (aka water/fire/windbenders) not having battle heal? That's honestly unacceptable- at least for me. Don't expect that just because this is a "faction" war or whatever people are just gonna group up. 


Those 9 aren't even close to the issues i've come across, but i'm just too lazy to type them all, those are just the ones that came to my head as I was writing. I got a little tired so I stopped at 9, but yeah, there are more points/problems that exist in the server. Not sure if intentional or not but they are there.


Now I have to be honest - as i've been throughout the whole post- I'm sorry, even though I like your mindset, the idea and everything, I highly doubt this will be a success unfortunately. So I have to agree with most of the people that answered your thread, it's going to fail as a project. The good thing on the other hand is that it will be a success for you - i'm sure you're going to get some things out of this and i'm guessing that the biggest one will be a self-satisfaction feeling alongside the rest of the stuff you gonna learn.


Also,  the fact you advertise a whole "new" lineage game/experience or whatever means you have put out the work and effort on bringing out new stuff. Which you didn't really do, unfortunately. 


Don't give up and just do what you want, but remember that it doesn't necessarily mean it will attract people!


I might join again later in the evening to check for activity, even though I doubt it.. I also will join when you go Live just to be there and see the finished product of yours. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor of yours and I hope, even though doubt it, to be a huge hit. I might be one of the few in this thread that have posted some constructive feedback so don't hate, i'm just being honest. Have a nice day.

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Thank you for your feedback bro, although currently the server is in the "Faction Massacre" mode with no gameplay :?  The purpose of it was for the players to see the endgame pvp and give me some feedback about it. And yes, there are around 70 people that checked the mode and did some pvps because the project is new and has no validation yet.


I'm gonna answer to each of your point, but have in mind that this mode is not the gameplay, not even close. The normal gameplay was available before but from only the Yang side, and again for testing, because everything is new and not something finished.


1)About the Legendary Gear, they are the normal S grade weapons/items with different color & panner, as an effect of crafted from minerals (gold/azurite and etc) that you get from mining. Their appearance won't be changed, at least not for now, they don't have priority, not in the Prologue. About the recipes :? i didnt understood. About the custom items are not even custom? Again, I don't know what you mean, nothing is random, everything has been done by me, everything is changed and has a logic behind it, so i don't know how to answer. For example Grilled fishes come from grilling dead fishes via the campfire.


2)At the neutral zone, the crystals have a purpose behind them and they have full flawless geodata. So i don't know what you're saying.


3)I'm working and fixing all the descriptions from every single skill, all the descriptions are outdated and i'm currently halfway through. Please, after i update everything and you see those grammatical errors send me a msg on discord. It's impossible to correct everything, but everything will be made perfectly by time.


4)Normal scrolls can enchant an item up to +4 (free to buy from shop), Blessed scrolls can enchant an item up to +9/+7 (drop from Raid Chests) and have higher chances. The "item break" thing has nothing to do with the scroll and everything to do with the item. Only Legendary Items can't break because their power cannot be shattered.


5)Those are the bridge guards. They won't be killable, only during the sunday siege, enemy troops will attack them and open the path for the faction to invade the enemy territory. All other guards will be killable, so a full party can invade the enemy territory and do whatever they want, if they are strong rnough to handle the hunting guards.


6)The Dungeon Treasure chests, have been removed from the Prologue, plus they wouldnt be in this mode thought.


7)Yes bridge guards have no dialogue yet, cause i will went through the whole guard/siege system next week. About the altars, idk what you mean. There is only the "Marmoreal Altar" at the neutral zone, which can be captured only by clan leaders from each factions and the faction with the most weekly captures, gets the siege on sunday.


8)Yes, only 70 people has logged in to check somethings, because the project doesnt have any validation yet and rewards means nothing (yet). But i'm keeping up making the things that i have to do as perfectly as i can. I have the plan and the budget to invest for the online, and the good thing is that the people will stay and play, because unlike anything else, there is a gameplay.


9)Well, spam heals, mp and stuff dont exist here. There are some consumables/grilled fieshes, self heal, relax skill (out of combat), healers, passives for regen, SA skills (if i'm not wrong), mby ill add agument skill "heal" (that would be nice). But no, nuker classes doesn't have a big heal, only self heal. We will see how everything will play out and changes are here for that same reason.



I hope i covered you and sorry for the typos and etc. Again, thank you for your feedback but as far as i see, you thought this was the gameplay, but it's not even close to it. Check some things here: http://projectlipo.com/library/ (although, their pretty much outdated) I'm trying to manage everything but it's just to much, i will update the site in approx 7 days.


About the success/fail thing... Whatever. All i can guarantee is that many people will join and you will have the best lineage 2 experience inside Project LIPO. For sure it won't be perfect from the start, but it's really big and has so much to offer, that it doesn't even matter.


That's it, if you can and you're not bored, send me everything on discord or even post here. I'll be glad to read and answer/fix_my_shit since i have the time now to do so.


Edit: And i'm not advertising anything as a bubble thing, unlike everyone else. My purpose if to offer the best there is, not to inflate a bubble, get some money and pop it. You will see it, and you will play it. Even if it "fails", the project will continue with its community and will offer nothing but the best. I sound like i'm a greedy person, but all i say is the truth.

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I never stated that I thought that this is the gameplay lol. But then again, you believe that people will stay for 3 years for the whole lore/gameplay? I highly doubt that..


And you said about normal scrolls, well, what if I told you that with a blessed scroll I broke an A-grade weapon for +2?

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21 minutes ago, wateveromaigod said:

I never stated that I thought that this is the gameplay lol. But then again, you believe that people will stay for 3 years for the whole lore/gameplay? I highly doubt that..


And you said about normal scrolls, well, what if I told you that with a blessed scroll I broke an A-grade weapon for +2?


Let him be, at least he did something different than others. 

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18 hours ago, wateveromaigod said:

I never stated that I thought that this is the gameplay lol. But then again, you believe that people will stay for 3 years for the whole lore/gameplay? I highly doubt that..


And you said about normal scrolls, well, what if I told you that with a blessed scroll I broke an A-grade weapon for +2?

Well, all your points where based on the gameplay, while there is none in the thing you played.


I've learned to not to expect anything from anyone so i don't believe anything, i will just offer the best thing achievable. If you want to play, and i repeat, play something, then here's the place either to immerse with it or to have some quick good PvP.


About scrolls: Normal, Blessed, doesn't matter. It's not about scrolls if they break the item. its about the item. Only legendary items cannot break. :P

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38 minutes ago, IpotoniC said:


About scrolls: Normal, Blessed, doesn't matter. It's not about scrolls if they break the item. its about the item. Only legendary items dont break. :P

Yeah but you said you can enchant up to 4 safely. Anyway it doesn't matter, i've already told you I support you - that doesn't mean that it will work out - but I already said, I wish you the best in this endeavor.

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17 hours ago, wateveromaigod said:

Yeah but you said you can enchant up to 4 safely. Anyway it doesn't matter, i've already told you I support you - that doesn't mean that it will work out - but I already said, I wish you the best in this endeavor.

Normal enchant scrolls can enchant up to +4. Blessed can enchant up to +9 (weapon) /+7 (armor) with higher chances than the normal (below +4 since normal cannot enchant any higher) And then there are the Legendary Scrolls, which enchant only legendary items up to +9/+7 (same chances as blessed) but they cannot break, because the legendary item cannot break.


It's all good bro, my purpose is to share the thing that i made, i accept all the criticism but it doesn't affect me. Also that doesn't mean that i don't change things if they have a negative influence on the gameplay.


Anyway, thanks again for your constructive post. Join our discord if you want to keep up the conversation/learn more things: https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

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Tomorrow the faction Massacre mode comes to an end.
Although there wasn't any faction scale PvP, the players that are on the winners list will still get their LIPO Coins based on their spot on the ladder.


A few things about the game progress: I just started updating the quests and the dialogues for the Yin faction, there's still some things to do and i will need some players to test them.


Send me a message if you want to help and i will inform you in due course.




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Supported OS change and are added periodically. More check on official website.   IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS:   - Check on the official website.
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