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Vanganth Source Code.

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6 minutes ago, Fotislol said:

The thing that happening at the momment with this share it was known from the time that vang decided to sell the sources. Sometime someone would share them, this is natural. Before the share some people sold this pack for 100 bucks, not big deal....

I am trying to prevent all these smartasses who will compile and run a server without knowledge, we don't need more amateurs who will destroy more the l2 community. Use this sources with responsibility....

Well you need to have a head on your shoulders to use this sources and, generally, to run L2OFF working.
Even L2j is an challenge for someone :D

Edited by Griunvaldas
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9 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

you'd prefer they compile and run a shit l2j pack server without knowledge instead? :D at least with this we might actually get some life back into l2off, you seen the server ad forum lately? front page always 85%+ l2j

L2j killed this game back in the days people would not even join your server if it was l2j so most servers lied about the server's platform.

Edited by SourceCode
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yeah l2off used to actually be a draw for people but most players don't give a shit now, even people running 100% retail files from the renters don't get the kind of interest that rpg-club did back when they were the first guys out with the GF files, pretty sad shit but who knows maybe it can change - only if people start putting in some work instead of reselling everyone else's, it's the reason i'm glad this shit leaked - the more of these reseller idiots get put out of business the better, if they really can "develop to the next level" why the fuck aren't they and selling that instead?

maybe it'll change, i'm hopeful but that's probably naivety combined with nostalgia tbh but who knows, miracles happen

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On 07/09/2017 at 8:08 AM, Pulentolento said:



Last Update data pack from ex SVN Vanganth server before he shutdown.

Mega Link

This pack include everything, even the System Patch. So you just have to replace the new compiled DLL you made from this sources and you are good to go.


Enjoy it Guys!! 


link off, could someone replay again?

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9 minutes ago, perfect1995 said:

Delete all line Licence and works


the pin character needs this file to work well, and it would be good for it to have security in case of a datacenter invasion

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7 minutes ago, tiagopyerri said:


the pin character needs this file to work well, and it would be good for it to have security in case of a datacenter invasion

You only test server no public...

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And a good package to work with, I advise beginners not to put servers online with the "L2OFF PTS" Prefix. For there is much to be corrected and tested.
Let's not end the L2OFF, inaugurating thousands of servers without equal quality several admin does with L2J.
Even server, same name, wipe every month and sometimes even changing the name of the server but the quality the same.

I looked at all the files carefully.
For a good developer and a nice package to work with.

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On 06/09/2017 at 9:17 AM, Pulentolento said:

I have those sources and I compared them. The only file its added in this pack, it is KeyGenerator.exe.

You just have to delete it and you will be fine, and you wont have any complain of your AntiVirus.

The rest of the files are exactly the same  (with some changes like licence) like mine. This pack doesn't have any backdoor.

If you know C++, just delete the files related with Key generator and Licence.


I knew someone will shared it but as far I know from other users comments, are a new exploit out there where it can crash l2server.exe. if you use this pack.

So, if you planing to open a server using this sources, you better hire someone to fix this issue.




could you share the License.cpp file and the License.h file? in pm

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3 hours ago, tiagopyerri said:


could you share the License.cpp file and the License.h file? in pm

Sorry , I didn't share this sources so you should ask to the user who did it.

good luck!

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