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Auto Flag In Arenas And Rb's Lairs



Hello to everyone,


I'm using L2J Frozen.



I want to make Ant Queen Lair, Antharas Lair, Baium Lair and other Raid-Bosses Lairs like a pvp-zone but wihout auto-ress or auto-noblesse or any other ItemPvPreward and stuff like that. I want to make it a simple Auto-Flagged Zone when players enter or teleport there they are auto-flagged. I was thinking that the best for it its to make "Arenas" like Coliseum, Giran Arena , etc.. Auto-Flagged zones so I can change in  "data/zone/zones.xml" from: "BossZone" to - "Arena".


    <!-- Boss zone Lair of Ant Queen --> 

    <zone id='12019' type='BossZone' shape='NPoly' minZ='-5947' maxZ='-5547' bossId='29001'>
    <stat name='name' val='LairofAntQueen'/>
    <stat name='EnabledByDefault' val='false'/>
    <stat name='InvadeTime' val='0'/>
If anyone can help me to share some sort of code for this or some advice I will really appreciate it.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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Its a bad idea to turn boss zone into arena you will lose all your restrictions that boss zone have. You should just give pvpflag when the player is entering in this zone and keep it until onExit is activate . (add flag in method onEnter in your bosszone)

Edited by melron
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Its a bad idea to turn boss zone into arena you will lose all your restrictions that boss zone have. You should just give pvpflag when the player is entering in this zone and keep it until onExit is activate . (add flag in method onEnter in your bosszone)

Thank you for your advice, can you be more explicit about "add flag in method onEnter in your bosszone" ? I know for experienced people like you may sound  a bit noobish but I'm new in everything which includes Server Development.

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Find onEnter Method and put a check




And after onExit



Edited by Reborn12
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To make it clearer for you and easier lets just follow Reborn's advice.


Start eclipse and go to your source files.

Double click on the gameserver-source.

Find the l2bosszone.java file and open it.

After that hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onEnter" line .Once you're done copy this "player.setPvpFlag(1);" and paste it under the "onEnter" line.


Next hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onExit" line. Copy these 2 lines


player.broadcastUserInfo(); and paste them under the "onExit" line.


Lastly, check if there are any errors and see what you can do about them by dragging your mouse on the (x) or the (!).

If there are no errors , save the file and compile.


Once you're done go to your workspace/gameserver/libs and copy the l2jfrozen.jar file. Then paste it to your server files "gameserver/libs".

Start your server and check if it works.

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To make it clearer for you and easier lets just follow Reborn's advice.


Start eclipse and go to your source files.

Double click on the gameserver-source.

Find the l2bosszone.java file and open it.

After that hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onEnter" line .Once you're done copy this "player.setPvpFlag(1);" and paste it under the "onEnter" line.


Next hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onExit" line. Copy these 2 lines


player.broadcastUserInfo(); and paste them under the "onExit" line.


Lastly, check if there are any errors and see what you can do about them by dragging your mouse on the (x) or the (!).

If there are no errors , save the file and compile.


Once you're done go to your workspace/gameserver/libs and copy the l2jfrozen.jar file. Then paste it to your server files "gameserver/libs".

Start your server and check if it works.

Thanks both of you for your help


When I try to add the lines I get 2 erros, I have attached some pictures to see better what happened.


Error 1



Error 2


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Its a bad idea to turn boss zone into arena you will lose all your restrictions that boss zone have. You should just give pvpflag when the player is entering in this zone and keep it until onExit is activate . (add flag in method onEnter in your bosszone)




Find onEnter Method and put a check




And after onExit





To make it clearer for you and easier lets just follow Reborn's advice.


Start eclipse and go to your source files.

Double click on the gameserver-source.

Find the l2bosszone.java file and open it.

After that hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onEnter" line .Once you're done copy this "player.setPvpFlag(1);" and paste it under the "onEnter" line.


Next hit "ctrl+f" and search for the "onExit" line. Copy these 2 lines


player.broadcastUserInfo(); and paste them under the "onExit" line.


Lastly, check if there are any errors and see what you can do about them by dragging your mouse on the (x) or the (!).

If there are no errors , save the file and compile.


Once you're done go to your workspace/gameserver/libs and copy the l2jfrozen.jar file. Then paste it to your server files "gameserver/libs".

Start your server and check if it works.

Ok i have managed to fix all of the errors in Eclipse.


The Auto-Flag is working only when I enter to Baium Lair, Antharas Lair and Valakas Lair. (

When i tp from custom gatekeeper to Ant Queen (Ant Queen Lair) or Orfen, Core and Zaken its not working. The player is not getting Auto-Flagged.

Some advice ? What should I do?


Thank you !

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Ok i have managed to fix all of the errors in Eclipse.


The Auto-Flag is working only when I enter to Baium Lair, Antharas Lair and Valakas Lair. (

When i tp from custom gatekeeper to Ant Queen (Ant Queen Lair) or Orfen, Core and Zaken its not working. The player is not getting Auto-Flagged.

Some advice ? What should I do?


Thank you !

give me one minute and i will post all the .java file here


copy paste file and have fun 



Btw about other zones they will not work..

create a new zone FlagZone and make them Flagzones in An new file like Flazones.xml

Edited by Reborn12
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give me one minute and i will post all the .java file here


copy paste file and have fun 



Btw about other zones they will not work..

create a new zone FlagZone and make them Flagzones in An new file like Flazones.xml

Hello again, maybe I'm a bit frustrating... sorry about that :D


I copy-paste all of the codes from .java file that you uploaded into my L2Bosszone.java file.

I created a file in gameserver/data/zones/FlagZone.xml

I copied everything with "BossZone" from "zone.xml" to "flagzone.xml" and edited them from BossZone to FlagZone

as you can see here : http://imgur.com/13QIdDg


Im not flagged neither in one of the RaidBoss Lairs.


Thank you again.



What do you think its not better to add some lines in the L2ArenaZone.java with autoflag?? 

And I can just edit in zone.xml from BossZone to Arena ?

Edited by RiperRO
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No dude its not better and you need for flagzones java side support..

If i got time after my work i will make a flagzone.java and send you here...

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No dude its not better and you need for flagzones java side support..

If i got time after my work i will make a flagzone.java and send you here...

Allright thank you very much, I really appreciate that you help me


Have  a nice day

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