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As promised several times in the past, L2 AEPvP will officially launch an epic H5 version this year. The development was ceased last time due to lack of time and interest from the team but now the L2AEPvP team is making a comeback on the scene on the fresh H5 client that has never seen a true pride-like before.


A few things about L2AEPvP team:

L2AEPvP team currently consists of talented developers that devote their free time to develop an original pride like server from scratch (zero) by implementing ideas that were originally developed by Dav for the legendary L2Pride. We don't rely on shared sources or 3rd party work as we can develop and program our own things better, even than the original.

The development of this H5 version currently consists of 3 main modules that are in progress right now,


The basic modules are:


1) L2AEPvP Event Engine

  • Extreme Instance / Multiverse support
  • The ultimate Event Engine
  • Global World real-time events (Mining day, APC day, APC PvP town)

2) Server-side Development

  • Pride-like features (Farm, Currency, etc)
  • Pride-like balance
  • Interlude gameplay (minimalistic)

3) Client-side Development (This time, we got interest on developing an extreme antibotting shield)

  • AEPvP Launcher (Automatically updates your client, EXTREMELY fast)
  • AEPvP Antibot (99% unbypassable)




To be announced soon





To be announced soon




Its common sense that the above need lots of developing time and of course testing, so a BETA server will be released soon so players and fans can assist us on making this project great.



Another innovative idea we had after discussing within our inner-circle and all agreed to is that we believe that the last few years the L2Pride community is being damaged and destroyed and is the only victim to the ongoing pride-like servers war, Pride like servers open very often and that makes the community move constantly between servers, that makes the servers unable to last long and the players are disappointed. So we came up with the idea that server admins should be more friendly towards each other and stop destroying each other, so L2AEPvP team officially takes the initiative to invite developers / admins or people who believe and can contribute with their own way on such a project, our inner circle will be open to these people putting behind the personal things that separate us in order to deliver a project that can reunite the L2Pride community with a server in 2017 that actually deserves to become even better than the original, I strongly believe this. I officially invite ANYONE that has my own mindset and some skills to contribute on this project but mainly those who open a honest and original servers like the admins that we may now officially support: (L2Crabbed, L2Wargate, L2Kemosa, L2Nexus) who are more than welcome, though we strongly oppose servers that just use the L2Pride leaked sources just to make fast money (Everyone knows who I am referring to). To those who believe that this is an invitation for help (we can do it without you). More about this topic on PMs on my MXC profile.


Please avoid being off-topic, this is a serious topic. Let your opinion or questions here, will be answered asap.

Edited by xxdem
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nice preview,is this project the interlude one from ou eight?back in interlude back then i remember it was one of the greatest pvp projects happened.Is this the same with old il project with same ownership?

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nice preview,is this project the interlude one from ou eight?back in interlude back then i remember it was one of the greatest pvp projects happened.Is this the same with old il project with same ownership?


No, this project is not the original L2AEL, Scar the admin was authorized to make a reborn of the project from the owners to remake it 3 years ago.

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Kemosa & crabbed were based on pride pack. WG and nexus of hnoke never did so and despite of what you believe I can prove that anytime given I have free time to spend.


Also regarding that part not all servers you referred opened just in order to grab the money and close after a while. From my point of view that happened only in the case of kemosa or hayze this person used someone's else work and fucked up his own server with the corruption of donations he has made available e.g. passive skills and so on. Crabbed was a decent server and never gave me the idea that it was built to grab people's money. Same goes for nexus of hnoke and my team's project.


On the other hand about your project of course you tried in the beginning to handle it but then you realised how sweet the money is and overdid it with the donations as well which actually is ok because you spent time in order to create stuff and personally I know how hard this is to manage a whole project. I would have no problem to co operate with you if you realised that being just a good coder doesn't equal success to a project and if you thumps up those who with less knowledge have lead you into destruction and I'm sure you know that I mean.


So all in all if you set an open invitation to the owners of those servers you referred I am open to conversation which doesn't mean I expect anything from that project.


In fact I always have been open to discuss with open minded people but you weren't one of those you acted like you know everything and this is your biggest mistake nobody does know everything.


You might be good on java I might be good on strategy management someone else might be good on knowing the aspects of the game and so on. So only in the case you respect equally people as people then you can go on.

Edited by Godrics
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No, this project is not the original L2AEL, Scar the admin was authorized to make a reborn of the project from the owners to remake it 3 years ago.

Nice,btw you r the only one admiting you not admin of the previous old project..good.

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Hayze was based on pride pack and was indeed a cash grab, but that doesn't mean they didn't put work on that server, they actually managed to fix the crap out of it at least rather just opening the leaked one, the only reason they are added on the list is because they tried to built something original on Kemosa that is different chronicle than pride source leak, as for the money part of course it corrupts everyone, and I agree that I am not the guy who would not implement donations on the server, aepvp had balanced donations and there where always people that would give any amount of money to go beyond the limits, but still thats a lot different conversation, AEPvP was a small C6 server, but now... now I am talking for something bigger and more open

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I never said that hayze didn't put work but it was a cash grab and while it could be online for another 6 months he set up crazy donations and robbed his players. Was that cool in my opinion no. Was it his mistake no it was not a mistake it was his will because he wanted to shut his own server down knowing that these people would follow him on his "kemosa" but they never did.


As about the rest I fully got what you mean and it could actually be under a different name or w/e. What I hope though is to understand by your side my basic points because by learning our own mistakes is the only way to go on and if you act selfish nobody is gonna follow you (either players or admins). That's my opinion period.

Edited by Godrics
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well you did something good and used h5 

btw around when you think you will open the server


Very soon the prototype will be live (1-2 weeks), this time 90% of the server will be developed on live ALPHA where invited people can have access on the files, and players on the game during the ongoing development

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I'd like to ask a really irrelevant question. You.ve fought with everyone around the forum, Flaming, raging and insulting ppl w/o being provoked. How come you now ask for a cooperation from "all those who hyped players for aepvp" lol.

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I'd like to ask a really irrelevant question. You.ve fought with everyone around the forum, Flaming, raging and insulting ppl w/o being provoked. How come you now ask for a cooperation from "all those who hyped players for aepvp" lol.

i don't think he'll ask people to join or any coorparation,he just previewed his project,and there are two completely things,fightsdoesn't mean he won't make a good server,anyways ae was always good even better back then..i think it worths to be tried,fun pvp server

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xxdem this would have to be the most decent post I have ever read from you without insulting other's etc. Nice work  and I actually mean what I have said. I hope this works out for you and your team.



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Let's see they way you gonna fail on H5

I think he ll go better than interlude.at least ae never was dissapointment,all servers ae got decent and competitive online ppl..lets see

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