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Hello guys so i got this little problem where i want to commit the changes i made on "my" project l2jacis but a window pops up saying that i need a username and a pass the only think i found about this was this but there is not .git l2jacis so what exactly am i supposed to do ? any guides on that cause by searching words in here i am just keep getting a thousand topics that have nothing to do with commiting changes via eclipse on the server :/

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You have to create your own svn i got mine in xp-dev

And you have to upload your files there and then you can easily commit your changes

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You have to create your own svn i got mine in xp-dev

And you have to upload your files there and then you can easily commit your changes


Hehehe i was just thinking about that is assembla a free svn or do i have to pay for it? :O and do you recommend xp-dev as a good svn provider?

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Hello guys so i got this little problem where i want to commit the changes i made on "my" project l2jacis but a window pops up saying that i need a username and a pass the only think i found about this was this but there is not .git l2jacis so what exactly am i supposed to do ? any guides on that cause by searching words in here i am just keep getting a thousand topics that have nothing to do with commiting changes via eclipse on the server :/

I love how you say there is no guide or anything, yet i found 2.000 guides.


Edited by AccessDenied
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I love how you say there is no guide or anything, yet i found 2.000 guides.



i searced on Maxcheaters for SVN subversive guides :/  and did not find it also i was looking with false terms in google ---> for example how to commit changes on lineage via subversive so i was getting nothing of that kind...

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As you noticed, you must have access to the SVN. So, create your own svn, download project through Eclipse, do changes and commit :)


xp-dev is oki doki.

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xp-dev and assembla are both good SVN host, you have to make your own account as suggested Reborn.


If you use free revision, you're probably still linked to regular free aCis SVN. You normally can already check differences SVN<>local, but you can't commit anything (because only SweeTs can commit on this repository). If you already moved in your project, I recommend you stop, pick latest free, Team > Disconnect, then you can reconnect it on another SVN and upload the first commit. That way all next revisions are your own custom, and you get a control about what you edit.


If you are a customer and use latest, there isn't need to disconnect as sources you download are packed into a .rar. You have to import the project locally, then connect it to your SVN and commit. Just to let you know, if you're a customer and you share your project on public scale, you can be considered a leaker and be dropped. So be sure you create a private project (plus I doubt you want your server stuff goes public).

Edited by Tryskell
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Are both assembla and xp-rev free svn providers or do you have to get a membership because they both give you a trial but what happens after that? :) and btw thank you Tryskell for the info but for the time being i am using the free version atleast till i can get confident enough to get the "premium" one because right now it feels more like playing around and discovering new things rather than actually working on the project so getting the membership, well let's just say is not quite worth in my opinion but i believe that the time will come to get a membership and start working for real on the project :P

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Then you don't really need a SVN. Add customs on the free SVN, when the time comes, you create a diff patch - all in one. Comfortable way. I would say.


There is a free membership and premium, ofc. Dunno how it's now, but on xp-dev with free account you get like 50mb space (random value), which is enough for a project.

Edited by SweeTs
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Then you don't really need a SVN. Add customs on the free SVN, when the time comes, you create a diff patch - all in one. Comfortable way. I would say.


There is a free membership and premium, ofc. Dunno how it's now, but on xp-dev with free account you get like 50mb space (random value), which is enough for a project.


Yeah got it nowww thank you very much gonna try some stupid things now so god have mercy :P

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