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im searching from all client (Gracia till GOD) UTX files inside systextures

- L2Font-e.utx
- L2UI.utx
- L2UI_CH1.utx
- L2UI_CH3.utx

- icon.utx 

Edited by StinkyMadness
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im searching from all client (Gracia till GOD) UTX files inside systextures


- L2Font-e.utx

- L2UI.utx

- L2UI_CH1.utx

- L2UI_CH3.utx


Best way to do is to install clients, sometimes people modify alot of things in ui.ch but yea download a server's patch is the fastest way.

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i have to download much clients and my SSD Space not helping ;D

I have to search rly to much till i find server having this files inside :D


- icon.utx added

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