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Posted (edited)

How can i fix the red marked errors:

1. ipconfig.xml | I tried to copy default-ipconfig.xml in eclipse Project Explorer, then re-named it to "ipconfig.xml", which has just been lead... to another error.

2. missing property for key | I simply don't understand this, i've checked the "Feature.properties" in eclipse Project Explorer and all values are listed there, so... why is that? oO

3. hexid.txt | Do i have to create this file by myself or why i cant find it in eclipse Project Explorer? x.x

4. mapregion | How this data can't be exist? x.x Is there any way to fix that?

[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration...
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForNeutralSide using default value: 15
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForLightSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForDarkSide using default value: 30
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForNeutralSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForLightSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForDarkSide using default value: 20
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [General.properties] missing property for key: WorldChatInterval using default value: 20secs
[23:28:23] Config: Could not load HexID file (./config/hexid.txt). Hopefully login will give us one.
[23:28:23] Config: Loaded 6 Filter Words.
[23:28:23] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Updated characters online status.
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: 102912 id's available.
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engines ]
[23:28:24] ScriptEngineManager: ScriptEngine: L2J Java Engine 1.0 (Java [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
[23:28:24] ServerPluginProvider: Loaded 0 plugins
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Telnet ]
[23:28:24] TelnetServer: Telnet server is currently disabled.
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ World ]
[23:28:24] GameTimeController: Started.
[23:28:24] World: (288 by 272 by 32) World Region Grid set up.
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\mapregion doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 0 map regions.
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: 19 by 18 Zone Region Grid set up.
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\zones doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\zones\npcSpawnTerritories doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: Loaded 0 zone classes and 0 zones.
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territoriers.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.getInstance(ZoneManager.java:754)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:195)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:453)
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
at java.util.OptionalInt.getAsInt(OptionalInt.java:118)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.load(ZoneManager.java:408)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.<init>(ZoneManager.java:90)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager$SingletonHolder.<clinit>(ZoneManager.java:759)
... 3 more




Edited by camolus

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  • 0
Posted (edited)

Nice...ok in this case it seems like i have to give up on L2Junity Datapack...well....

This is just our world...its all about money :)

Good luck with your Datapack! :)



I feel your inner despise against "free" things, words of an real capitalist. I'm sorry for not being like you...

Which donate button, i don't use "buttons" on my page. I designed the "retro-style", the "modern-style" is not designed by me!

Few bucks?....50,00€ is just few bucks for you? Wow, i wish i would be that wealthy to talk about 50€ like that.

So go buy their source if you really go for live server which i know you do, you already admitted it.

I would never deny it! You are right, but i'm still noob and need to learn more. If i get: knowledge+deeper insight+money+a solid plan, i will surely pay the membership fee.

But this will take time....

Trust me i would give you a ban you 5 minute ago if i had the chance but we can arrange this.

I see, you really like me....


We don't have really financial interest with this server, just building it up and get enough money for dedicated server monthly fee's, but its all about money, like so often in life.....


Well my imagination of balanced is already like that:
No L2 Counter Strike = Balanced :D

It may not coincide with your imagination of "Balanced", but at least you know what i mean now.


Post Script:

The Shilen page is just an beta version, an sample, the page still needs content.

Our server is in an very early development phase, point 0....



I will, when i got enough € to effort that...but actually i can't....

Edited by camolus
  • 0

Welcome in real world. Why we should help you for free or even give you something for free?

Leechers will take it and sell it for money. We will get nothing back from it and they will profit.


Be happy that we went for Freemium system and we shared something from our work "FOR FREE".

And as you mentioned before, you would like to profit from something you got for FREE... cmon.

  • 0
Posted (edited)


I understand your point,...unfortunately, its always like this...you give and others TAKE.

Thats human nature, ...don't expect anything else from a species which behaves like parasites to their own living space/planet....

because this behaviour reflects on any other things in life...

0- Expectations = Realistic :)


Yes, i'm happy with the freemium option, gives at least some time to learn, learning before using is important thing to me, i'm still to noob for this .D

I would have no problem to share some donation income with you, but its a long way, till we are that far.

Edited by camolus
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Nice...ok in this case it seems like i have to give up on L2Junity Datapack...well....

This is just our world...its all about money :)

Good luck with your Datapack! :)



I feel your inner despise against "free" things, words of an real capitalist. I'm sorry for not being like you...

Which donate button, i don't use "buttons" on my page. I designed the "retro-style", the "modern-style" is not designed by me!

Few bucks?....50,00€ is just few bucks for you? Wow, i wish i would be that wealthy to talk about 50€ like that.

I would never deny it! You are right, but i'm still noob and need to learn more. If i get: knowledge+deeper insight+money+a solid plan, i will surely pay the membership fee.

But this will take time....

I see, you really like me....


We don't have really financial interest with this server, just building it up and get enough money for dedicated server monthly fee's, but its all about money, like so often in life.....


Well my imagination of balanced is already like that:

No L2 Counter Strike = Balanced :D

It may not coincide with your imagination of "Balanced", but at least you know what i mean now.


Post Script:

The Shilen page is just an beta version, an sample, the page still needs content.

Our server is in an very early development phase, point 0....



I will, when i got enough € to effort that...but actually i can't....


You piece of * before i ensure you won't post in this forum again allow me to prove you wrong.

About me kiddo


1st, I made the most successful tutorials in L2 section and more than 60k people got helped in 3 years and 3k added me on skype asking daily for huge problems (back when i had time to help).

I opened a topic and i help - post small codes for people who want free stuff.

I help others whenever i can in report section. So take your capitalist and shove it back to your stinky ass.



2nd dead smelly carcass eaten by vultures, you're trying to make money at the expense of others. Not only you got free source, not only the developers of it helping you for free, not only you are allowed to post any question, not only you "demand for a future fix soon" without pay, but in addition you make a reference in capitalism. If titanic 2 were in our screens, your life would be the shipreck not titanic itself.


3rd homo erectus, cercopithecus, you speak for capitalist when you do the same shit, you take free things, you try make money from others but you pay shit. 


Please crawl back to your cave where you belong and if any of L2Junity devs answers in this topic again, they are more pathetic than alextoti's project.


PS. back when i couldn't even open eclipse yes i paid 50 euro for an event. And you don't even pay 20 euro for access on premium source.

Also share what? Income? Rofl from what? This project can't even run in localhost yet and you want make it online? OH i forgot you got this pro website





Ps. SweeTs if you see this, in the sake of forum LOCK THIS.

He don't need help he need free devs to solve his problems

Edited by AccessDenied
  • 0

You can't really blame someone or a system because of your own newbiness. And yes, it takes a huge time to develop and to maintain something STABLE. Devs are free to monetize, because after all, YOU will monetize your own server with donations. Why not developers - who are the ONLY point you can open a server - wouldn't do it ?


50€ is strictly nothing for a server with decent population. In fact it's a matter of a single "middle-size" donation. If you're blocked with 50€, don't open a server... Because that's around the price you will pay MONTHLY to maintain your host.


About capitalism thing, a developer uses his time and brain cells to create something, why would it be free ? Does someone give him free food and free house ? Nope. If you want free things, you have to give things too. Which you aren't able to provide (both "financial" and "intel", as you are blocked on such stuff). So you're just one of what I call "leechers", people who uses a pack but whom pack got no benefits to know the existence.


I personally dev for fun, and the money I ask is strictly nothing compared to the amount of work done. If I was asking the dev price of a French engineer, be assured that would be at least x3 to x10 prices.

  • 0

I love how people are surprised with prices like 50 quid.

In the real word (outside of a shitty forum where people sett shitty packs for 20 quid) something like Unity or aCis would cost at least 3 digits to buy.

  • 0

I love how people are surprised with prices like 50 quid.

In the real word (outside of a shitty forum where people sett shitty packs for 20 quid) something like Unity or aCis would cost at least 3 digits to buy.


I made a fast calculation, to be correctly paid (french lowest salary is called SMIC and is atm 1466€) I should code one changeset every 3 days and raise the price from 10 to 25€ for 10 revisions. For a French Java dev, I guess I can easily ask 40€ / 10 revisions (2k to 3k / month).


And obviously, I can't produce my current changesets in only 3 days. A changeset happens at best every week. Or I must cut content by 5/10.


And that's for a "subscription" system. If you were using a "flat pack" system, it would probably cost 3 digits, as you said, without any updates.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Just to be pathetic


Learn when someone is using you and when someone is asking for help. 

He did a question? You answered? Good. If he does 50 questions and he "blame" for bugs on a new project then you should realise

that something is going wrong


You can't really blame someone or a system because of your own newbiness. And yes, it takes a huge time to develop and to maintain something STABLE. Devs are free to monetize, because after all, YOU will monetize your own server with donations. Why not developers - who are the ONLY point you can open a server - wouldn't do it ?


50€ is strictly nothing for a server with decent population. In fact it's a matter of a single "middle-size" donation. If you're blocked with 50€, don't open a server... Because that's around the price you will pay MONTHLY to maintain your host.


About capitalism thing, a developer uses his time and brain cells to create something, why would it be free ? Does someone give him free food and free house ? Nope. If you want free things, you have to give things too. Which you aren't able to provide (both "financial" and "intel", as you are blocked on such stuff). So you're just one of what I call "leechers", people who uses a pack but whom pack got no benefits to know the existence.


I personally dev for fun, and the money I ask is strictly nothing compared to the amount of work done. If I was asking the dev price of a French engineer, be assured that would be at least x3 to x10 prices.


Stop speak sensibly to everyone, no worth it. 


I love how people are surprised with prices like 50 quid.

In the real word (outside of a shitty forum where people sett shitty packs for 20 quid) something like Unity or aCis would cost at least 3 digits to buy.


L2Scripts (1250 euro) (Unfinished functions, no working scripts, fucked up rb's, disappointed clients)

L2aCis (free) (Can be stable with a little bit work)


Outside world a work like this would cost 5000-6000 euro to get a project and open a "game". 


This is why back in 2009 i paid 55 euro to a developer to make me an event that spawn raidboss and players fight it and i didnt even use it. 

I appreciate people. 2k16 kids.. they not even appreciate their shit.

Edited by AccessDenied
  • 0

That's nothing, l2j server h5 from September 2014 was up till late 2015 for me, totally forgot it.

  • 0

That's nothing, l2j server h5 from September 2014 was up till late 2015 for me, totally forgot it.


If it can stay up for 2 months, it can stay up ad vitam aeternam.


So you left a server on without any update for more than one year ? Shame ! :P

  • 0
Posted (edited)

You piece of * before i ensure you won't post in this forum again allow me to prove you wrong.

 Oh not just capitalist....a dictator too...yea i was wrong about you, i agree....

"kiddo" is that an english word?



1st, I made the most successful tutorials in L2 section and more than 60k people got helped in 3 years and 3k added me on skype asking daily for huge problems (back when i had time to help).
I opened a topic and i help - post small codes for people who want free stuff.


I help others whenever i can in report section. So take your capitalist and shove it back to your stinky ass.

You are disappointed, i'm sorry.... but this wont change the fact, that you're acting capitalistic with primary financial interest,

but that's ok, i just think....your are overdoing it.... i have no problem with "moderate" capitalism...

But that's just my opinion, its alright for me when others are not the same opinion like me :)

Everyone...its own truth.....


You are good at cursing, nice skill! Be proud of it :)

Yes, i want to make money, sure....i'm such a bad person, think whatever you want, i don't care,

just go on crying, i can understand your pain, you are so misunderstood =/

There is no need to say anything against your judgement, you already know everything about me...

So go on....

Just a Shipwreck, i could be so much more for you :*



3. I do the same things interesting...

I can't remember that i've written an text on shilen webpage, which "forces" players to pay.

But its ok, you know it better :)

Sure, i want only money, that's the only reason i want to open an private server.

Believe whatever you want, its ok for me, it is your truth,

everyone believes what they want to believe, facts just don't matter :)



Please crawl back to your cave

*Crawls back in his Cave*  :ph34r:



Please crawl back to your cave where you belong and if any of L2Junity devs answers in this topic again, they are more pathetic than alextoti's project.

Wow o.o This turns into an burning crusade against.....erm....erveryone? XD

Its ok, you are frustrated....i understand that.... just let yourself go.....



This project can't even run in localhost yet and you want make it online? OH i forgot you got this pro website

You don't want to understand :)

Any further explanation is futile....


Pro website? Why is it pro?

Why do you pick so much on the web-page? XD


Look...i think it would be an good idea to create an "Enter-Page",

so the people can choose which style of page they want to choose/enter....

But an capitalistic dictator maybe cannot understand....democratic aspects....


Before i forget, i really like caves, they are dark and comfy :3 


Last but not least, i want to repeat:

I do not have a problem to share something, when i have something!


Donations must be an act of a free decision, otherwise i wont accept this money!

A good server + fun, is worth the payment! (just my opinion)...

I will do not force any player to pay donations in order to get gear or becoming better than other players,

money will not decide who will rule in L2, only SKILL + POWER will decide who will rule! (just my opinion)


Call me an idealistic/naive fanatic, i will agree  8)

Edited by camolus
  • 0
Posted (edited)

 Oh not just capitalist....a dictator too...yea i was wrong about you, i agree....

"kiddo" is that an english word?


You are disappointed, i'm sorry.... but this wont change the fact, that you're acting capitalistic with primary financial interest, but that's ok, i just think....your are overdoing it.... i have no problem with "moderate" capitalism... But that's just my opinion, its alright for me when others are not the same opinion like me :)

Everyone...its own truth.....


You are good at cursing, nice skill! Be proud of it :)

Yes, i want to make money, sure....i'm such a bad person, think whatever you want, i don't care,

just go on crying, i can understand your pain, you are so misunderstood =/

There is no need to say anything against your judgement, you already know everything about me...

So go on....

Just a Shipwreck, i could be so much more for you :*



3. I do the same things interesting...

I can't remember that i've written an text on shilen webpage, which "forces" players to pay.

But its ok, you know it better :)

Sure, i want only money, that's the only reason i want to open an private server.

Believe whatever you want, its ok for me, it is your truth, everyone believes what they want to believe, facts just don't matter :)


*Crawls back in his Cave*  :ph34r:


Wow o.o This turns into an burning crusade against.....erm....erveryone? XD

Its ok, you are frustrated....i understand that.... just let yourself go.....


You don't want to understand :)

Any further explanation is futile....



See what i did there? You don't even exist for me thats how low you're. Your 50 lines text was like "eyes: incoming cancer avoid it !!!"

Edited by AccessDenied
  • 0



See what i did there? You don't even exist for me thats how low you're.

Yea, i don't even exist for you, ...that's why you still responding to my posts ^_^

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