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Class Master Problem?



So my problem with him is a little weird .


I can spawn him normally but he doesnt stay in the game after server restart.

Before you answer let me tell you that

1)he is at custom_npc

2) at custom_spawnlist


# -----------------------
#  Class Master -
# -----------------------
# Allow Change Class with ClassMaster
AllowClassMasters = True


# Spawn Class Master npc if you have any in spawnlist. Default = False
SpawnClassMaster = True


5)I have many custom npc all spawning none leaving after restart

6)I change him from ClassMaster to VillageMaster and he stays on server after restart but he cannot give classes.

7)Every NPC that I change to L2ClassMaster goes invisible after server restart.and I have to respawn it.


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# --------------------------
#  Custom Tables -
# --------------------------

Make your settings here.

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I already reinstalled but this doesnt seem to be the problem.


about the tables are fine I already checked that too .


The problem seems to be with L2ClassMaster as I said , cause every NPC that I change to L2ClassMaster becomes invisible after restart . but if I change the problematic npc to something else L2Monster or L2VillageMaster its coming back after the restart.

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thanks for the answers guys but I already done all the previous of these but as I told you before when I change a NPC to L2ClassMaster it disappears after restart and the opposite, if I change the "roy the cat" to L2Villager or something else everything is ok but of course I cant change classes.


And SweeTs what do you mean by check the instance?

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Btw, as far as I remember, there is some stupid config like save spawns after restart. Maybe there is something like that for class master as well. Hail frozen -.-

Edited by SweeTs
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well yes I didnt fix that as long it is a java problem. Unfortunately at my PC I only have server files not source files or something and I never used eclipse so I dont know how to start .


Do you have anything else to suggest?

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Nop, not really. You said it's only happening for ClassMaster instance, so.. I would look into it, but you need sources to dig. You should choose pack with sources.

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I only have server files not source files or something and I never used eclipse so I dont know how to start .

I think that topic must lock because if we provide you help for pre-compiled pack without sources, you will never learn.

Trust me it's for your own good.

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