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How Lineage 2 Being Doing In The Last Few Years ?

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Its not (only) about "2 weeks full items", just about you, the players. Why the heck you change servers every few days if you know that the same will happen on next server. Make your gear and pew pew - thats all you want do, as fast as possible. So no, its not server fault, just your.

I agree.


Unfortunately most players have lemming mentality and will mindlessly follow the trends. It's like some people just must cry, complain and rage quit just to do it again and again...


I've got nothing against donations. It's personal choice to buy or not to buy. No one is forcing anyone to spend money. If a server is p2w then those who don't like it shouldn't move on.


In my spare time I'm working on a low rate x1 H5 and know that most people will think I'm crazy. For me it's about having fun, crating something and building community (even a small one). I know a few servers built with the same thing in mind. 


Unfortunately, and this is the most annoying thing, a bulk of bigger and bad servers often ruins prospects for the underdogs by setting messed up standards. This only causes players look at all server through the prism of the messed up experience they had.


And it's not only true for Lineage 2, almost all private servers of any game have that problem... which again, boils down to players mentality.

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bcs u since u got gear, its bored game


thats why ppl change serber for new gear, make some fun and bye again

That could be valid for a low rate server, but for high rate/pvp server where you are geared within an hour or two. It's like changing socks, new server pops up, let's go there, next day another server pops up, let's go there. Endless useless loop.


If people would be smart enough and would stay on one server they really like, there is active, capable admin(s) and screw new servers popping up next day, then we would have less servers overall. That way new server open, no one give a damn, insta close. But the community prefer to go to that new server, play few hours, cry how shitty it is and boom, searching for new server :dat:

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That could be valid for a low rate server, but for high rate/pvp server where you are geared within an hour or two. It's like changing socks, new server pops up, let's go there, next day another server pops up, let's go there. Endless useless loop.


If people would be smart enough and would stay on one server they really like, there is active, capable admin(s) and screw new servers popping up next day, then we would have less servers overall. That way new server open, no one give a damn, insta close. But the community prefer to go to that new server, play few hours, cry how shitty it is and boom, searching for new server :dat:

I was talking exactly for low-mid rate servers.. And the truth is that there is always donor with better gear than your..

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I was talking exactly for low-mid rate servers.. And the truth is that there is always donor with better gear than your..

So what? :dat: That does not change anything. That should motivate you to get better gear and move on, rather than emo quit like many ppl do. :D

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That could be valid for a low rate server, but for high rate/pvp server where you are geared within an hour or two. It's like changing socks, new server pops up, let's go there, next day another server pops up, let's go there. Endless useless loop.


If people would be smart enough and would stay on one server they really like, there is active, capable admin(s) and screw new servers popping up next day, then we would have less servers overall. That way new server open, no one give a damn, insta close. But the community prefer to go to that new server, play few hours, cry how shitty it is and boom, searching for new server :dat:

90% of admins are unskilled and their server has bugs which ruin the gameplay.

The rest 10% is just corrupted. (That doesnt mean that this 90% isnt ,just saying)


But wait a minute....

Why admins tell us to flood every single skype/facebook/OTHER PRIVATE SERVER'S FORUM to advertise the server?

If someone wants something like this (stable online and stuff),then as forum mod u should ban servers which open for donates 100 times/homemade servers and etc.Everyone opens a server with shared files nowadays and u expect community to support it.


I dont know why u defend these people but u know that its both side's fault.


Things like : donation before server announce donate button / server reopens and flood other server's forum and sh1t = delete /junk topic without coming back.

If advertisement was with half of the servers,the online counter would be bigger.

Edited by bravetobe
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Just by accident I found this thread on MXC




I think it's obvious why it was closed. It actually fits quite nicely to this discussion.


This whole L2 private server thing just falls under the free market rules. It regulates itself and allows people to chose what service they want to invest their time and money in. There will always be crap and unfair competition. Imposing artificial restrictions is just pointless and unhealthy.


My biggest problem is that bad servers aimed at quick $ are spoiling chances for solid (even very small) servers to shine through. Nowadays almost every server announcement gets auto-flame responses right of the bat for some crappy reasons.


I blame bad, money grabbing admins, but no more than entitled and spoiled players that act tough from the safety of their bedroom. It's easier to point out the bad than focus on positives after all. We live in "the glass is half empty" world looks like it.

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90% of admins are unskilled and their server has bugs which ruin the gameplay.

The rest 10% is just corrupted. (That doesnt mean that this 90% isnt ,just saying)

Yea, that's true. There is many wannbe admins obviously, who don't even check their pack/features and they just open right away and close after a day cuz there is too much issues/bugs/glitches and whatsoever. :P


Why admins tell us to flood every single skype/facebook/OTHER PRIVATE SERVER'S FORUM to advertise the server?

Now everything is about the friendship. If clan X goes "here", clan Y goes as well and so on. At least it's what I noticed. As you said, it's ppl choice, that's why they spread the news.


as forum mod u should ban servers which open for donates 100 times/homemade servers and etc. Everyone opens a server with shared files nowadays and u expect community to support it.

Doesn't matter if it's 'shared' or not. Since all packs are somehow shared. Paying for a pack is not a problem. Haa that's actually a idea, like gevor servers, should be junked in no time. We all know his shitty quality, but from another side, why should we be the judges, decide if someone should/can open a server/advertise it.


I dont know why u defend these people but u know that its both side's fault.

I am not protecting them, but it's mostly community fault. People noticed what's going on and open servers. If ppl would NOT change server after they geared up, such situation won't happen. But yeah.. Shitty servers are springing up like mushrooms after the rain.

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what do you think what will happen about lineage 2 at next 5 years .. i see that players just fucos on high five and interlude  the past 5 years same thing but the next 5 years ?? just open server then close nothing big happen   ?? i saw on youtube that they will make phone game and now in korea language ... mmorpg in phone " touch" so weird i think .. 

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Yea, that's true. There is many wannbe admins obviously, who don't even check their pack/features and they just open right away and close after a day cuz there is too much issues/bugs/glitches and whatsoever. :P


Now everything is about the friendship. If clan X goes "here", clan Y goes as well and so on. At least it's what I noticed. As you said, it's ppl choice, that's why they spread the news.


Doesn't matter if it's 'shared' or not. Since all packs are somehow shared. Paying for a pack is not a problem. Haa that's actually a idea, like gevor servers, should be junked in no time. We all know his shitty quality, but from another side, why should we be the judges, decide if someone should/can open a server/advertise it.


I am not protecting them, but it's mostly community fault. People noticed what's going on and open servers. If ppl would NOT change server after they geared up, such situation won't happen. But yeah.. Shitty servers are springing up like mushrooms after the rain.

Noone has problem if someone is going to work into a shared pack.The thing is ,they dont improve anything into that pack and since it shared,we all know that this pack has bugs.Noone is going to work hard and after share it.There are actually very good shares around from skilled people but i m talking about a whole project itself at this point.In other words,these people just get these files and they dont even try to improve them.

The point in this ,is that they actually want fast cash and wipe and there u go over and over again the same loop.


If MxC starts that kind of bans into those people,it will help people who spend time and work hard into their own projects.

Unknown servers have to be placed in a specific category and adding a poll into each server's topic will help mods to manage those servers.


Well... First of all,i find kind of funny the fact that people make trailer vids.When i see any kind of it,i m like "WTF this dude thinks that we just see this game for first time.Let me guess tho,i will see mobs or archers into F1 aka skilled aka master yi right click doing pvp."

The topics have to change.They have to be smaller and the last part of the topic has to include something that we will see in that server and not in any other (Why should we join this server instead of any other).

"Categorizing" servers into "random unknown" and seperating the servers which are made by skilled admins with those from unknown,will be a good start at this point.

Adding a poll + post ,will actually help someone to jump from the one category into the other.

If u dont start junking those "BasilisBESTDEVEU" aka plz free files and someone who works hard into his project,then the forum itself is stupid and without meaning.Except from the bot/hacking part,this forum is a place where people can advertise their server.Lets give a chance to skilled people and not those who go for the fast cash.


These are a few thoughts tho but i m pretty sure that a few people around are bored into watching servers wiping and opening again just for cash.When someone floods someone else's forum,thats BM and totaly unprofessional.

Edited by bravetobe
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You see what happened with topic about that idea. Maxtor locked it.. Also, mxc in not the only place where you can advertise. So, that changes almost nothing. Anyway.

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You can build a good server with zero programming knowledge, but great management skills, you know? So, how can you decide if the server deserves to be published or not? We've seen a lot of fail servers, developed by people with good programming knowledge, and servers with no development teams with great success. :lol:

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You see what happened with topic about that idea. Maxtor locked it.. Also, mxc in not the only place where you can advertise. So, that changes almost nothing. Anyway.


You can build a good server with zero programming knowledge, but great management skills, you know? So, how can you decide if the server deserves to be published or not? We've seen a lot of fail servers, developed by people with good programming knowledge, and servers with no development teams with great success. :lol:

Thats the half truth.The "management skills" that u are pointing out its the obvious: hiring someone with it(knowledge).Its the same thing,isnt it tho?

Anyway,about the second part of ur post and how can someone decide if the server is published or not in this forum: Do u like the current situation?Thats the question.Neither admins like this kind of unstable community neither community likes the fast cash servers which have duration 2 weeks with unskilled admins waiting to grow up their server.


Dont expect to do something over and over again and having a different result.Thats the reason why i said that those are a few thoughts.Someone can try different things from time to time for a short of time to check the results.


You cant change the world if u dont change urself in the first place

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We already suggested such sort of 'approval', section management. Recently maxtor locked Access' topic about that, saying 'no way', in short. As far as I remember. So, we can only talk.

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I almost got Perma Chat ban because i "judge" someone who contributes in ruining (more) the whole idea behind L2 and i refer to alextoti who recently opened a project. The conversation ended with staff telling me "forum already has less member than it used to be don't make it worst".


Something that this forum never understood is that quality is better than quantity. I prefer 10 quality topics than 44 bad and 2 average and 1 good. Maxtor e.t.c rejected any topic i did. We all know that Lineage 2 is being used as an object to earn money in our days and nobody can say the opposite. 


Even if we ignore this fact and accept that L2 is still "ok", there should be someone who manage the upcoming servers. I know there are many forums / sites to advertise but this no mean if others are giving a fuck maxc must copy and do the same. I saw recently 5 server from Scammer MrPro and 3 server from Scammer DevorakoC. I mean if this is good for maxc then ok.

Edited by Τζίμης Πανούσης
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I fucking hate my skype.. I guy is re-opening his server for like 100th time this month and adding me with different accounts every time to advertise his server.. and guess what.. its the same server every time with different date of OBT or official opening date.. when i asked him why he open srv for 1 week > close it and open another with the same name the answer was - because fuck you, thats why..

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