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Posted (edited)

I don't need help, I need you to pay your debts and stop dragging EU economy down  :rage:

Awww baby :/  :-[  does it hurt you that much? Im sorry you have to live with that. I really am.. but wont happen.


I love you so muchhh 1z4yjgg.png

Edited by AccessDenied

Awww baby :/  :-[  does it hurt you that much? Im sorry you have to live with that. I really am.. but wont happen.


I love you so muchhh 1z4yjgg.png


It hurts everyone in Europe Union, if it wasn't for Greece we would now be least 2 years further. Greece right now is a total economic sinkhole, the money you owe us could've been used for subsidies to infrastructure, education, healthcare, science, culture... 


So yes it does hurt me. Nobody really expects you to pay it but at least don't act all upset when we're salty about it.  :you serious?:

Posted (edited)

Just chatban that dude if u respect urselves as greeks... at least.


2012 greek debt was around 300 billions into banks.it was 170% GDP and somehow economic crisis in EU comes from Greece....


but if someone respect himself and he isnt actually a braindamaged guy who chew over and over again those retarded things that he is listening into TV u will see



  23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png United Kingdom 9,591,672,000,000 31 March 2014 146,244 569 23px-Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png Luxembourg[note 1] 3,472,282,000,000 31 March 2014 3,696,467


23px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png Netherlands 2,526,895,000,000 31 March 2014 226,503 316 23px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png Sweden 1,145,785,000,000 31 March 2014 91,487 187





If u cant control Greece,u wont have any gas from Azerbaijan or Qatar so their friends Russians will be the only one who provides gas into Germany (just check how much they need Russian's gas/oil).

War in Syria is just a "bad luck" event and not the fact that Qatar/Arabians have to control Syria (muricans) ....


If u have selfrespect ,stop trashtalking about greeks and just git gud


P.S I just said the basics... im not gonna waste my time with retards

Edited by bravetobe

Just chatban that dude if u respect urselves as greeks... at least.


2012 greek debt was around 300 billions into banks.it was 170% GDP and somehow economic crisis in EU comes from Greece....


but if someone respect himself and he isnt actually a braindamaged guy who chew over and over again those retarded things that he is listening into TV u will see



  23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png United Kingdom 9,591,672,000,000 31 March 2014 146,244 569 23px-Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png Luxembourg[note 1] 3,472,282,000,000 31 March 2014 3,696,467


23px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png Netherlands 2,526,895,000,000 31 March 2014 226,503 316 23px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png Sweden 1,145,785,000,000 31 March 2014 91,487 187





If u cant control Greece,u wont have any gas from Azerbaijan or Qatar so their friends Russians will be the only one who provides gas into Germany (just check how much they need Russian's gas/oil).

War in Syria is just a "bad luck" event and not the fact that Qatar/Arabians have to control Syria (muricans) ....


If u have selfrespect ,stop trashtalking about greeks and just git gud


P.S I just said the basics... im not gonna waste my time with retards


You try so hard for what?.. Cant you see he is just a fail troll like trumb? (which might be trumb not sure).


clinton voters lmao

trumb and clinton voters rofl but sure lets no speak about 1953 when greece forgave Germany debt.. lets no speak about the things we offer.. lets just judge greece because it has fail politicians and its people suffer yet even know

there was a period that world EU got inspired by us and started scream even tho we are idiots and sat afk -.-

Posted (edited)

Edit: Anyway,i m gonna delete that since i dont wanna open any discussion with any braindmged kid in this forum which isnt already banned.


lata b1tches

Edited by bravetobe

Clinton or Trump... Trump by far.Clinton is way too dangerous.(The latest leak about her emails revealed that she demands help and guns to ISIS/rebels in Syria).Guess what tho,noone talks about it.


Well since majority of US media are liberal, it's kind of expected they won't talk about stuff that hurts Clinton's campaign.


Anyway I expect Clinton to win anyway, the whole system looks rigged to me. I mean when 2 out of 3 electronic voting service providers are Clinton Foundation donors, I don't think anyone expects a fair fight in November.


To be fair, Hillary looks like a nice person to me, but at this point she's completely owned by her contributors so I definitely wouldn't want her as a president. Trump is a rude asshole but at least he isn't owned by Wall Street.


Also, unlike Clinton, Trump doesn't seem to be too interested in overseas wars which is the only thing relevant to me as European.


Less "democratization" in middle east -> less people with no homes -> less refugess. So all in all, Trump 2016 by me.


Well since majority of US media are liberal, it's kind of expected they won't talk about stuff that hurts Clinton's campaign.


Anyway I expect Clinton to win anyway, the whole system looks rigged to me. I mean when 2 out of 3 electronic voting service providers are Clinton Foundation donors, I don't think anyone expects a fair fight in November.


To be fair, Hillary looks like a nice person to me, but at this point she's completely owned by her contributors so I definitely wouldn't want her as a president. Trump is a rude asshole but at least he isn't owned by Wall Street.


Also, unlike Clinton, Trump doesn't seem to be too interested in overseas wars which is the only thing relevant to me as European.


Less "democratization" in middle east -> less people with no homes -> less refugess. So all in all, Trump 2016 by me.

Its huge discussion which cannot be done into a forum and the majority of the people nowadays just repeat the same words which they read/listen from social media.

Thats the reason actually why i removed/editted my last post.


I will say just a thing: Someone uneducated 50 IQ singer who has billions ,went to sing and support her.Every single famous singer/actor etc supports her even tho there are leaks of her emails.

Thats way too suspicious but noone can convince a stupid guy that he is actually stupid,because he has to be smart in the first place to understand it and aknowledge it.

Muricans are famous for their IQ (just try to watch vids in youtube and laugh for a week straight with staged-non staged answers).


Crisis and debts -> a country on its knees.


Muricans are famous for their IQ (just try to watch vids in youtube and laugh for a week straight with staged-non staged answers).


I wouldn't really say Americans are generally less intelligent than other countries, but anyway you're right those random street quizes on youtube raise some questions about the principle of the entire voting process... Nicely put by the man himself:




i could write 1 big essay to close some strange mouths saying shits about greek debt etc.

but i let them know that we entered EU(euro coin) because germany wanted to, we didn't meet the criteria (too high debt) and germany with the worst politican party in greece (PASOK) cook the numbers with Goldman sachs and we joined this shit,

remember that when you take money from a bank they ask you to prove you can pay them

we couldnt pay them! They continue give money to our politicians (via commission-corruption) and then 3-4 big families have money for 30 centuries when greeks take money we can't pay back!

TANGO NEEDS 2! We have traitors but you give the money to our traitors, SIEMENS, military programs, imports, without the money you lent us your big multinational

companies wouldn't have that big mouth now, stop crying for greece because in your countries you are work machines no life no nothing, now take the ///**** with immigrants suffer from cheap jihadists from wars you paid to happen, stop crying for money you lent to the trash


i could write 1 big essay to close some strange mouths saying shits about greek debt etc.

but i let them know that we entered EU(euro coin) because germany wanted to, we didn't meet the criteria (too high debt) and germany with the worst politican party in greece (PASOK) cook the numbers with Goldman sachs and we joined this shit,

remember that when you take money from a bank they ask you to prove you can pay them

we couldnt pay them! They continue give money to our politicians (via commission-corruption) and then 3-4 big families have money for 30 centuries when greeks take money we can't pay back!

TANGO NEEDS 2! We have traitors but you give the money to our traitors, SIEMENS, military programs, imports, without the money you lent us your big multinational

companies wouldn't have that big mouth now, stop crying for greece because in your countries you are work machines no life no nothing, now take the ///**** with immigrants suffer from cheap jihadists from wars you paid to happen, stop crying for money you lent to the trash


Fair point, it's mostly Germany's fault 

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