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Myext64 - My New Opensource Gracia Final/epilogue Extender

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So I've checked olympiad and clan skills and I have it already fixed here: https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/11b6b4885567f236ae160ff01c8fe5a81718ea5f


When I left clan, all clan skills and ward effects disappeared so this is OK.


Now I have to check bug with learning subclass skills...


Btw, anyone here with some experience with sin eater dupe bug? Is it gracia final bug? Someone told me about it but I don't know how to check/reproduce...

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What sin eater dupe bug? ; O


According to info of one of our beta players there should be some bug involving sin eater pet inventory but I can't find anything about it... In fact it could be bug in L2J or in some C4-ish l2off extender, really don't know...


One more question regarding subclass skill certification, how do you exactly do it? I've tried one skill with higher level than it should be:


7C 7F 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
and got disconnect. I've also tried this:
7C 7F 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
7C 7F 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 

I don't get disconnect then but it learns only one level. When I try two different skills at once:


7C 7E 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
7C 7F 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
it learns only the first one skill.
How do you do it? oO
Edited by eressea
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sin eater was first time abused on last raidfight.eu gf, they were using depmax ext

http://pastebin.com/G3VgVpjA here you can see it was fixed 2015.04.24, you can also take a look on rest for inspiration :D


//edit: other changelog: http://www.depmax64.com/en/products/changelog/2

about skill cert, maybe negative values

Edited by AlmostGood
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I just put a bp at the function call, go to the avantgarde npc, press learn skills, modify the level from 1 to 6 and voila, i got the lvl6 cert passive. tested on "gf.holywar.pw" server, its l2off

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another one i remind: if sws/bd dies after s/d, he can overlap songs/dances without multiplied mp cost


after playing rpgclub for few years since x30, there was many little craps i forgot :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

another one i remind: if sws/bd dies after s/d, he can overlap songs/dances without multiplied mp cost


after playing rpgclub for few years since x30, there was many little craps i forgot :D

If he doesnt have the buff on himself, ofc he can overlap it without increased manacost. The increased mana costs applies for each song/dance a sws/bd has up as a buff on himself. Always worked like this on retail.

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overlap implies he already has the effect on himself while casting skills again...

that's the point of that bug, he can keep disco all the time up and re-dance for base cost only, if you did ever play on gracia final l2off back in time, you could notice it was abused widely :D

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It has always been like this on retail tho, and only for 1 song or dance, as the effects are removed/reapplied.

no, it works as long you dont let s/d to fade out.

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Whaaat, are you tryin to say that if u dance 4 times, then instantly die, get bufs purged you still pay more mana for next dance? No, that does not make sense at all. If you die, buffs are removed and so u dance for 60 mana

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And what if some random person with 6 dances active joins party? Does it count for bd mana too? ; O

dances and songs cost is calculated only basing on what you already got on yourself as bd/sws before casting, other pt members doesn't matter at all.

Above bug/exploit make it to ignore already existing songs/dances so you can spend only base cost without multiplication, hope its clear enough now :D

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